Once I saw the video I was singing the wanderer just joking to myself & when I heard the song in the video i started laughing, Bethesda read my mind. lol but anyway i think that song works better with Fallout 3 & the Lone Wanderer.
It's crazy how well some companies can make videos. I'm thoroughly surprised there aren't a wave of studios that make movies or series on the side. I mean, just look at the Halo 2 cutscenes that Blur did!
Every time I see these kind of things all I can think about is when I started out with console games like Turok and 007 on the N64 everything was so blocky, almost to the point of being funny.
first i hate u Bethesda now time will pass more slowly that ever.
Nice trailer i love it, haha love how the Power Armor work now, it feel so cool im just cant wait any more for this game.
Can we stop with the over-drama please?
That "Us vs Them" silliness got exhausting years ago. Comments like that only exacerbate the problem - we can all continue to be babies about this and talk about who hit who first, or we can start to svck it up and move on like mature human beings.
Since it looks like now we're into this:
I mean come on - it's a commercial. There's little that Bethesda is going to be able to tell us on this forum or the others around the internet who already have their minds made up about the game, that's going to change anyone's mind. You know what games Bethesda makes - you either enjoy that game or you don't. Any differences between Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 are minor in the grand scheme of things - you either enjoy an open-world exploration-based RPG with lots of dungeons to explore on a massive world map, or you don't. Any gameplay changes are minor iterations on that theme.
This can't possibly be a news flash to anyone, but all the enthusiasts who have been following Fallout 4's development for months and years already know about the game. That they put out a trailer that gives an overall gist of the game experience for those "filthy casuals" who don't follow gaming news every day isn't the end of the world.
Don't get me wrong, I love CGI stuff as much as the next, and the SPECIAL trailers are interesting, but it's just nice seeing gameplay and in-game assets. I think it's the most crucial stuff they can put out for a game.
Dang. That Skyrim live-action trailer must have nearly killed you.
The E3 demo had gameplay.
If you need to see some gameplay to 'be sold' the game, then you've already seen it.
Playing a different section of gameplay adds nothing.
In the last 3.5 weeks, we are getting cool stuff about the 'feeling' of Fallout 4.
I'm a huge Dion and the Belmonts fan so that trailer drove me nuts in the way the song was cut up.
It also makes me wander 2 years before this game was announced someone already knew where the game was taking place, how weird is that? To know a game setting unless people went up to the photographer and asked them why they were taking pics? Graphics will never look like real life i don't see a possibility and the next thing i see them moving upto is cinematic, because truthfully alienware has better graphics then a ps4 which is kind of sad to say.
Literally one person and said person never even brought up the old games, come on now.
Very nice production values, and a great song to really carry the vibe of the Fallout gameworld. Wonder if this was the cinematic trailer that Luis Nieves supposedly worked on for Mirada studios, which caused such a stir back in May when he referenced it in his LINKEDIN account? Wouldn't be surprised.
Bethesda's Q&A team *drops mic*
I'm not overly keen on live action trailers; they offer nothing more than a flagrant attempt to engender hype without revealing the product in any meaningful way.
It's in equal measure cool and pointless
If you pause the video at 47 seconds its looks like your walking back into new vegas, because that building in the distants looks like lucky 38, how weird would it be if mr house moved to Boston LOL
There's mutants, radroaches, guns and power armor.
The trailer doesn't offer anything that we haven't seen before; including obfuscated skylines of a largely unknown city and the same desert wastes we've seen before.
I understand that this trailer is aimed at a different demographic, but it still offers a paucity of substance to anyone with even a passing cognizance of the series.
So i find it a little weird if you pause the video, you see a radroach on the house roof after he kills the radroach. Also didn't bethesda say there wasn't going to be any mountains?
The latter is wrong. It creates buzz for the very reason you touch up on here:
Wait a minute. Is the vault door upright now and not flat on the ground?