» Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:29 pm
Their engine and all is built for Xbox. Fallout 4's development began by porting Skyrim to Xbox One (google it). That evolution has been fairly sequential since Morrowind on Xbox prime. They have a long, close partnership with Xbox. So they're not just going to switch.
That 58% is just the current install base numbers. If that trend could be expected to continue in the next console generation, maybe they'd be tempted, but past generations have proven time and time again that those numbers flip around in every direction. Meanwhile they're still making just as much money, so why would they shift entirely and cut ties to Xbox for an effect that would last potentially only one game's development cycle length?
Also I think more people than ever are realizing right now that the Xbox version of the game performs significantly better with way fewer tech problems. If you look back, that's just the case with all Bethesda game studios games.