Copypasta Companion idea!
I have an idea for a companion. Wu Jingwei, son of the honorable General Jingwei, he is an elite Chinese stealth commando, but does not attack the Courier. It is revealed that he never wanted to go to war, his father mandated that he would, being a strict Confucist, he obeyed. He speaks Chinese, but the PIPBOY has a translator, and Wu understands english. While he is an communist, he had spent much of his time "undercover" playing tourist, and he began to respect the Americans, whom had been misrepresented in Chinese propaganda.
To get him to follow you you must retrieve his dead-drop supplies. When you ask how he knows its still retrievable he informs you it is sealed and its lock is highly sophisticated. Go to Bootjack Cavern and retrieve Chinese Commando Supplies. With his supplies (Chinese Commando Combat armor [Identical to a chinese jumpsuit from FO3 but has 13 DT], Chinese Commando Headgear [Identical to the commando hat from FO3 but with shaded goggles, PER+2], Chinese Commando Sidearm Identical to the Chinese Pistol from FO3 but firing 12.7mm with an 8 shot clip, 20dmg, fire rate of a 10mm pistol], and a Shocksword [He gets sad because this means his father died at Anchorage, it's NOT Jingwei's Shocksword, but it's a hereditary thing, being part of an honorable family, basically a Shiskebab stat-wise])
And so he joins you, saying it's only to become informed on the state of the region. You get "points" for visiting certain locations.
Yangtze Memorial +1 (He gets sad and mournful for the Americans)
Red Rock Canyon +1 (He comments on how they act like ancient Mongolians)
Oh i forgot where you would find him, The General Store at Bonnie Springs.
Hoover Dam Offices, Radioactive Waste Room, if you take a Chinese Stealth Armor from the crate. +1 (He comments on how the Stealth circuitry corroded from radiation exposure)
Lucky 38, kill Mr. House +2 (When you enter he tells you part of his mission is the elimination of The Capitalist, you have the options: take him up to the Penthouse after killing Victor, remind him that the war is over, or head up to the penthouse and inform Mr House who will have Wu killed whilst he waits in the casino, or head up and NOT inform House, or kill House whilst Wu waits in the casino [Only get +1])
Camp McCarran, Colonel Hsu's office. +1 (Wu attempts to converse with Hsu in Chinese, Hsu does not understand, Wu sadface)
Once you have 3 "points" Wu tells you his mission details.
1: Kill The Capitalist. (If you don't/didn't want to, you have to convinced him to ignore this, if you didn't before.)
2: Discreetly sabotage Hoover Dams generators so another agent can rig them to blow.
3: Steal T-51b Power Armor schematic.
4: Report to secret Chinese HQ in Hidden Valley (OH THE DARK HUMOR)
The first two are done, you have to either become a BoS Paladin through the BoS quest or break in and steal it from the Armory Terminal, either of which you are stopped by two Paladins outside, Speech or kill dont get BoS infamy if you are Idolized because your word means a lot to the Elder. Stroll across Hidden Valley (OH THE DARK HUMOR) and enter a Bunker, like Veronica, Wu will open the locked door with a password, The bunker is full of Chinese commando ghouls! After a short non-subtitled Chinese chat with the head-honcho when you enter, Wu kills him with the Eagle Claw guns down the guards. The alarm blares and Wu turns to you, telling you that he understands now: The old world is gone, and this piece of it must be swept from existence!
Now fight your way past commies down to the second level, Wu tells you this bunker had a self-destruct terminal, but it was destroyed, so "we" must sabotage the generator, and set it to explode from the Armory Terminal, fight down to the generator room, sabotage it, and head up to the Armory, grab some choice gear (Prototype Chinese Power Armor, working Chinese Stealth Armor, Chinese Commando Combat Armor, Chinese Commando Sidearm(s), , Chinese Commando Headgear, and the lovely Chinese Assault Rifle). After you got your haul, flip the switch and run like a Gecko out of there. Once your out and the ground stops shaking, talk to Wu. Wu thanks you for... ending all of this. Wu grabbed some gear from the Aory as well, and asks you how he should hone his training to be more effective while in your service. Tell him that precision is key, he equips Chinese Stealth Armor and a Sniper Rifle+; Tell him that you need a man who can take heat and give death, he equips Chinese Power Armor and a GMG; Tell him that the infantryman is the strongest soldier, he equips Chinese Commando Combat Armor and a Chinese Assault Rifle; Tell him that honorable fighting is up-close and personal, he equips Chinese Commando Combat Armor and his Shocksword; Tell him that the shadows are a sanctuary, he equips Chinese Stealth Armor and a Chinese Commando Sidearm.
Other info: Wu is a heterosixual male Chinese ghoul. He wont use This Machine or the Gobi, they have spilt his comrades blood. He has 75 Melee, 75 Sneak, 75 Guns, and 75 Explosives, and 100 Unarmed (1-2 [Besides Unarmed] will be maxed depending on your end-quest advice). If you give him Noodles, he gets excited and asks you if you what you want in return, [Unarmed 75] ask him how he killed that guy in the bunker, he will teach you the Eagle Claw (Power attack whilst sneaking/standing still??). I drew a blank on his companion perk, any ideas?
(Colonel Martyr, before you complain about him being a "pick a side" companion, it is shown you can talk him out of that, and completing his quest makes him unaffilated with his old life and mission.)
Next part is in spoiler because it is long,

Spoiler I would like Talon Company to be in Fallout 4, but not like they were in Fallout 3, I want it to be like the factions of New Vegas, with interaction and reputation. My logic is that, in a post-nuclear world like Fallout, an entity like the Talon Company would flourish into tremendous presence, even more so in areas where no large factions had developed to create order. I mean, the Talon Company is a perfect example of the perfect post-apocolyptic business model, a moderatly sized, well-equiped paramilitary force that would be deployed at the word and monetary expense of wealthy people or groups to vy for power. I dont understand how there are no other factions like them, the Talon Company should be in Fallout 4, it fits well in the setting and, frankly, the poor usage of a faction with such potential in Fallout 3 left a bad taste in my mouth, and, seeing how very well Obsidian did with factions in Fallout: New Vegas, really fleshing them out with backgrounds and interactions, I have no doubt that, if Bethesda takes some pointers from New Vegas's handling of factions, they could be a great faction in Fallout 4.
Talon CompanyTalon Company is an equal opportunity employer. Talon Company is a mercenary group who has almost no restrictions on contracts, making it one of the most effective, and therefore wealthiest and best equipped, mercenary group known to exist in the wasteland, it's Regional HQ's are usually pre-war military installations, and the technical department of Talon Company is known for achieving great technological discoveries, such as the activation of Highwater Trousers. The basic Talon Mercenary is equipped with a suit of Talon Company Combat Armor, a 5.56mm R91 Urban Assault Rifle, and a Combat Knife or Police Baton, mercenaries are allowed to use their pay to purchase other weapons from any Talon Company Armory, weapons available range from the 5.56mm Type-87 Chinese Assault Rifle to the AER9 Laser Rifle to the feared Missile Launcher.
Mercenaries that prove their mettle in battle stand a chance to be promoted to Squad Leader rank and given Reinforced Talon Company Combat Armor Mk. 1 and will be in charge of a squad of 5 basic Talon Mercenaries. Another great charactaristic of the Talon Company is its orginazation, 4 Mercs and a Squad Leader make up a squad, 5 squads are led by a Talon Company Veteran Mercenary, whom wear Reinforced Talon Company Combat Armor Mk. 2 with a stylish duster, and all Veteran Mercenaries report to their respective Regional Commander. An added benefit of being a part of the Talon Company is that the Company will pay off any bounty (up to 10000 caps) for a mercenary that proves that they are loyal and can pass the recruitment tests. The training process is specially administered to weed out the weak and instill loyalty in the strong, bringing out the best in your character, defeating the worst of it. Many rumors float about, saying that the Company is "evil" or "full of maniacs", this is simply not the case, the Talon Company just doesn't pass moral judgment on those who would wish to emply Talon Mercenaries, and who needs to bog down good business with morals in the wasteland? Dispite the rumors, Talon Company does in no way practice sixual discrimination, mercenary applicants are accepted from all walks of life if they can prove themselves.
Thanks to the BoS-Enclave War, Talon Company has come into possession of a large amount of Enclave equipment and have captured some researchers, you can bet we shot those fascists! But other than the killing of those that wanted to kill all of your friends and family, the experience has also created a new rank in the Talon Company, an alternative to becoming a Squad Leader, the Talon Company Shocktrooper wears specially customized Talon Company Advanced Power Armor Mk. 2 and comes equipped with a Minigun, Gatling Laser, or Heavy Incinerator!
The Talon Company has from then gained strength, called for an end to hostilities with the BoS, and is focusing on fighting the Super Mutants, once again fighting those who would kill your friends, pets, neighbors, and all of your family.
Join Talon Company, it's exciting, worthwhile, enriching (both in experience and monetarily), and the best way to truly broaden your horizon!So yeah, Talon Company for Fallout 4,
Appearing, too, would be the Talon Company, but in an expanded role - they're not just default bad guys. They are headquartered in the ruins of the stock exchange. The Stock Exchange is very much still an exchange; a "Contract Exchange"...the Stock Market is one of the more populous and well defended places in the otherwise ruinous Manhattan Island...people come from all around to both place bounties and claim them. While the Talon Company isn't the only mercenary/bounty hunter group in the Exchange, they control the Exchange and are the most prestigious of the groups; the Talon Company gets a portion of all bounties claimed.
This is a satisfactory possibility that is supported by the Talon Company