1 Your making the claim, it's up to you to support it.
'What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'.
2 I never said that the player character is a 'superhero', but all you have to do is watch the atom bomb trailer or the Microsoft event trailer (the one with the jetpack) to see Fallout 4 being advertised as the badass simulator 2015.
3 That's not my fault Bethesda decided to only show gameplay to the public during E3, which probably shows what type of audience they're targeting.
4 It's for any capricious reasoning, I said that Obsidian had their own action centric trailers, but they at least showed something different in their developer diaries.Offering something of note to both demographics and all sects of the fanbase.
I don't hate Bethesda, they make great games in their own right.I just don't think they care about anyone else that isn't instantly impressed by jetpacks, explosions, huge robots and slow motion kills or creating your own settlement (which is basically a fort anyway).