Fallout 4: Speculation and Suggestions # 4

Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:36 pm

What I loved about Fallout 3 was that you got to see important monuments becoming decayed, and some even destroyed (in the case of the White House). It would be really great to have it in another city with a great monument in it, say Seattle, St. Louis, San Antonio (considering if the Alamo survives). New York would not be the best place in the world, because there is too much city. In order to get the Fallout-ish feel, you would need plains and cities. The world map would have to be 3 or 4 times bigger, and you need to have some form of transporation, due to all the bodies of water around New York city. New York would also just be more subways, somthing I didn't enjoy so much in Fallout 3. That would be just my two cents to where Fallout 4 might take place.
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:04 pm

MIT is in Cambridge Massachusetts and Boston is about 10 minutes away according to Google maps...There is a Commonwealth Ave. Think about it, Old Ironsides, Old North Church, Boston Common, Paul Revere's house, Kennedy Presidential library, Ted Williams tunnel, Bunker Hill, Fenway...The ocean, rivers, canols, Boston Harbor...

What a game that would be.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:36 pm

I'm probably going to get flamed for this but don't you think it would be interesting if we could play in a different time period, how about DURING the nuclear war? Get to see the bombs go off and witness the destruction.

Just a thought

After watching that horrific british short Threads, I think it would be very interesting to play just after the war. You were to go to the vault, but hwen you got there, it was already sealed. Have fun, Wastelander!

Link for Threads. If you ahven't seen it, it's worth a look:

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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:06 pm

That sir is a post! :lol:

deo, now that's hell of a story ! Good job !

I absolutely love your vision. I applaud you. You should defintely post more,or hell i'm sure you could get a job for Bethesda.
Also, I thought the art you made was good as well.. In the last pic, what's that neckless thing he's holding?

Thanks for the compliment everyone. It's a relief to hear people liked it! I do have more ideas that I might get to put to paper, eventually.
That necklace would play a vital part to the player, it's the homing beacon, in game it would serve two purposes; Firstly allow the player access back to the island, the only way back to them would be by ship, which would be sent when the signal is activated; Secondly, it would used to summon followers to the player's location, if one died during combat, the player could call in someone else from the island to join the group. I didn't really develop the ideas fully, so I didn't include it into the post.

Incidentally if any Devs read this, by some stroke of luck. Being part of Bethesda's design team would be nothing short of a miracle. But as far as I know, there aren't any openings, even internships are not listed on their page. If any Devs could take pity and throw a PM my way on the hiring process/ opening I'd be grateful.:deal:
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:25 pm

Fallout 4 will likely take place in the Commonwealth (Massachusetts), given how many mentions there are of it in FO3 and its add-ons.

You realize that Virginia is a commonwealth too, right? And that the entire portion of the map west of the river is virginia.
That's most likely why it's mentioned so often.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:32 am

I'd like a Fallout 4 taking place in an underwater city fraught with huge mutated dudes in diving suits & freakish little girls with injectors.

Wait, wait, that sounds familiar! lol.
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:16 pm

I would like to see improved user interface. It's annoying to have to search for notes for a quest that aren't together, like the 5 kelly tapes, and if u play 1 or for, they are greyed out, which makes them harder to read. I would like to see a sort function: alphabetica, quest, and time picked up. I also would like them to seperate active and completed quests instead of greying completed quests out.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:10 am

I would like to see improved user interface. It's annoying to have to search for notes for a quest that aren't together, like the 5 kelly tapes, and if u play 1 or for, they are greyed out, which makes them harder to read. I would like to see a sort function: alphabetica, quest, and time picked up. I also would like them to seperate active and completed quests instead of greying completed quests out.

I'm with you on that one. In addition I'd like them to "protect" special clothing and weapons. There is nothing like combining armor and poof goes your Reilly's Ranger Armor.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:10 am

I would like to see mines be more difficult to disarm, and in a far more interesting way ... wires and circuits, and getting it right before the flow of electric current time-downs and blows the mine.

Something like that was done in Fallout Tactics, trying to disarm the mine before it exploded and before they saw you trying was good fun and an interesting challenge.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:31 am

I may get flamed heavily for this, but i'm doing it anyway.

I think it would be kinda cool if in a Fallout 4 you can pick you characters voice (kinda' like in SoulCalibur 4), then it could have a conversation system similar to Mass Effect.

Flame Away.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:44 am

I may get flamed heavily for this, but i'm doing it anyway.

I think it would be kinda cool if in a Fallout 4 you can pick you characters voice (kinda' like in SoulCalibur 4), then it could have a conversation system similar to Mass Effect.

Flame Away.

That would be a great idea, but it would subtract from the fallout-esque type because in all the other games, you couldnt talk, only choose responses through text.

Voice quality and editing needs some work though. All the old people have the same voice and face features.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:45 am

Fallout 4 will likely take place in the Commonwealth (Massachusetts), given how many mentions there are of it in FO3 and its add-ons.

Maybe maybe not. Bethesda has a habit of brining in other regions to a games story and then never letting us go there. Or, maybe holding off until 3 or 4 more chapters are past.

LBHOH: you pretty much described what Tactics 2 would have been!

Anyway, i'd like a bit more backstory to the Talon Geeks and the ability to crush 'em into the dirt.

I would like it so that you could go in and take out the base and they would leave you alone, cutting off the head of the snake as it were. Or, maybe influencing them to stop attacking you or maybe be able to create a faction that would attack the other half. In other words, not just a generic group of "someone else to kill" but a group that you can do something about/with/for/against

I would like to see Fallout 4 set in Europe for a nice change

That would be cool to see the Eiffel Tower all bent and mangled, travel to the different countries on the trains as the tracks would probably mostly survive and just have to fix or build rail cars. But it would be cool to explore the wasteland of Europe. Maybe have Rammstein as the new base for the new bad guys faction. No particular reason other than Rammstein is a cool name for a military base.

I may get flamed heavily for this, but i'm doing it anyway.

I think it would be kinda cool if in a Fallout 4 you can pick you characters voice (kinda' like in SoulCalibur 4), then it could have a conversation system similar to Mass Effect.

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:26 pm

Speech. The in-game voice could be able to be adjusted to what you sound like, or what you want it to sound like. Just like you can configure what you look like.

I may get flamed heavily for this, but i'm doing it anyway.

I think it would be kinda cool if in a Fallout 4 you can pick you characters voice (kinda' like in SoulCalibur 4), then it could have a conversation system similar to Mass Effect.

Flame Away.

No danger of flaming ... we are in agreement ;)
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:23 pm

Haven't Bethesda already annonced Fallout: Las Vegas?

Anyway, I want to play as say, a decendant of the Lone Wanderer in Vegas, or a descendant of the Vault Dweller or Chosen One.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:28 am

I wouldn't mind a more cinematic approach to dialoque, personally. I think the "Hi, I'm the NPC you're talking to - and all I'll be doing is standing here delivering my lines," thing is getting a little old. That would be considered bad film-making, if every conversation the main character had was always with the same dead-on camera angle. So I think a bit more variety in the dialogue would be a nice thing. Even if they stole a bit from VATS, which seems to do a decent job of picking different camera angles, and did some of that with the dialogues it would make things more interesting. (I play in 3rd person though - so something like that might throw the first-person players a bit...)

I could go either way with voice, though. Not that big of a deal for me. Personally, I think the more "generic" you make the PC responses, the more you can project your own character into the conversation. If you're only picking the overall gist of what your character is saying, then you don't run into the "hey! My character wouldn't say that!" problem.
Haven't Bethesda already annonced Fallout: Las Vegas?

Anyway, I want to play as say, a decendant of the Lone Wanderer in Vegas, or a descendant of the Vault Dweller or Chosen One.

2 different games. New Vegas is being made by Obisidian. It's a spin-off of Fallout 3. Then (hypothetically, but likely still a safe bet) would be a Fallout 4, made by Bethesda, and a sequel to Fallout 3. :)
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:55 am

Truth be told, if all they did was improve the story, the side stories and add dialogue options but kept everything else the same I'd be happy. It would be neat to have the radio station give you back story on some of those named characters like Rock Salt, Gallo, A Wanderer and so forth. It's weird that they have a name but you can't really interact with them. Make sure a character like Sonora Cruz is protected. It's weird that she disappears when Littlehorn is always there. I have a couple hundred fingers right now, plus Plunkett's.

But, I hope they leave all the controls the same because nothing is worse than playing a game for hundreds and hundreds of hours and on the next one the buttons do different things and you have to adjust. In Halo 3 I think I spent half the game reloading instead of changing my gun or something like that.

I hope they change VATS so when you use 6 AP and the guy runs behind a wall they aren't wasted shooting the wall. I would like to think I'd be smart enough not to shoot the wall!

Or, when shooting at something you don't shoot the wall or debris in front of you. If your sights are on the target, that's where your shots should go.

When I use the gauss rifle at long range I have to aim at their feet to hit them in the body, I don't know if the sniper rifle is like that but I hope that gets fixed. Make movement adjustments finer when zoomed in when scoped, at long long range sometimes just a light touch on the control moves the sight from the left to the right side of the target without touching them.

Keep the NPC from running in front of you. I despise when I line up the perfect shot with my guass rifle and then Fawkes falls down with a critical hit because he moved in front of me.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:19 am

I hope Vats is completely changed in F4. It just felt like cheating and made the game way too easy.

Maybe they could make it like the old games; when you press the VATS button, it could zoom out to a cinematic isometric view above you and you could move and attack and so could your friends and enemies. And Vats shouldn't end until all enemies or you are dead.

Also, depending on the range of your weapon, you could pan the screen along so you could see more enemies.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:31 am

I would love to see FO4 somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

The trees could be mutated in interesting ways by the radiation, and caustic rain could add an entirely new dimension to survival. maybe it is in the Queen Charlette Islands and you have to travel on boats between the different islands while avoiding the killer whales and giant mutant otters?
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:27 am

Id like to see the ability of joining a faction. Maybe there has or has not been in the past games, but I wouldnt know because I havent played them. But Id like to see the chances of joining a faction or 2. Not too many, but enough to make the replayability that much better.
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:01 pm

Make the Power Armor as good as it should be. I don't want to be taking damage from a Mole Rat when I'm supposed to be a walking man tank of destruction.
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Post » Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:45 pm

More followers.
Allow more followers, obviously based on charisma or perhaps the actual numbered karma the character has. Perhaps with evil characters and followers, charisma is less important in determining your party size, but the magnitude of your evilness may be more important than the magnitude of your positively leaning karma is for good characters, where charisma is more important...
Numbered karma level is displayed, like in Fallout 1 and 2.
More small guns.
More melee weapons, such as different knives, SPEARS, clubs, ect.
Way faster bullets. I read that the hunting rifle in the game shoots at like 200 feet per second... even if it is old and worn, and even if it does in reality shoot a PISTOL ROUND (.32), it should be a lot faster than that. It wouldn't even depend on the firearm being old and worn anyway.
Better dialouge options. Include very small XP gains for dialouge usage of certain SPECIAL attributes and skills, try to make it more like how it was in the original Fallouts.
Better big guns.
Scarcer ammo.
Most guns degrade at a much lower rate. Melee weapons are fine how they are though to me.
Overall, more effective firearms but scarcer ammo.
Kill counter for specific NPCs and creatures... as in Fallout 2.
Have the BOS and Enclave play a less significant role.
Introduce more gang factions and cult factions. Create more depth in raiders as opposed to simply random maniacs who run around the wastes...
...and enable the player character to actually interact with these people and not just kill them randomly in the wastes.
Expand on the Talon Company.
Bounty hunting, bounty hunter faction(s).. not just collecting fingers and ears and such, and plus not as many repetetive tasks like collecting certain items, but more specific, smaller quests (but with many good and evil and neutral options also).
Enable the targeting of the groin in VATS.
The ability to [censored] NPCs/have intercourse with NPCs.
Addict and [censored] factions.
Killable children and fewer "essential" NPCs. Children, pets, elderly and helpless people in encounters, ect. For example, in Fallout 2 I would often encounter farmers (pretty much helpless except for one person in the group/family with a gun), also with a child and dog, up against remnants of the Master's Army (Super Mutants)... and obviously if I didn't step in very quickly they would all be blown up by rockets and minigun fire, including the kid. And if I wasn't careful enough I might accidently kill the child if I used a burst weapon or I missed and hit the child instead. Situations like this should be presented into Fallout 4 for a more realistic feel.
Introduce more foreign NPCs and/or factions. Introduce organized fighting forces from foreign lands, and perhaps missionary-esque (or invading) factions from foreign countries. This makes perfect sense... there was a big nuclear holocaust but it it didn't happen yesterday FFS!

MORE SKILLS PERIOD, or perhaps like "sub skills" which are governed by base skills, like: Small guns: rifle, pistol, shotgun. Lockpick: doors, containers. Medicine: first aid and doctor. Science: computers and other. And base skills are raised at level up as always, they dictate the median levels of subskills, but subskills are increased by using them and not leveling up.

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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:34 am

Maybe maybe not. Bethesda has a habit of brining in other regions to a games story and then never letting us go there. Or, maybe holding off until 3 or 4 more chapters are past.

I would like it so that you could go in and take out the base and they would leave you alone, cutting off the head of the snake as it were. Or, maybe influencing them to stop attacking you or maybe be able to create a faction that would attack the other half. In other words, not just a generic group of "someone else to kill" but a group that you can do something about/with/for/against

That would be cool to see the Eiffel Tower all bent and mangled, travel to the different countries on the trains as the tracks would probably mostly survive and just have to fix or build rail cars. But it would be cool to explore the wasteland of Europe. Maybe have Rammstein as the new base for the new bad guys faction. No particular reason other than Rammstein is a cool name for a military base.

We don't flame here. We may argue, disagree, offer up another point of view, but never ever do we flame. Members have a habit of dissapearing for a while or longer when they do that. So, offer up your opinions with no fear. And be respectful of others when their ideas and opinions are not ones you agree with.

I agree completely. And I love rammstein's music so having them portrayed as evil would fit their syle/sound of music.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:21 am

the air force base is spelled Ramstein, not Rammstein. the band took the name of the base and added an extra "m" to make a play on the original name, and they partly chose that name for their band because of the controversy that happened over the air show accident in the 80's, in which many people were injured and killed. otherwise Rammstein and Ramstein have nothing in common other than people not knowing how to tell the difference in spelling..
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:21 am

I wouldn't mind a more cinematic approach to dialoque, personally. I think the "Hi, I'm the NPC you're talking to - and all I'll be doing is standing here delivering my lines," thing is getting a little old. That would be considered bad film-making, if every conversation the main character had was always with the same dead-on camera angle. So I think a bit more variety in the dialogue would be a nice thing. Even if they stole a bit from VATS, which seems to do a decent job of picking different camera angles, and did some of that with the dialogues it would make things more interesting. (I play in 3rd person though - so something like that might throw the first-person players a bit...)

This reminds me of those commercials which show the speaker from the side, as if you wee watching them speak to someone else. I hate that. I want people to face me when they are talking to me. I ant to see their face and their eyes. I suppose that's why the head on aspect pf the Fallouts doesn't bother me....and yes, this might be3 a first person thing.
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Post » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:45 am


Oh god, my eyes :(
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