If a mod reads this please change the title to Fallout 3 Stutter/Jutters/Laggy Mouse from Meu SOLUTION or somewhere alont the lines.
Hello again.
So i bought Fallout 3 the Game of the Year Edition a few weeks ago.When i finally installed the game it took a small while but eventually installed.
I started it up and the mouse skips and lags across the menu screen every second.Eventually i managed to click new game and it played fine up until
the point where i was close to leaving the vault.This "stuttering" came back and was in game and every second my screen would just stutter,i ran fraps with
the game and had only 10fps when this lagging began.The start menu is always lagging like this but during the game when i brought up the menu again it
seemed to work fine.But with the stutter again returned the stuttering in the menu.The game is unplayable like this.
Info you may need to know:
Processor: Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 4GB RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit
Things i've done to get around this problem:
1: I've rolled back and updated and installed different graphics cards drivers.
2: I've downloaded the different updates from the websites and through windows live
3: I've tried editing the .Ini file a good few times trying to get around the stutter but no luck.
4: I've installed the second disc hoping it had fixes and things but it didn't work either.
5: I've played the game with V-Sync etc all off including through the Nvidia driver control panel.
6: I've played the game with the lowest of settings,windowed,everything you name it
7: Even downloaded the W7 codec pack..just in case.
8: Messed with Infinity core settings
So basically i did everything the troubleshooting guide said and more.I've seen videos on
youtube showing other systems with a gtx480 run the game with no problems so i am
pretty stumped so im not sure if this is a Windows 7 issue or a driver issue and none
of the patches worked for me.I've spent countless days rummaging through google and
forums and fixes.I've spent alot of time trying to get this game to run and its not that my
hardware can't run it lol.It's well over the mark if anything.
I kind of feel owed at least an explanation or some help rom a mod telling me about a new update
or whatever seeing i paid for the game and there is alot of bugs still in it.I've done my part guys.
I've heard alot of great things about the game..so please let me play it.
My last post got well over 100 views and not one person commented on it with any advice what so ever nor from the moderators.
Please don't let this post get swept under the rug again.It would be nice for anyone to leave a comment or give feedback.Best reguards.
So guys...recently i found Fallout New Vegas [please don't move this it's completely related to how i fixed Fallout 3] on sale and tied it to my steam account with no problems it ran fine,no issues except 1.The only problem for me with New Vegas was an audio issue the **Music on the Pipboy*** would not play.I had Googled literally for days and weeks to the Fallout 3 issue.Alot of wasted hours on the issue i could never resolve.Anyways i google the solution to that problem and found this thread
----------> http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-54229184&pid=918428
This completly fixed my Fallout 3 problems and the music issue on Fallout New Vegas.
I disabled all of the non Microsoft Audio Codecs and it fixed the lag and stutter issue completely in Fallout 3.
Im so happy now with 2 great games to play

I Urge a mod strongly to add this into the FAQ for people who have problems after they've tried everything else.