1) Make the NYC the feral ghoul capitol of the wastes.... Escape from NY anyone?
2) The ghoul faction v. the android faction v. whatever human faction you think is appropriate would be awesome. Super mutants would be nice, but not necessary as it will have the androids.
3) hardcoe mode should be more reliant on going out of the way to scavenge/hunt food.
4) Have SPECIAL attributes effect the skills more. Examples:
Low Agi = clumsy with weapons, any weapon,
Low Perception = dramatically reduced chance to hit as you near the weapon's maximum effective range,
Low Charisma = some NPC's will not even give you the time of day let alone quests,
Low Int= almost no skill points and terrible (yet humorous) dialogue,
Low STR = virtually no melee damage no matter the skill and easier to be knocked down by enemies,
Low Luck = weapon malfunctions (including exploding guns/lasers) that can seriously wreck your day, And possibly ruin certain quests and stuff.
Low End = unable to run in heavy armor and penalty to all resistances (including damage)
5) Get rid of VATS entirely
6) If you have low skill, make associated weapons incredibly ineffective (especially at max ranges)
7) Perhaps get rid of the karma system and go to more of a fame one like the Elder Scroll series... people like you if you are famous and despise you if infamous
8) Please do not bring back a "3Dog" DJ.... he drove me nuts and ruined my appreciation for the great music.
9) More Vaults! well that is a given
10) Perhaps have a greater diversity for possible pets.... like choosing a pet type as a reward from a traveling menagerie or zoo or something.
11) I am going to pass out from sleep deprivation now.......
Just some suggestions and keep up the good work!
1. Ugh...
More feral ghouls? I thought we had enough in FO3.
2. Seems very "race war'ish", would rather have more mixed factions, like a tribal faction which has both human, trog (VAN BUREN TROGS DAMNIT) and ghouls living among each other. It's getting kinda old with the whole "We're ghouls, we're only going to hang around other ghouls! YEAH! What do you say about that huh!?! Smooothskiiin!".
3. For sure, but it's so easy to get food: Kill ANY wasteland critter and voila, no more worry about the FOD meter.
4. YES!
5. No. (Some people like VATS, it's probably for the best to not remove it. BUT! They should not have it like FO3's 90%DR)
6. Well, depends on the soft skill requirement but yeah I think there should be a larger punishment for not having the required skill to use the weapon.
7. Fame and Infamy along with the reputation system? Yes, I would like that. Karma in Fallout is crap anyway. Might be "unique" or whatever but with this thing I'd rather have them rip a part of Oblivion.
8. Oh don't worry, we'll probably have something else which we can barely listen to. :rolleyes: , You know what I would want? A talkshow. They have working radio's, why not have a talkshow? "
It's not fallout"? [censored] that, Radio that played music was never part of the old games either but they did that new feature so they can damn well do a talk-show too.
9. Less vaults! Pleaaaaaaase! V13 and V15, two vaults with close number were like miles apart! Vaults shouldn't be cramped up in a small world-space. The less vaults the more memorable they'll be.
10. Taming skill!

11. Not me, I'm jacked up on coffee and sm?rg?sbord! WOOOO!