Fallout 4 Speculation Suggestions and Ideas #127

Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:37 pm

This topic is for ideas and suggestions for Fallout 4 so that we can keep all the discussion in one thread. At moderator discretion, threads about specific and distinct topics as they relate to FO4 and the rest of the Fallout series may be acceptable in the Fallout Series forum. General idea/suggestion topics for a future Fallout game will either be closed, or moved to this one.
This thread should be used to discuss items you'd like to see in a future game, gameplay tweaks, quest ideas, things you hope are not in the next game and so on. If you want to discuss major issues, use a separate topic - such as the discussion about adding multi-player or co-op play, which already has a thread. Please search first to see if there is an active/recent thread on a particular topic.

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:02 pm

The first time a when through Primm Pass, One single blind-deathclaw appears and of course kill me. It was there. If you go for the road close to Gympsun train yard, they jus start to appear. Yes, you can choose to get into Deathclaw Promantery or Dead Wind Cavern but there is a lot around. Quarry station is in the middle of a kind of "short cut", and is a place where you pass, you cross by, and in the road, there is 2 at the entry, 2 more than comes when you figth the 2 first, another 5 steps ahead, and 3 more to a side; then a couple of steps more start to appear like another bunch of Blind deathclaws. is just TOO MUCH. You Do Not always choose to cross roads with they. And are unbalance, a lot.

I may be a little crazy but i'm not stupid. Every time i fight those thing, was with cool weapons: power fist upgreaded, Two-Step Goodbye, Gehenna, and still the same resault. And psycho, jet, med-x are kind of a requierement at the moment of face them.

I accept the challenge, but why if 2 single of those things can kill you so damn easy the game send 12?

I only comete suicide 2 or 3 times when i actualy could cripple one and start shooting with a 22 silent gun from over a rock and actualy kill it, but then coulden't come down because i finish dead (again).

I'm saying (again) balance the melee and unarmored characters with the shooters.

And the Fist of Rawl svcks, is actually a very bad weapon for the trouble that is to made it (which you only get is you have Wild Wasteland perk, if not, it just does not exist in game). Stripes do the same, kills you with 2 blows.

In the Courier Mile your ass is kick even harder.

An Alpha Male Deathclaw kills you with two blows so it does a Mother Deathclaw and NEVER comes alone, so yes, you may choose get into some places but at least you should have a chance with other types of characters besides The Shooter. There is a reason why the option is there after all. Make Actual POSSIBLE to cross those places with punches and not just explosive bullets and/or stealth-boys.

[And i was being sarcatic when i say: Remove the posibility of play a Melee/Unarmored character, (and make the game really bore in combat)]

(Should stop doing that, obviously nobody get it).

And is not exaggeration. One blow take you to the ground and the second kills you, if not, there is another Deathclaw hiting you too, so those blows kills you. There is no chance. One try to "shof they" with granades, but is the same if you just spit at they faces. Never slow down and when just show up you can't run. Absurd.

What i say is: if there is a quest where you destroy a device that make bottlecaps, it meant there is others in other places, so botllecaps can keep showing up.

(And you was the one that mentioned "unauthorized")

(Really should stop with the sarcasm).

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matt white
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:08 am

As a note - the last thread saw a lot of off-topic discussion. I'd really rather see this thread be a bit more of a light-hearted and constructive place for ideas concerning Fallout 4, and less of a retread of the same old "who liked which past Fallout game, why everything else svcks, and why everyone else is wrong about their opinions." I'm also fairly certain I'm not the only one who'd rather see the vast majority of that taken to PM if it needs to continue at all.

At the very least it'd really big a big help if we could keep the discussion focused on what we would and would not like to see in Fallout 4, and not continue to drag off onto tangents about the past games and whether or not they did it "right" or "wrong." Or for frak's sake, at least agree to disagree once in awhile. I don't like Eggs Benedict. Other people do. 25,200 posts dissecting the many qualities of Eggs Benedict is not going to make me like it any more if I don't already. It might be a fun intellectual exercise, but once I start getting emotional about whether or not someone else on the forum think it's better to have salt or pepper with the eggs, it might be time to take a step back and take a deep breath.

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:46 am

Well, I certainly was part of the problem so I'll attempt to refocus.

I like the ideas posted by others concerning more primitive weapons and more jury-rigged stuff in general. One would think that the average person would be armed with a homemade weapon or a tool. Unfortunately, the average player probably thinks that guns are more fun.

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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:58 am

I agree, junk/ scrap metal guns do sound like fun. I do however think that it is not the "average players" fault for preferring real life guns to these scrappers as I feel most people will prefer real guns unless Bethesda is able to create fun weapons to use that are made out of junk metal. Balancing the leveled lists would help a considerable amount as well, even tempting lower level players with this nice loot by maybe giving a likable NPC an assault rifle and seeing if the player can face the consequences of killing the NPC in order to receive the weapon.

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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:53 pm

Like i just wrote in TES section, i bet Skyrim's Google map would fit quite well in Fallout if it's appearance was like the monitors in the game. Only shown with shades of green :wink:
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:28 pm

I would like to see a more... "stately" progression of better and better items. I mean, that's any RPG, really. You start out with the Wooden Sword, and then by the end you're wielding some giant Mythril monstrosity that cleaves the very heavens. It would be nice to see more stepping stones along that path in Fallout, though. (And this has been something they've never quite balanced "just right," in my mind - even including the old games.)

What I really liked in Fallout 2 was how you started out with just a spear, and maybe if you really played your cards right you could get yourself a really good spear. If you can finally manage to get your hands on a gun then it's a cobbled-together zip gun, and it's probably cost you every cap you had.

I'd kind of like to see that in a Fallout game. Where you start out at the very bottom of item progression and have to really work your way up the ladder at a much slower pace. So that once you do get a basic gun that's not going to fall apart after two shots, you really feel like you've accomplished something, and it's probably opened up a whole new area of the map that's no longer impossibly dangerous for you to explore anymore.

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:01 pm

I have the same feelings for the whole map idea. Im not so sure I agree with the green aspect of it though.

@ nu_clear_day,

I would want the same thing but dont know how it would actually be implemented. Would there simply only be lowered tiered weapons that spawn until a certain point in the game? or would the better weapons simply cost an arm and a leg, so much so that if you were lucky after 10 hrs of playing you could possibly afford one..... but it would kill your entire wallet.

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:21 pm

That way it would fit with the rest of the computer monitors. They all display only green, excluding the Pip-Boy, as that's color can be changed from the menu :hehe: Though if it was not, i think it would be green only too.

Televisions too are black and white in Fallout, atleast the ones i remember seeing in cinematics. It would appear the Fallout world never developed color TVs and monitors.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:02 pm

but in all honesty we would probably be viewing it through our pip-boys anyhow and not a black and white TV screen.

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lydia nekongo
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:05 am

I think this would be very cool. Instead of having guns and weapons laying around everywhere, there would only be miscellaneous stuff. Maybe having a gun is a real threat in the game(or just in the beginning area). This would put more emphasis on melee weapons too, which in FNV and F3 were pointless once you found a gun(super easy to find one). Once you have this gun, you can start to explore more into the dangerous wasteland. Yeah, there would be this rewarding feel to it for sure.

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:59 pm

Well, just that Skyrim was mentioned, and in prewious post a lot of people say that want a vehicle...

I′m not agreed in have a car or a bike in fallout 4, don′t feel it goes with the map and landscape in the asthetic and play that the last 2 Fallout have (was perfect for the fallout 2 tho)

But i do believe that you could hire a vehicle. Like in Skyrim you have a charriot that take you safety to another city, that in some places you could hire a driver that take you somewhere else in the map, helping you carry more loot of the average. If you want to explore it is ok, but if you just want to go to some particular place you hear about it and go straigth to it (like in Skyrim) you should. Also proven some actual progress in civilization. Basicaly a taxi.

Maybe sound stupid in a Fallout game, maybe Bethesda can make it functional.

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:57 pm

I think it would... I would really like to see some semblance of http://s271.photobucket.com/user/Gizmojunk/media/FO_3DMAP_zps59341745.mp4.html in FO4.

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:27 pm

While I doubt we will see a vehicle im getting more and more confident that there will be a mount( giant mole rat or something). Given how large Skyrim was I can only speculate that Fallout 4 will be even larger and almost needing a faster form of transportation than what your own legs can provide.


If done right then I actually think I will quite enjoy it.

I personally find the charriot type of transportation useless after the first use. Why pay to fast travel when I can do it for free( after the first use OC)?

@Gizmo, So a map that more closely resembles the original game's map? Just updated a good chunk?

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:03 am

Also, a 3o option of difficulty beside the normal and hardcoe mode, one more difficult where you don't have Fast travel and things happens in Real time. Forcing you to make hard calls, difficult chocies and probably lost some quest, but still could finish the MQ and some "important" side-quest. (Not so shure about the last part, bu yes about No fast travel).

And, to hardcoe mode add that when you Fast travel random encounters occure (like in Fallout 2).

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:07 am

Some people want to play as a ghoul. Some people want to see the start of the war. Some people want their endings of the various Fallout games to be canon. Here's an idea on how Fallout 4 could make that all happen.

What if you started the game on October 23, 2077 as a hero during the Great War? As noted in the biology section of the fallout ghoul wiki, ghouls created then are still alive during New Vegas.

But it also notes that turning from human to ghoul took, at most, years. But let's stretch that a bit and say it spans, in your case, 200 years. This lets us see the world through a human slowly transforming into a monster over 200 years of wasteland madness. What is that like?

Since we have such a long timespan to play with, we could jump to major events in the Fallout universe. We are there for the start of the war, then it skips years ahead, are character moving across the wastes, their skin slowly cracking, participating in different events. We end up in the Capital Wasteland during FO3, and we determine how that ended through in game responses. We happen by the Mojave Wasteland during the battle of Hoover damn, and get to explain how that ended to a companion. The way you ended those games are now represented here.

Finally, we get to end the game years past New Vegas, well transformed into a ghoul at this point. How do you deal with falling from a hero in the Great War to a monster in the eyes of people? How much of a toll does hundreds of years of wasteland survival cost a person? What would it be like to build relationships with companions over the years and lose them to the wastes?

One thing is for sure, there would be no doubt to them that war never changes.

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:55 pm

I don't know if you have seen the gameplay of The Last of Us, but it is also a post-apocalyptic survival game. The gameplay really focuses on limited resources and trying to not use those resources. In the game, you rarely find bullets, so you try to save as many as possible. Even when you encounter enemies, you try to save them. In the game, thugs armed with knives try to rob sometimes when you don't have any bullets, however the thugs don't know that you don't have any. You can point your gun at them, and they will immediately put their hands up and surrender their weapons. I just thought that would be really cool in the game if you could have interactions like these with NPCs. When a man brings a gun to a knife fight, does the guy with the knife want to fight anymore? Nope. My point exactly. Getting attacked by raiders with lead pipes isn't realistic when I have a fully loaded shotgun. I think it would be cool if they changed NPCs logic of when to engage in combat because nothing is more fun than holding people at gunpoint.

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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:40 am

Oh, i think it depends on how the character starts. In FO2, it made sense to start with a spear, and in FO3, it made sense to have a basic gun with limited ammo. perhaps one could start with a spear or knife, and if they wanted a gun, they would have to kill for it, or steal it, or maybe hope to find one in some dark forgotten corner.

EDIT: Deleted double quote.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:07 pm

Sorry, but I have some serious issues with this idea.

For starters it seems VERY linear with little "leg room".

The idea of being forced to be 2 things which I despise the idea of being makes me hate it that much more.... a "hero" and a ghoul. Not everyone likes the idea of playing the white knight, whom is fully there as a puppet for the people of the wastes who cant save them selves.

The idea of hopping around in time leaves a bad taste in my mouth and an even worse one when you say we would re-visit the CW and NV durring the heat of the combat in each zone.

Sorry but this whole idea is simply bad imo, it's kinda making me angry.

I wouldn't normally throw ya on blast since your new but thats how much I despise this idea.

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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:19 pm

Why is this needed though? I understand the reasoning, but players that wish that can simply force themselves. :shrug:

*Granted... it's lame when people say 'just don't use it then!', but in this [one] case... we are talking about the passage of time. IMO players should always have the easy option to bypass a long trip; though not the easy option to bypass the risks of a long trip... I would much rather they fix the exploit in 'map travel/fast travel' than have them remove it due to that [un-fixed] exploit.

Not the same exact map... but the same basic idea and the landscape of their new map.
(Doesn't have to use the old UI either... but at least something roughly familiar.)
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:34 pm

It depends: 5 desperate people armed with pipe could take out a gun toting single individual. There is strength in desperation. that said, it might be interesting to start out that way, but i think most players do want to shoot stuff.

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:02 am

This is also much harder to successfully pull off with a game like Fallout rather than The Last of Us.

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Anne marie
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:03 pm

I would not be adverse to the idea of a fast travel toggle setting, or a "Wild Wasteland" sort of extra trait.

EDIT: added the "not"

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Reven Lord
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:31 pm

Didn't Halflife 2 start you out unarmed?
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:29 pm

I recall playing the first one, but not the second. Of course you'd have to be in pretty bad shape, even for a Wastelander, to be totally unarmed.

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