What I find odd is you are telling me all these games I've listed are not "revolutionary" and rather are just "upgrades," yet you haven't played half of them and really know nothing about them. Considering I have played and own all these games extensively, I'm just going to have to disagree with you.
Fallout 3 had a FPS mechanic. It just wasn't very good. Fallout 4 is merely polishing that experience. It's not a revolutionary new feature. Yes, I've indicated the voiced protagonist is actually a revolutionary feature that is getting mixed results among critics. Removing armor condition was already the case in Skyrim, so this is not a new feature. Also, I'd question removing features to be the case of a "new feature."
Power Armor being changed is interesting, but it doesn't revolutionize the game play, especially since you can only use it sparingly due to the rarity of fuel to power it. BGS games have always had crafting and player housing. Neither is new. Settlements are just merely an expansion of what BGS has been doing for decades. The same is the case with crafting.
Morrowind had layered armor, so that's merely a feature that was removed that is now returning. Perks and skills being simplified or "streamlined" as BGS likes to say happens with each new title they release. Just to give you some insight into how BGS develops their latest games, Fallout 3 was not the major inspiration for Fallout 4. Skyrim was. BGS always uses their latest game to determine what things they should do differently as its always the most recent and relevant interpretation of their open world sandbox.
ME1 was an RPG that had poor combat and open world exploration that was arguably not very compelling. ME2 was a third person shooter with some RPG elements and was a linear on-rails experience. ME3 kept the basic formula of ME2, but then completely changed that dynamic with its multiplayer that even impacted the story of the game. Yes, each game was drastically different from the others in varying ways.
Asided from the voiced protagonist, what has BGS done in Fallout 4 that is actually "new" to their games? Exactly. They haven't done anything new this time around.