(originally posted in the NV board)
So I got to thinking, what if, when you choose hardcoe mode, the AI perks up. Maybe some raiders/slavers will "hide" or "sneak" if/when they see/hear you coming, or set up ambushes, etc. As well as allowing the AI to actually capture you, rob you blind, and possibly even sell you into slavery, which would start a sort of "side quest" to get yourself out of slavery, maybe using connections you might have with a faction, or something?
I think that would add a VERY realistic (but fun!) "kill or be killed" "don't trust anybody" vibe to the game. in Fallout 3, you could trust anyone and anything in the game to do exactly what is expected of it. If it's red, it will attack you, if it's blue, it won't attack unless provoked. there are no deceitful NPC's. the only one capable of treachery is the PC, making you hands down the biggest threat in the game. (that mainly, amongst other things, of course)
I think this would be great for hardcoe mode. Maybe even normal mode (maybe just only on harder difficulties, when enemy AI is good enough to pull off such feats)
I mean, the current hardcoe mode is almost there. I really like the idea of actually having to fend for yourself, but the (assumed/apparent) lack of AI kinda hurts the experience, at least is kinda did in Fallout 3 (don't get me wrong, I LOVE that game) but I think I think the increased AI would really help bring to life that post-apocalyptic despair that the games try to sell to us. a TRUE "post-apocalyptic sim" or "fallout sim" if you will.
Honestly, the way I figure it, if you're playing hardcoe mode, then you're up for more of a challenge anyway, right?
I think it would be great to be able to be a victim of pickpockets, thieves, and sneaky, shady characters.
basically, like I said, it would add a serious undertone of who to trust. And really, if you get robbed and taken into slavery or whatever, I'm sure they would be keeping your items SOMEWHERE

basically, if you get out of it alive, you will be able to (but not 100% of the time, due to threat) get your items back. Whats so hardcoe about it when you're still the only one that can steal, or decieve? :/
I mean, I know you're worried it might be too hard. but if thats what you're worried about, then why play hardcoe in the first place? Or maybe, in order to make everyone happy, you can customize your own hardcoe mode, and turn on/off some settings of hardcoe. for instance, NPC theft, NPC AI difficulty (how smart/decietful NPC's can be, which might also add some new dialogue options), slavery, etc.
Would you be opposed to having those options? I mean.. who is opposed to having more options?

maybe getting pickpocketed could be similar to how you pickpocket others. Your chance to catch them is based on what they are stealing (rare items would be nearly impossible to steal, normal weapons slightly less impossible, caps proabably pretty easy in small amounts, etc), how well hidden they are from you (maybe some kind of enemy "sneak" skill?), and your Perception (at 10, you would be nearly impossible to steal from, making perception important for trader characters). If the thief procs one of your "triggers", anything you are doing will be stopped, and you can choose to confront the theif with words or weapons. IE, if you're a speech type character, you can speech the thief into giving your items back, or even turning themselves in in some cases, etc, or you can just go into combat with them and probably kill them.
See! better AI can be fun! i dunno. I mean.. hardcoe mode should be HARD. "water... water! please!" what you don't see is the 9mm pistol behind him waiting to get a sneak attack critical on you when you're walking away! Am I going too far? is this kind of AI even possible in this big of game? thoughts?