I hope we can help them realizing their mistakes in their forum. I'm convinced that they care. Fallout 4 could of course destroy that feeling, so I'm super excited for how it's going to end up, whether it's worth buying, etc.
I really don't share your vision for the franchise.
I think future installments (including DLC) should be more grounded (figuratively and literally), exploring more of the world and the culture and ethics of its people instead of leaving the world and making it feel so insignificant.
Travelling to space/other dimensions/areas inaccessible to normal people shouldn't be part of the experience.
I want to have quests that involve relationships between family members. I want to have quests that explore problems of the people, such as fears and hopes, dreams and illusions, strive for recognition, business and economical questions, psychology, history, questions without clear answers. I want to learn about cultures different from our own. I want effects and explosions to be background decorations, neither the very hooks for stories, nor obscuring the non-existant depth of the world.
Your DLC is rooted in effects I feel. Granted, there's much one could do with it. But isn't the very hook of it already setting a focus beyond what makes me (or us?) care?
I agree. Not every hole can be filled, and neither does it need to be. But glaring ones aren't mysteries, they are oversights imo.
Still I prefer the recent Jet to be Pseudo-Jet, not the real thing (including NV's Jet).