* - Make it come on a blue-ray, or many dvds and make it legendary. Add an option to have huge textures. No one with self-respect would bother pirating the game than, and you would be swimming in money.
1 - Make many quests complex and interdependent. I wouldn't mind if I could finish the game in 3 months.
2 - Create a functionality in Fallout4 Geck that could detect forgotten things. Like "if you turned a switch that was connected to quest which you didn't take, later when talking to the quest giver, you should have the option to tell him that you already did it out of curiosity" If such a functionality was built into Geck, designers wouldn't forget to make necessary adjustments and in result we would have a "bug free" Fallout.
3 - We want soft-body dynamics that is connected to gameplay. what I mean by this? We want hair that is natural, we want clothes that are natural. Think about some kind of wind dynamics. It would have an effect on the clothes and hair.
Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrtwESnTOwY from Eve Online
4 - Gore with physics. Make it so that bullets are calculated. I'd like to see bullets enter and exit their target (usually). Make it so that bullets hurt characters without protection a lot. For example, I'd like to see bullet hit a raiders head, and exit through the back with some of the brain. The bullet should hit the window of the junk bus behind him breaking it, and the brains should splatter on the face of the raider that is sitting behind the raider that we just killed (together with a curse)
5 - Make a proper 3rd person view. I don't always want to be the character. Sometimes I want to be the world. Please use a proper method for character movements, actions and animations. Make it easy for modders to create new animations. I think an improved (and swifter) way of character movement and animation that we can see in Grand Theft Auto 4 would be great. Don't make character run diagonally and show forward animation. That's not a good idea anymore.
I would like to see the feet adapt to the landscape. For example if I am standing on an inclined surface, I'd like to see my feet and legs with the correct angle not clipping inside the landscape.
I can see some kind of similar feature in Fallout3 & New Vegas. But our character doesn't orient their bodies to the landscape properly. Sometimes he seem to be floating in the air, sometimes one of his legs get lost inside a rock, etc... Simply make him fall down with a funny animation!

6 - Don't allow us to jump and stand on other characters. Don't allow us to jump on the bar and talk to the bartender. If you allow us, make them effect the game. A comment from the barkeep and being kicked out of the bar (with an option the fight them)
7 - Make a realistic 1st person view. That adds to the RPG atmosphere. For example, I want to be able to see my legs and chest when I look down.
8 - Create a working world. Create many possible situations. I don't want more animations. I want more animations "with many purposes". Characters with purposes.
9 - Make many NPS without any objective. Make them different; junkies, prosttutes, bullies, kids, farmers, mysterious men, travelers, etc..
Lets take the junky example: It's 9PM and I have reached a place full of junkies using different chems. I see a junky near a wall. I actually see him inhaling; for example a dose of jet. (if you still cannot animate that situation, I would at least definetely want a text box popping and describing what is happening depending on my perception and intelligence. Maybe I'm not intelligence enough to understand what Jet is or I couldn't really see him using Jet) So I have the initiative to not get close to that guy if I don't want to go near him and get involved in anything. (maybe he will go berserk and attack me with his new gained strength)
Let's continue. The guy used the Jet and after the effect, he saw a weak looking guy nervously trying reach somewhere. The junky had a small conversation with the man and beat the nervous guy taking his possessions. I am still watching him, he walks to a ruined building (like a junky who just inhaled jet), "hides his possessions" to a stash, does something for a while and crawls in to a bedroll to sleep after the effect of jet wears off...
10 - Small details. Very important! It is possible if things are not hard-coded but flexible.
For example I have a weapon in my holster. I draw the weapon and see my character draw the weapon from the holster. That's beautiful.
What if I was wearing some kind of top coat and the holster and the gun was inside the topcoat?
I would like my character move the part of topcoat that's hiding the holster aside using his hand, and than pull his gun from the holster.
Combine this with clothes and hair with physics in a town in Wild West where the wind never stops just before a duel. And there you have a killer game that won't be forgotten for a hundred years.
11 - Make the story long. How about 10 years? Ok... I saved that town from starvation, I saved that reactor from melting and saved the ghouls but I also improved the efficiency without signing an agreement of energy trade between them and the neighboring Vault City and their neighbors invaded the ghoul settlement & enslaved them to control the reactor.
its 10 years now and you create a new dlc for Fallout4. It takes place 10 years after what you did in Fallout4. you started the game when you where 30 years old and now you are 40 years old. The world have changed and you had a role in it. Make the story progress in the world that we created. Just like Mass Effect 2 only better.
12 - Give us different maps and cities in a single game. And make it so it is very difficult to travel to the other cities without the car that you fixed during a quest and modified during another quest.
13 - The car? Well... Give us the car back and don't let us carry too much stuff. I want to use the car as storage. and I don't want to be able to drive the car off roads. Make it so we can drive the ca on the map screen "only on the roads" When we reach the destination (there could be hot spots near places of importance) we park our car there and continue doing our quests. We could help & hire some people repair damaged roads along the way to continue with our cars (which could be another quest).
14 - Give us the option to restore some of the ruined homes to make them our safe havens. What about 3 or 4 places in each city? Make it expensive, make it so that we have to hire some help on restoring the homes. Make it require materials. Make it so we can add defenses.
15 - I hate clipping into grass and trees. Make them have some mass. I want to actually step on the grass and break the branches of trees.
16 - I hate it when every fight is deadly. Why would someone try to kill me if he caught me stealing a glass from his home. Make him warn us, or kick us out of his home, or fight us without trying to kill us.
17 - When we snipe someone, make his friend standing next to him behave. Don't make him stand there doing nothin.
18 - Allow hiding, taking cover, fighting behind cover.
Will add to list later.