Fallout 4: Speculation, Suggestions and Ideas # 42

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:05 pm

The next game, without a doubt, should be set in Canada. Imagine the geography, snowy climates and mountains mixed with harsh land already, not to mention the nuclear fallout. Since America annexed to Canada, it could still have that 1950s American feel to it. You could do a sorta Tourist thing, where the player is a tourist from the Capitol going to Canada for some reason. You can create you character in the sequence when they are creating your passport. What do you think?
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:13 pm

The next game, without a doubt, should be set in Canada. Imagine the geography, snowy climates and mountains mixed with harsh land already, not to mention the nuclear fallout. Since America annexed to Canada, it could still have that 1950s American feel to it. You could do a sorta Tourist thing, where the player is a tourist from the Capitol going to Canada for some reason. You can create you character in the sequence when they are creating your passport. What do you think?

I have a doubt, something with a lot of history and a big area like Philadelphia would be my choice.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:27 am

I have a doubt, something with a lot of history and a big area like Philadelphia would be my choice.

Considering the divergence of the timeline Canada had 127 years to create history.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:34 pm

Defiantly Texas
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:30 pm

How does everyone do that spoiler hiding info thing?
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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:29 pm

How does everyone do that spoiler hiding info thing?

[ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ]

That without the space between the brackets.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:42 pm

It would help define characters a lot more to have a lot of skills, some very useful, some moderately useful and some that aren't as useful but have their moments of glory.
Like Atlethics(?) and Swimming. I'd love for those two to be skills. Endurance and Agility are very much in charge of these two, 1AGI/End=5skillincrease, so say you have 10 Agility and 5 Endurance, then you'd have 75 in both skills, so you don't actually have to put any skill points in them if you don't want to, but if you want to swim really fast with a 3 AGI and 2 END then you can but it's gonna take some skill points.

That makes it more of a derived stat. Which there could definitely be more of. Athletic feats could well be governed by SPECIAL derived stats or checks.

I'd like some extra skills who aren't universally useful, but provide extra content that you couldn't access otherwise. But a load of skills like you suggest would probably lead to a system where there would be a skillpoints imbalance (more skills, thus you at least don't get less skillpoints and probably more, which in turn helps create uber character, since the extra skills are more flavor than definitively useful).

Cooking can easily be split from survival, though. With Cooking governing all things regarding food preparation, going from simple health adding and food decreasing to meals that carry all manner of benefits.
Survival will have things like poisons making, tanning and leather crafting, and retrieving ingredients. To tan and retrieve meat from an animal you'd need a the appropriate survival skill (and a knife).
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:46 am

Didn't think about it at first but they need to get rid of the Here and Now perk and the Perk that gives you more xp(not sure if that was in NV).
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:15 am

Considering the divergence of the timeline Canada had 127 years to create history.

I'm pretty sure you know what I meant.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:57 am

I have a doubt, something with a lot of history and a big area like Philadelphia would be my choice.

Canada doesn't have history?
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:33 pm

Canada doesn't have history?

This, I mean for starters they did burn down the White House. And now that I think about it, that would be a pretty fun quest; you meet a bunch of crazy ghouls or wastelanders who found some old text books about the war of 1812, and now want to find a way to Washington DC and burn down the White House. At which point you could either 'assist them', talk them out of it by mentioning the fact that there would be nothing left to burn, or genuinely assist them at which point they make a makeshift boat to cross Lake Ontario. If the third option were canon, we could find out if they ever set another game in the Capital Wasteland by finding x amount of their bodies by what's left of the White House.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:55 pm

But a load of skills like you suggest would probably lead to a system where there would be a skillpoints imbalance (more skills, thus you at least don't get less skillpoints and probably more, which in turn helps create uber character, since the extra skills are more flavor than definitively useful).

With a skill point distribution ratio that changes the higher the skill becomes this can be avoided.
Getting the tagged skills to 100 is easy, getting three additional skills to 100 is going to consume skill points like crazy.
Best thing to do with untagged skills would be to just raise them to 50 or 75.

And hell, it's all about choice, you want to focus your skill points on the best skills to create an über character? (Not directed directly at you.)
Then do so, I'm going to specialize my character and at least I now have the option to do so.

And yes some of these skills could be from the stats, thats why I said that the stats would greatly influence them.
With a 6 END and 5 AGI character you will have 55 in Swimming and Atheletics, now, you "can" raise these skills to become better, but it's going to take skill points.
So it's not like they'd start out at 13-21 like the rest of the skills.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:40 pm

A bucketload of skills eventually leads to overlapping and general redundancy which unnecessarily clutters up and scrambles the characterprogression with skills one does not know if they'll ever have any meaningful uses. I'd call that - generally meaningless skills - bad design.

Rather than creating a charactersheet with 20-30 1/100 skills, I'd suggest having a highly focused set of skills (15 or so) and on top of that additional abilities through ranked perks tied to relevant skills where the skill only governs the ability to learn them but not their potency. For example having high science and high repair would open up an ability to craft energy weapons, and investing perks to that ability would enhance it accrodingly. Or having high science and high medical would open up a "chemistry tree" of perks. And so on with other possible skillcombinations opening other related abilities. Or something to that effect.

That way there'd be no "low impact"/"one-off" redundant skills, and still more stuff to specialize in.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:49 pm

i don't care where it is, as long as every faction makes sense, unlike the raiders and talon company in Fallout 3
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:41 pm

This, I mean for starters they did burn down the White House. And now that I think about it, that would be a pretty fun quest; you meet a bunch of crazy ghouls or wastelanders who found some old text books about the war of 1812, and now want to find a way to Washington DC and burn down the White House. At which point you could either 'assist them', talk them out of it by mentioning the fact that there would be nothing left to burn, or genuinely assist them at which point they make a makeshift boat to cross Lake Ontario. If the third option were canon, we could find out if they ever set another game in the Capital Wasteland by finding x amount of their bodies by what's left of the White House.

The british did. And it was in response to the US burning a canadian town.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:43 pm

Canada doesn't have history?

It's like you are just trying to find error in what I said... Philadelphia is one of those cities known for some of its historical qualities like having a whole section devoted to it with buildings from that time too. And what I meant was that it is a bit like DC, except much smaller scale, when you see something, you think "Hey I've seen that before" where the normal buildings you can't say the same things since you have different architecture.

Sure Canada has the stuff around, but I don't think to the extent Philly has.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:34 pm

It's like you are just trying to find error in what I said... Philadelphia is one of those cities known for some of its historical qualities like having a whole section devoted to it with buildings from that time too. And what I meant was that it is a bit like DC, except much smaller scale, when you see something, you think "Hey I've seen that before" where the normal buildings you can't say the same things since you have different architecture.

Sure Canada has the stuff around, but I don't think to the extent Philly has.

Granted, but really all I can think of that I'd recognize from Philadelphia just by seeing it would be the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Though the Liberty Bell could potentially have a pretty interesting quest/faction associated with it.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:11 pm

Granted, but really all I can think of that I'd recognize from Philadelphia just by seeing it would be the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Though the Liberty Bell could potentially have a pretty interesting quest/faction associated with it.

I also see the big tower of William Penn and recognize it too, but no gurantee that is up. But the CN tower in toronto is probally the only thing I would recognize, but 200+ years without attention and bombs falling in the city, seem like a recipe for diasaster.

For my thing I had some research facility that was some how connected to House with the making of ICBM defenses, and a small portion of the city was saved including Independence Hall, and some factories. Then during the 200+ years the ghouls living there have cleared much rublble around the area.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:13 pm

The next game, without a doubt, should be set in Canada. Imagine the geography, snowy climates and mountains mixed with harsh land already, not to mention the nuclear fallout. Since America annexed to Canada, it could still have that 1950s American feel to it. You could do a sorta Tourist thing, where the player is a tourist from the Capitol going to Canada for some reason. You can create you character in the sequence when they are creating your passport. What do you think?

What i'm saying; specifically Toronto, with Quebec or Newfie DLC. Vancouver would be sick too... Vehicles along the lines of Bf3. It's 200 after the fact stop relying on [censored] two headed cows get some MFC trucks for [censored] sake. Develop new tech, process humanity a bit.

Edit: Make more open buildings for dynamic urban combat. Shout out to Mako for talon company ideas.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:05 am

What i'm saying; specifically Toronto, with Quebec or Newfie DLC. Vancouver would be sick too... Vehicles along the lines of Bf3. It's 200 after the fact stop relying on [censored] two headed cows get some MFC trucks for [censored] sake. Develop new tech, process humanity a bit.

Edit: Make more open buildings for dynamic urban combat. Shout out to Mako for talon company ideas.

:Bows head: Mako is no longer among us......................... :sadvaultboy:

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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:37 am

Meh, talons company was just a bunch of marauders working together.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:23 am

Fallout: New York

May be simular to DC... and harder to scavenge...
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm

Fallout: New York

May be simular to DC... and harder to scavenge...

New York would've been hit harder than DC.

I am from New York and I would like to see it but done right, New York City would be the biggest pile of rubble in the world, but Kingston on the other hand would be in much better shape (if you are wondering yes, I am from Kingston).
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:47 pm

I'm just wondering how many of these threads there will be before the game gets announced and they actually start a FO: forum on it's own merits. Anybody wanna start a pool? I've got 5 caps it reaches 189 threads.


167, i feel the fervor will die off later down the year but multiply after everyone has played the hell out of vanilla skyrim.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:04 pm

Regardless of what others think an open world would be good it may be a TES thing but it makes the game better a large world that isnt the same thing over and over again but new scenes, a great setting with music that goes with it is always a huge plus
The setting doesnt have to be a famous city but that would be nice, and rusted down dumps like Megaton just scream post-nuclear war
I want garbage dumps turned cities it just fits in with my ideal setting
also i want to be a ghoul please more races
We've all played TES we dont need to play elder scrolls fallout so try to make it distinct, its own game
Keep the modes from FONV a casual game and a hardcoe mode just make the hardcoe a little more hardcoe

Also the best fantasy games are the most realistic ones (meaning after the fantasy is created try making it believable)

like if i cripple(arm) someone using a big gun that takes two hands make them unable to use both arms and force them to switch weapons stuff like that
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