But that is the point of this thread orignally, I say bring back Talon company & there tactics (maybe new ones) in a new Fallout 4. They are a merc company which for all we know could very well have international branches. Put Tasmania in future Fallout game... lol!

Anyway, who's to say it has to be confined to the USA? a nuclear war between two superpowers such as China and the US is not really going to be in there own backyards is it? there is global consequences and they should be bought in to a new Fallout game imo.
I also want to see DX10 technology at least in the next Fallout game, DX9 has been around too long now for new games. They have had DX10 capable graphics adapters for the last few years now, I'm sure they are working there way into mainstream systems more and more each day.