» Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:47 pm
Where'd you get that impression from any fallout game? I'm genuinely curious because I'd say everything you said about it is false.
I'd like you to point me to which fallout game, besides tactics, where you are just "some guy".
In 1 you're at least a little anonymous, but surely the overseer chose you for some reason, no?
In fallout 2 you're the chosen one, I mean, that's your name. How can you be chosen one and "some guy". Your statements don't make much sense, but I'll continue.
In 3 you're the son of the only guy who can bring purified water to the wasteland, and you're the only person who knows the code to get it done. Again, some guy?
Finally, in NV you not only survive a shot to the head, but annihilated an entire community with nuclear warheads. While it may have been on accident, Ulysses states the repercussions will be lasting. Still don't feel like I'm "some guy", so I've got to ask again: where do you get that impression?