Hi there,
I have started a new YouTube channel dedicated to the immersive and cinematic walkthroughs of various video games. My first project/video series is going to be a full walkthrough of Fallout 4 on the "survival" difficulty setting.
I play in a slow paced, methodical fashion which I believe makes for very immersive and atmospheric gameplay. Especially when the walkthrough is at the hands of an experienced Fallout 4 player.
At this rate, I have just begun to publish my videos and would love some support/feedback from you guys.
If you do decide to check out my videos/YouTube channel, I would be SO appreciative. Every little bit of support and interaction would be very encouraging.
And I hope my videos are as much fun to watch as they were to make.
Please stop by and check out my content.
Thank you for the support.
P.S. I don't have permission to post links yet so, I will post my YouTube channel link in parts: After youtube.com type (/channel/UCIh6_yh_c83PU7TeZk-LkIg)