Still begs of question I have.
How his going to access his pipboy in power armor?
Still begs of question I have.
How his going to access his pipboy in power armor?
That was awesome! I didn't want it to end.
I thought I heard that too, but I couldn't find the source either. I also , but I'd have to disagree with it being the "perfect marketing strategy".
(Been so long since I've posted I hope that was the right way to link)
Crouch shot? That was his butt. And a fine one it is.
Love the whole aesthetic of the trailer. And yes, my favorite part is his nonchalant capping of a radroach. Because let's face it - that's what we all do in Fallout after we've gained a few levels. Scanning the room for cool loot while quickly one-shotting that rad roach that skittered around the shelf at the end of the aisle.
Nah at 39 sec it was his crouch. Glad you enjoyed the eye candy.
sorry you are 100% correct.
Really good trailer By visual and musics. Only negative thing was the lenght of the vid.
I liked it but it missed that HOLY [censored]! moment that skyrims commercial had... the Last scene should have had the iconic light flashing off the helmet panning back to him with the iconic minigun shooting at a swarm of ghouls/mutants...would have capped it off perfectly.
The trailer was meaningless CGI/LiveAction fluff. It showed nothing new and nothing of substance. All it showed was the protagonist acting like a badass in CGI which does not represent how the final game will look like (which is a cardinal sin of game trailers) like that's enough to sell the game.
Like you said it was fluff and a sin for game trailers, but these are the kind of things that sell games sadly.
I would bet my left nut that people went crazy for that trailer and pre-ordered because of it. Hell their Youtube channel has comments about mastvrbating to it just moments after it went up.
That was quite charming. Nice bit of music as well.
I expected him to go back to the Super Mutants after getting in th Power Armor for some pay back.
I would have preferred to see some more in-game footage, but I must say, that was pretty damn cool.
Hopefully next Thursday's news release will be the Quakecon/Gamescom footage.
I also hope that now that we're in the final month before release, they might ramp up the PR campaign and do more than the Wednesday SPECIAL video plus Thursday article/video.
2715 mean anything to anyone? That's the address of the house the boy with the bike is standing next to.
Not sure exactly how he survived that Super Mutant encounter, but very cool. I like the fact that it all looked real! Yikes!