- Having six with a NPC has a longer blackout time with noises and rumbling if you play on consoles.
- iD tech 5 modified for functionality in a sandbox and easy modding.
- Better animations and lots more of them.
- More NPCs on screen at once for more populated places (iD Tech 5)
- Keep weapon mods.
- Add back Small Guns and Big Guns, this way your points are spread out more and you try to focus on what you want your character to be like. (This is optional but I recommend it.)
- Keep survival, ammo crafting and hardcoe mode. Pretty much most stuff NV added.
- More radio station.
- Lots of voice actors, keep it simple. Get less known ones that still do a good job so that you don't waste money.
- Zooming and concentrating (hold breath) in scopes.
- More new creatures and factions.
- Extremely long story or at least pretty long.
- Ridable animals and maybe a vehicle?
- Level 50 cap.
- Co-op.
- Design and move stuff in your home.
- Ability to join certain factions and rank up in them.
- Scuba diving gear for more time under water.
- Ability to become a ghoul and even possibly a super mutant (left over vats

- Several vaults. I love exploring the vaults.