But spreading the effects out too much would be equally bad as the skills become very thin and generally not worth the SP investment.
But that's the thing, The skills I suggest all work and aren't spread too thin.
It's not like my monster list of 25 skills, with Chemical Weapons and Blade and Blunt.
It's a simple, organized, coherent and very much functinal skill system for repairing, crafting and modifying items of different theme's.
It's not too much, and not too little.
"What about repairing knifes and sledgehammers and unarmed weapons then?"Well, they're split out across a lot of things.A Powerfist requires Mechanics and Electronics.A Displacer Glover requires Electronics.Brass Knuckles requires nothing, it never detoriorates and never needs to be repaired.All bladed weapons are repaired through grind-stones and don't require any skill (Unless you want to consider it mechanical to spin a stone on an edged piece of iron.), but you can earn perks from NPC's.I just want a system where the skills name makes sense for what it does.
Now, if there is no crafting system like Smithing is in Skyrim then I don't mind Repair staying as it is as long as it doesn't involve crafting anything from scratch.
And Science, while I loathe it and want it slaughtered and dissected, I could accept staying as it is as long as nothing more is dumped into it.
(Oh and Grenade Machine Gun, Missile Launcher and Grenade Launcher go into Mechanics when it comes to crafting, modifying and repairing them, but their ammo is crafted through Explosives solely)Just out of curiosity though.
If anyone is opposed to my idea, why?
And what would be a better solution?
I can agree that my idea for splitting Science in Chemistry, Hacking and Electronics or splitting Speech into Persuasion, Deception and Intimiadation can be a bit much and harder to swallow.
But I don't see any problems with the system I'm suggesting at all.
In a way, it will stay the same as now, but at the same time inovating and improving the repairing and crafting system.
Mechanics is gonna do what it has always done, and more, just with Guns.
Armorer is gonna do what Repair did with Armors, and more.
And Electronics is gonna do what Repair and Science did with Energy Weapons and electronical situations, and more.
Science will still be science just without the Electronics aspect of it.
Repair will be improved upon.
And we get two new skills to use to define our characters and get less grey blob same-yness.
And they're not like Chemistry or Intimidation, flimsy skills who's usage seems questionable.