Now you just have to treat every other race with similiar care. :hehe:
Here's some pitches for ghouls:
100% radiation resistance.
Radiation heals over time (slowly).
Kinsman ability, feral ghouls and aggressive SM's are more likely to leave the player alone if not provoked (not being friendly, just having a possibility to be less agressive and ignore the player).
Slightly more HP than humans.
Bonus to initial reaction for non-feral ghouls, neutral/friendly SM's and human ghoulsympathisers (excluding characters with set mindsets).
No natural DT or DR.
+15% recieved damage.
(those two due to skin and flesh conition)
Initial reaction from humans halved (other than ghoulsympathisers).
Slower movement than humans.
I think that ghouls should have less health than humans really, they are after all kinda rotting while regenerating.
Other than that I agree upon everything.
Some additions:
Each tagged skill earns 2.5 more skill points than for other races. (Ghouls have after all lived for a very very long time.) (So if base is 15 then it means 37 per tagged skill)
Machines that use "detect life" scanners cannot see them. (Thanks to Broken Steel that made ghouls have 0% body heat...)
Gain exclusive perks surrounding radiation bonuses. (Healing crippled limbs, storing radiation, unleashing a radiation cloud like Glowing Ones can, stuff like that.) (Hell, every race except for Wastelanders and Prime Normals should get exclusive perks for their races.)
Cannot wear heavy armor or power armor.
-1 to Charisma (I saw that thing on Arcanum about "beauty" and I think that would suit ghouls better but since we only have Charisma I guess this'll have to do.)
-1 to Agility. (They aren't exactly the best gymnastics, they'd probably lose a limb if entering the OS.

-2 to max Endurance.
By the way, does any of my former suggestions need any tweaking done?
Even if it just comes down to:
* Human
* Android
* Ghoul
But a complete list of what I'd like to be able to choose from would be:
* Wastelander (An unpure human who's been living outside of a isolated vault for a while)
* Prime Normal (Vault born)
* Android
* Ghoul
* Skag (The mutation people got going on in The Pitt before they transform into a Pitt Trog)
* Trog (Van Buren, not The Pitt.)
* Super Mutant (V87)
* Beastlord (Tactics yo.)
* Nightkin (I dunno, maybe a Nightkin made his/her/it's way to the east coast?)
Some examples of how they could work:
* Super Mutant
More health.
Default DT (Cannot wear most armor in the game.).
INT can't be higher than 4 seeing as how he/she/it's a V87 mutant.
CHA can't be higher than 3.
STR will always be 6, can't be lower than 6.
More +dmg to close combat weapons.
Has a lot of quests that cannot be solved due to bigotry and even has places where he/she/it gets shot at.
* Wastelander
+5% DR (Both DT and DR is in the game.)
Survival, Outdoorsman, Traps and Blade skills get a +10 by default.
Electronics, Chemistry, Energy Weapons, Chemical Weapons, Hacking and Medicine get -20 by default, these skills cannot go above 170%.
You will generally get more positive reactions as a wastelander since most people don't like vault borns or mutants and with a charming Wastelander you can collect way better profit by the end of quests.
You automatically get -10% on all wares by merchants.
Wastelanders get +1 END and +1 Luck so the total amount of default stat points is 42, END and Luck cannot go lower than 2 though.
You can only reach INT 7 with a wastelander.
Isolationist groups will not treat wastelanders okay though and most of them will KOS.
Raiders are more prone to attack you as well, wastelanders are considered easy bait if not in a caravan.
They get +5 radiation resistance.
Basically, Wastelanders have few cons but that is to keep it realistic, wastelanders are those born in the wastes and know how to handle themselves, on the other hand, wastelanders generally has had conflicts with mutants around the area, so ghouls, skags, super mutants, trogs and beastlords aren't exactly kind towards them, some shoot on sight, others are just very negative towards you.
Can exclude you from a lot of mutant quests even if you have high CHA and Persuasion.
The cons they do have is that of thing that require a lot more intelligence.
* Prime Normal
Since this is a human who has lived inside a vault all his/her life he/she will have gotten better schooling than most humans out there which means that he/she get an automatic +1 to INT, this means that they have 41 stat points at start, INT can't go lower than 2.
Prime Normals does not have any military training of any kind so they get a -5 to all combat skill but gain +5 to most other theoretical and support skills like Medicine, Electronics, Mechanics et cetera, couple this with tagging these skills and picking Good Natured and you'll get an incredible start with the support skills, great choice for a diplomat or pacifist character.
Prime Normal's are not used to radiation though so they get thrice the intake of radiation when at a radioactive source, some places are so radioactive that you can't even enter them with a Prime Normal.
They are also not used to the hardships of the wastes and their default health is therefor 80 instead of 100 and they always have a -5DT.
Prime Normal's get +4 skill points at default, couple this with Skilled and 10 INT and you'll be able to max out more skills.
The Prime Normal is not a very good fighter but are great with other things like support skills this is not to say you can't play as a combat oriented character but it's better to focus on support and passive skills and hire mercs, tame animals, convert robots and get companions to fight battles for you.
* Skag
Skags are born in The Pitt, due to the incredible radiation in The Pitt they are very unaffected by regular radiation, they have 2500 radiation meter compared to standard 1000, rad-aways are however only half as effective on Skags.
Skags are born into combat, born into hardship therefor they get +15%DR, +15 Guns, Blade, Blunt, Unarmed, Survival, Mechanics, Sneak and Steal.
Skags are however not the most healthy people, their END can't go above 7, they automatically start with END 3 and has 75 health compared to default 100.
They are not strong when it comes to charging in guns blazing, but more of sneaking around and trying to silently kill their foes.
Skags cannot wear heavy armor.
Due to their unique mutation, stimpacks are more effective depending on the amount of radiation in their systems.
So radiation can be a blessing and a curse.
Hmm, Super Mutant.
* Base health x2.5 (Base health is 100 in FO3 and NV so it's 250 for Super Mutants.)
* +5 to min STR (6 is the lowest, can't go lower than that. (How much sense would it make for a super mutant with 3 in strength?)
* x1.5 damage with all blunt weapons and Hand to Hand weapons.
* x1.5 reloading speed and equipment speed with big weapons (minigun, flamer, gatling laser)
* Immunity to Radiation and +30% poison resistance.
* -6 to max INT (V87 super mutant = dumb dumb by even Tabithas dumb dumb's standards.)
* -4 to max CHA
* Due to super mutants hostility towards humans a lot of them will kill SM's on sight and the rest will be very suspicious of you.
* Cannot use smaller weapons. (SMG's, pistols, revolvers, sawn off shotguns et cetera.)
* Has veeeeeery few armors in the game.