Fallout 4: The wanderer Trailer

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:22 am

1 Your making the claim, it's up to you to support it.

'What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'.

2 I never said that the player character is a 'superhero', but all you have to do is watch the atom bomb trailer or the Microsoft event trailer (the one with the jetpack) to see Fallout 4 being advertised as the badass simulator 2015.

3 That's not my fault Bethesda decided to only show gameplay to the public during E3, which probably shows what type of audience they're targeting.

4 It's for any capricious reasoning, I said that Obsidian had their own action centric trailers, but they at least showed something different in their developer diaries.Offering something of note to both demographics and all sects of the fanbase.

I don't hate Bethesda, they make great games in their own right.I just don't think they care about anyone else that isn't instantly impressed by jetpacks, explosions, huge robots and slow motion kills or creating your own settlement (which is basically a fort anyway).

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:32 am

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:47 am

Again the developer diaries are what I'm referencing to (the faction video specifically).I'm not the one guilty of conformation bias...

I'm not denying Obsidian didn't try to woo players with action and explosives, but they also offered alternatives insights into New Vegas.

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Trey Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:09 am

Thats the thing though, they don't want to spoil anything. They want to keep the story fresh for everyone to discover on their own.

Just because they choose not to spoil, doesn't mean that there is nothing there to spoil.

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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:06 am

*looks at comment, looks at the character system article/video Beth put out not long ago, looks back at comment*

Yeah...just action.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:22 am

I was hoping you'd save me the repost, but I guess being obtuse is fun to do right?

Anyway, your claim was that you're "some guy" in fallout, but that isn't true in the slightest.

1 might be the best case, but you go on to destory an army of super humans.

FO2, how can you be "some guy"' while also being regarded as the chosen one? Doesn't make much sense to me...you'll have to explain that one.

NV has the courier completly destroying a growing settlement and releasing tunnelers onto the world. It may have been on accident but that isn't "some guy".

And my looking at the footage shows me that half of it is showing off crafting, the dialogue, pre-war and the world. The other half is normal e3 footage, and, as I mentioned before e3 is notorious for that. Cliffy B mentioned having to make a "e3 portion" of gears of war just so they had something to show at e3. On the other hand maybe it's a good idea to announce a game they've kept a secret, and, instead of showing you the world, they instead show off factions that the audience has no clue existed 4 minutes ago. (sarcasm, by the way)

Also, didn't Bethesda release their character system in a video? Isn't that something more knowledgable fans would find interesting?

And yet you say only obsidian released content for all fans....again we have an inconsistency. Is that number 2 or 3 now?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 am

I didn't know that New Vegas actually had a crafting system until a few days out from release. In one of the promotional overdrive stuff in October they took a peek inside one of the crafting stations causing a giant fangasm when I saw all of those recipes.

It wasn't even a major point too, it was just a few seconds of footage that was put in between shooting stuff up with Ranger Sequoias and Caravan Shotguns. The marketing campaign was not that great, since that 3 seconds of footage was the biggest thing everyone reacted to, whereas the other full minutes of shooting were not.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:54 am

Where you already dishearted back then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KhM3jVehVo ?

TV commercials are TV commercials nothing more.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:04 pm

The only real role ive played that can be best described as "Some guy" was that Orc Ranger I made in Skyrim with all of the survival and alternate start mods. Wandering the cold north, eking out a existence as a hunter. It was quite a lot of fun just being some wilderness man and not a world saving hero for a while.

ive since moved on to Halfgeir as my permanent character, and "world saving hero" would be something he'd be very happy with being called, especially if you add "Nordic" somewhere in there. But with a bit of tweaking I had created a game that was completely opposed to benig the Chosen One.

Thats the Bethesda freedom that I admire so much. Todd has said a lot of things in the E3 footage about "Making it your own experience" and "Player Freedom remains our absolute number one goal". Its nice to see that hasn't changed.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:41 am

I'm not suggesting there literally isn't a story to spoil, if you're suggesting something else I'm at a loss.

The point I'm making is that Obsidian advertised NV as something else other than a 'be the badass simulator' via their developer diaries.Bethesda hasn't, sure they may have a complex story with piquant themes but what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

With the irony being that Todd focuses on the intimidation and bloody mess perks?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:38 am


Well this is awkward.

Also, how can you say obsidian marketed NV differently when their announce of the game ended with the courier setting off C4 on the strip? Incon..wait for it...sistent!

Did you just turn a blind eye to the fact that the character system was reveled and we're getting weekly videos about the special stats, as well as a glimpse at some of the perks?

I guess avoiding all evidence proving your stance incorrect is one way to do things. Not a very honest one though, in my humble opinion.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:10 pm

If that's what your bias mindset wants to see, sure.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:09 pm

Those developer diary videos were 2 weeks from release, and were part of a effort to put out as much hype about the game as possible. It was all about spoiling as much as possible so that they could catch as much people as possible with whatever information they can put out to maximize sales.

Meanwhile they had been showing off very little other than combat the rest of the marketing campaign. In case you forgot, here's the E3 2010 trailer for Fallout New Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-x-1fm2cq8

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:26 am

Again the developer diaries offers a different insight into New Vegas.I never suggested that Obsidian never advertised using action and explosion, but conversely that they offered something other than just action and explosions in the factions developer diary, Bethesda hasn't.

Even the perk video focuses on intimidation and bloody mess, further compounding the notion that the player is here to be the lone badass.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:46 am

Meanwhile Bethesda shows off crafting and what the world looked like before the bombs and they are marketing the game as a power fantasy.

At this point, you're just grasping at straws. I'd hope maybe you'd concede but now you're claiming the videos reveling the perk system are about making you seem like a badass as well?

Youre looking at the arm of a character for the entire length of the video, and somehow that's supposed to give the impression that he is an unstoppable force?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:44 am

It's an absolutely frightening prospect that someone in this current day and age could use, and understand, what some would perceive as big words, when in reality such words are actually used by a number of cultured and educated individuals across the planet, isn't it? I dunno about you, but I had kids in my early years of high school who engaged dialogue with such a vocabulary at their disposal (it's probably why they scored perfect, or near perfect SAT scores and went to universities of their choice) :shrug:

Even if the particular individual that you're addressing does indeed use a thesaurus, would you really think it deplorable that someone is trying to enhance their vocabulary? Every academic institution that I have set foot in has encouraged the purchase and use of a thesaurus for bolstering one's own vocabulary and to improve one's writing.

It's quite sad to see such a number of individuals in these forums that find it difficult to engage in discussion with even a modicum of civility. Reading throughout these pages I can't help but read multiple posts targeted at individuals or groups of individuals because of their difference in perceptions. Perhaps some members have different views, and do not feel the need to lighten up on their opinions, but in doing so they aren't targeting or hurting anyone either; merely voicing their own perceptions on matters. :confused:

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:07 am

So be it, my only point was that Obsidian offered something other than just videos of action or the ways in which you can create a badass.

Whether it was an attempt engender sales or not is another thing (i'd hope so considering it's a form of advertisemant).

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rebecca moody
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:37 am

That faction video also came out on October 10th. New Vegas was released 9 days later on October 19th.

If they were to release that video, we aren't quite there yet.

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Nicole M
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:33 am

At the risk of sounding like the comic book guy from The Simpsons, before SS got into the power armor, he was toting around an assault rifle. In the final shot with dogmeant, he had a laser rifle. What gives?

On one hand, it did cut away so he could have picked it up afterwards. Just to note though: there's no laser rifle in the shop with the power armor, and the final shot has him close to that shop.

But who cares!? It was great!

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:32 am

Todd has stated that they won't be 'spoiling the story', he still might but we can't expect that sort of duplicity.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:21 am

I can see where you're coming from, but like you said, we simply aren't the target audience. The overwhelming majority of the commercials I see aren't targeted at someone like me either.

I can understand you wanting them to release a trailer with much more substance, but for most of us fans, they don't need to. Any of us who are still on the fence come release can wait for YouTube vids to show much more in depth gameplay to help us decide on getting the game or not, and Bethesda doesn't have to waste any time and money on a substance heavy trailer. From a marketing perspective, it makes sense for them to be specially not concentrating on fans like us at this time.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:51 am

Where do you feel anyone being attacked?

Personally, I'm against baseless claims, so I pointed them out, much like yours.

Not liking the trailer is one thing, saying outright untrue things about the marketing campaign of this game and the past ones is another.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:36 am

So before October 10th were you convinced that New Vegas was going to be a dumbed down power fantasy, based on the marketing, but when they did a 3 minute video detailing what the factions are going to be like you realized that the game was going to have a story after all, and you completely changed?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:29 am

Or they just did it for the trailer. They must of wanted that silhouette of the vault door. I bet it is more difficult to capture that scene if there was an elevator. Obviously nothing in the trailer is consistent. When the vault door opens you see Sanctuary Hills pretty far off when it is just down the hill in the actual game.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:32 am

And yet somehow everyone else is able to speak in a relaxed manner because it's a fan forum for a video game. Anyone can throw around big words that are only synonyms for common words. That doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. I just personally find it funny for someone to need to use uncommon synonyms when speaking on what I consider to be a relaxed public forum. You don't need to be some righteous hero, fighting for the "intellectuals" here. I mean hey, if it takes no effort to speak like that and those words are your common use for speech ok? Just seems to me, and many others, that he goes out of his way to try and sound pretentious.

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