Fallout 4: Speculation, Suggestions and Ideas # 42

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:27 am

I thought ghouls don't age, wouldn't that mean they would stay babies their entire life?

Ghouls ago, just a lot slower than humans do.

So they would be babies for decades.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:08 pm

[quote name='gabriel77dan' timestamp='1319886669' post='18976110']

Don't allow us romance options in the game if the writing for that romance isn't loooooooong and very greatly written. (Long enough that it doesn't just "stop" like companions do after we've exhausted their dialogue options and personal quests.)

Don't allow us to buy shops here and there, this isn't Fable. Allow us to buy "maybe" ONE shop, and have another one where a guy wants to go into a partnership with you where he does all the paperwork and you do the more practical things.

relay sure i can see the whole not getting pregnant thing but why not a relationship i think that would make the game much much more better.

and why not being able to buy shops???? shops mean you get money. money means you can buy better things and better things means a better game play just make the price of wepons and armour that bit more expensive

and also dunno if u put it in here buying different houses so you dont have to allways travel back to the same place like in FNV you allways had to go back to the strip or in FO3 it was Megaton sure there was hotels and that you can rent but itd be better if in different towns you had a different house??
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:12 pm

I would like (even though it wouldnt be the american wastes anymore) somewhere in europe or even Scotland or somewhere like that
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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:30 pm

I would like (even though it wouldnt be the american wastes anymore) somewhere in europe or even Scotland or somewhere like that

Fallout is strictly Post-Nuclear America due to how it fits with the setting (1950s World of Tomorrow was only in the US and that is a key part of Fallout).
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JR Cash
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:22 pm

This repost is a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost.

I would like Talon Company to be in Fallout 4, but not like they were in Fallout 3, I want it to be like the factions of New Vegas, with interaction and reputation. My logic is that, in a post-nuclear world like Fallout, an entity like the Talon Company would flourish into tremendous presence, even more so in areas where no large factions had developed to create order. I mean, the Talon Company is a perfect example of the perfect post-apocolyptic business model, a moderatly sized, well-equiped paramilitary force that would be deployed at the word and monetary expense of wealthy people or groups to vy for power. I dont understand how there are no other factions like them, the Talon Company should be in Fallout 4, it fits well in the setting and, frankly, the poor usage of a faction with such potential in Fallout 3 left a bad taste in my mouth, and, seeing how very well Obsidian did with factions in Fallout: New Vegas, really fleshing them out with backgrounds and interactions, I have no doubt that, if Bethesda takes some pointers from New Vegas's handling of factions, they could be a great faction in Fallout 4.

Talon Company

Talon Company is an equal opportunity employer. Talon Company is a mercenary group who has almost no restrictions on contracts, making it one of the most effective, and therefore wealthiest and best equipped, mercenary group known to exist in the wasteland, it's Regional HQ's are usually pre-war military installations, and the technical department of Talon Company is known for achieving great technological discoveries, such as the activation of Highwater Trousers. The basic Talon Mercenary is equipped with a suit of Talon Company Combat Armor, a 5.56mm R91 Urban Assault Rifle, and a Combat Knife or Police Baton, mercenaries are allowed to use their pay to purchase other weapons from any Talon Company Armory, weapons available range from the 5.56mm Type-93 Chinese Assault Rifle to the AER9 Laser Rifle to the feared Missile Launcher.

Mercenaries that prove their mettle in battle stand a chance to be promoted to Squad Leader rank and given Reinforced Talon Company Combat Armor Mk. 1 and will be in charge of a squad of 5 basic Talon Mercenaries. Another great charactaristic of the Talon Company is its orginazation, 5 Mercs and a Squad Leader make up a squad, 5 squads are led by a Talon Company Veteran Mercenary, whom wear Reinforced Talon Company Combat Armor Mk. 2 with a stylish duster, and all Veteran Mercenaries report to their respective Regional Commander. An added benefit of being a part of the Talon Company is that the Company will pay off any bounty (up to 10000 caps) for a mercenary that proves that they are loyal and can pass the recruitment tests. The training process is specially administered to weed out the weak and instill loyalty in the strong, bringing out the best in your character, defeating the worst of it. Many rumors float about, saying that the Company is "evil" or "full of maniacs", this is simply not the case, the Talon Company just doesn't pass moral judgment on those who would wish to emply Talon Mercenaries, and who needs to bog down good business with morals in the wasteland? Dispite the rumors, Talon Company does in no way practice sixual discrimination, mercenary applicants are accepted from all walks of life if they can prove themselves.

Thanks to the BoS-Enclave War, Talon Company has come into possession of a large amount of Enclave equipment and have captured some researchers, you can bet we shot those fascists! But other than the killing of those that wanted to kill all of your friends and family, the experience has also created a new rank in the Talon Company, an alternative to becoming a Squad Leader, the Talon Company Shocktrooper wears specially customized Talon Company Advanced Power Armor Mk. 2 and comes equipped with a Minigun, Gatling Laser, or Heavy Incinerator!

The Talon Company has from then gained strength, called for an end to hostilities with the BoS, and is focusing on fighting the Super Mutants, once again fighting those who would kill your friends, pets, neighbors, and all of your family.

Join Talon Company, it's exciting, worthwhile, enriching (both in experience and monetarily), and the best way to truly broaden your horizon!

Any person who wishes to join Talon Company only has to speak to your local Talon Company representative, from them you can negotiate on the purchase of mercenary contracts, or speak to them about joining Talon Company.

Mako Vlazkov
Talon Company Veteran Mercenary and acting Midwestern Regional Commander

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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:07 am

I thought ghouls don't age, wouldn't that mean they would stay babies their entire life?

There has yet to be an example of Ghoul children or babies as in kids that became ghouls. Ghouls do age but alot slower then humans.

I don't belive it is possible for kids to become ghouls, because the amount of radiation and the process would be just to much for a child to go through and live. Most advlts don't make it (the lucky ones).
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:40 pm

Ghouls cannot procreate. Yet.

Well, weren't there supposed to be a couple ghoul babies in Van Buren? Thought I remember seeing that somewhere.
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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:05 pm

Well, weren't there supposed to be a couple ghoul babies in Van Buren? Thought I remember seeing that somewhere.

They weren't babies but they were ghouls who's parents were ghouls.

I find that a little far fetched for ghouls to be able to pro create so I think that ghouls irradiating a pregnant women would be much more in canon.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:44 pm

Well, weren't there supposed to be a couple ghoul babies in Van Buren? Thought I remember seeing that somewhere.

That isn't canon though and even in Van Buren there was only I think two maybe three.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:10 pm

I thought I saw someone say before that a ghoul's... y'know, would deteriorate. I don't know though, seems likely if you ask me.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:28 am

I thought I saw someone say before that a ghoul's... y'know, would deteriorate. I don't know though, seems likely if you ask me.

Constant rot and regeneration.
Though if their dikes fell off then I don't see how the ghouls in Gomorrah could be of any use.

I don't think they rot off, but they're probably not the most tastiest things out there.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:15 pm

Constant rot and regeneration.
Though if their dikes fell off then I don't see how the ghouls in Gomorrah could be of any use.

I don't think they rot off, but they're probably not the most tastiest things out there.

Woah! He was just talking about y'know.....their nose. Who said anything about that? :biggrin:
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:38 am


I have two questions based on your post. One: Is this based mostly on speculation ( drawing from a buisness model of accepting all jobs and creating inferences from that) or is this a part of the lore that I'm unaware of?

Two: Do you have any pictures of the Advanced Talon Company Armor Mk II? Or a description? Is it regualr power armor painted black, or have they done some modifications to it?

(I guess that's more than two questions, but my curiosity got the better of me) :)
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:56 pm

Woah! He was just talking about y'know.....their nose. Who said anything about that? :biggrin:

The fact that we we're discussing ghoul babies and procreation.

I wonder if a fem ghoul's nipbles fall off...
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 am

I have two questions based on your post. One: Is this based mostly on speculation ( drawing from a buisness model of accepting all jobs and creating inferences from that) or is this a part of the lore that I'm unaware of?

Two: Do you have any pictures of the Advanced Talon Company Armor Mk II? Or a description? Is it regualr power armor painted black, or have they done some modifications to it?

(I guess that's more than two questions, but my curiosity got the better of me) :)

One: Mostly expanding on what they are. The only lore we have is their business model, the rest of what they are stems from our tendency to turn everything businesslike evil. Two: Nope.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:25 am

Well, weren't there supposed to be a couple ghoul babies in Van Buren? Thought I remember seeing that somewhere.

Yeah that's where I got the idea from the vault wiki. Here's the link http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Born_ghoul
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:37 pm

Woah! He was just talking about y'know.....their nose. Who said anything about that? :biggrin:

Yeah, you're right. No idea where the other thing came from. I just left out the nose part.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:55 am

The fact that we we're discussing ghoul babies and procreation.

I wonder if a fem ghoul's nipbles fall off...

NO!!! You will not foul the beauty of Tulip damn you!!! She is a goddess in ragged skin, here voice is harsh but beautiful. This poem I made for her
Tulip my love
your skin is as rough as sand paper
but your soul is smooth as silk
your voice a raspy lovely melody
you sweep me off my feet
oh Tulip, my love
won't you be my ghoulfriend?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:31 am

NO!!! You will not foul the beauty of Tulip damn you!!! She is a goddess in ragged skin, here voice is harsh but beautiful. This poem I made for her
Tulip my love
your skin is as rough as sand paper
but your soul is smooth as silk
your voice a raspy lovely melody
you sweep me off my feet
oh Tulip, my love
won't you be my ghoulfriend?

I love Tulip as well and think she's very beautiful but she's still a ghoul, rot will happen.
But, it seems like we'll discover some new unidentified openings to explore.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:10 am

I love Tulip as well and think she's very beautiful but she's still a ghoul, rot will happen.
But, it seems like we'll discover some new unidentified openings to explore.

mmmm tasty :liplick:
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:15 am

I love Tulip as well and think she's very beautiful but she's still a ghoul, rot will happen.
But, it seems like we'll discover some new unidentified openings to explore.

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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:17 pm

One thing I would like to see. Being able to make our own map markers in the pipboy. Like in FNV, there have been times that I would like to mark an area that has harvest plant abundantly, or where some are that are hard to find (like the pinto beans).
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:40 pm

One thing I would like to see. Being able to make our own map markers in the pipboy. Like in FNV, there have been times that I would like to mark an area that has harvest plant abundantly, or where some are that are hard to find (like the pinto beans).

Like how Planescape did it?
I'd be in favor of it, placing a little pin on the map with a text so I can pinpoint certain important areas for me.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:09 pm

Ney York has a great scenery, not to mention the Statue of Liberty. I'm putting my caps on New York being the next location.
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CSar L
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:01 am

Fallout 4 should come out either in late 2013 or early-mid 2014 and expect a reveal somewhere in between the VGAs' and E3. I'd bet my caps on it.

Edit: I want the game to be harder, the game is all about Human weakness.

Don't give animals anything besides what it should have. NPC's should be violent toward mutant companions unless you've done something good for that faction/town and you can convince them with speech that s/he won't attack anyone. It should be every level there's a perk if it's only 23 or less levels. Every two levels if there's more then 24 levels.

Companions shouldn't always be so nice, some of them should betray you if you become the opposite karma of them, you get a bad repuation with their hometown or they're a spy from an enemy faction (they could be eager to join you).

The game should reinforce both sides of the FPS-RPG.
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