Fallout Stategy Game

Post » Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:08 am

I've been a Fallout fan since it came out way back in the day. This whole time ive thought, when will there be a Fallout strategy game. You know, you start from shit and you find a good location, perhaps have to kill off some weird mutants first then start building a town. Once your powerful enough, maybe you enslave other peoples to help build, then decide there fate even further later on, or you Do it nice, or find a neutral way. One where you have guards and you can focus on getting money, or finding and reusing prewar Tech. Running caravans or organizing raids. Getting other towns to become a subordinate like the NCR did, turn everyone into mutants like the Master, or horde old tech like the brotherhood. and There should be no factions, what you do throughout the game should define the details of the people you run. You should start out with close to nothing with only randomized starting benifits. Those are just a few ideas. There is a vast amount of untapped potential. However, there is one catch, it has to be damn good and a decent amount of time and assets put into it.

What does everyone else think about this one. Hopefully Someone sees this and has some damn good suggestions.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:13 pm

We do not have the rights to make a Fallout Strategy game.

You might ask at Bethesda's Fallout website:


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Post » Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:53 am

apart from that ^ lol there is how ever a kind of strategy game with fallout tactics but it is not a RTS type which is i assume what you mean, with factions like b.o.s. / settlers / ghouls / super mutants with there own buildings (in fallout post apocalyptic theme) and tech tree's . would be awsome as hell lol but yah gamesas does'nt have the rights any more.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:28 am

Innapropriate as it is to discuss a potential franchise on the boards of a company who cannot control it, here's my 2 cents :roll: - rather than yet another stock RTS, I rekon Rome:Total War to be a better model for this idea, with battles being realtime and "base building" activities being a turn-based, or long term affair
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Post » Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:03 am

I would like to see the setting as, Its been a whole generation and now you must leave the vault to rebuild America. You start with about 40 people. Of those 40 people you get to decide, who will be guards, workers, engineers, etc. Find a nice spot. Use the GECK to start your town. Soon, you will need to become independent of your vault rations that you have.( which isnt going to last forever) You plow the fields, and collect food. At the same time youcan send out scouts to savenge. Your people should consume food at a rate. So you decide how many people to have. With your excess food, you can trade with near by towns for better weapons or armor. Because soon after your starting, radioactive animals, feral ghouls, raiders, and super mutants will be attacking. If your town can surive and thrive, you may look forward to accuiring more power. Attack other towns, and annex them into your city.

Thats it so far. While i like the concept of a RTS fallout, i would like to have the feeling of personal touch. I dont see why, you cant create items special to your town. like optional war cars, or your town having a main attraction, like a power plant (Gecko) a mine (Redding) or a center of technology (Brother hood of Steel).
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