I took the liberty to create this in photoshop with a few Vault Boys (thank you Nuka Break for the fat Vault Boys)
Right now as it is in Fallout, we have only two different body variations and that is male and female. No height option, no fat/skinny/muscular option. But if Bethesda made those 7 body types like in the picture (and probably the dwarf, and maybe the giant aswell), both female and male, that is 14 different models (18 with the dwarf and giant) you could choose from when you create a character. The different heights you could give your character wouldn't need a new body model as you just get a taller/shorter version of the body type you chose.
Think of it. Bethesda add the option to choose between 5 (7) different heights and 7 different body models, for both male and female, and we get 98 different variations. Not to speak of the age slider and skin colors, and hopefully we'll get [censored]loads of more hairstyles, beardstyles, option to put on scars, tattoos, piercings, freckles... So many NPC's and PC's would looks unique, every character wouldn't turn out looking like everyone else like it is now ingame. Or well, that is hoping Bethesda has a much much better face generator for the Skyrim engine than the one we has now, because it svcks. Really. Uglier people in real life are harder to find than the people you create with that face generator.
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