So Bethesda post a new Fallout 4 trailer
This one is live action, and doesn't really show us anything new, but still cool.
So Bethesda post a new Fallout 4 trailer
This one is live action, and doesn't really show us anything new, but still cool.
Very cool. I believe the song is from the 1960's as well, which isn't typical for Fallout. Good song choice though.
It's pretty awesome especially the power armour part!
Not typical, but we did have Frank Sinatra's version of Blue Moon, which was from 1961, same year as this song, in NV.
Hey this game looks pretty neat I think I will purchase it
I like the design and art direction here. Even got some Super Mutants in there.
The Sole Survivor, walking around, on an evening stroll, not giving a single [censored].
This trailer makes me think about what would happen if Bethesda agreed to a Fallout TV show of some kind. If it had the art direction of this trailer it would be off to a good start.
I like how he kills that radroach in the most non-caring way possible.
Its just like "yep, zero [censored]s given that I am shooting a giant mutant cockroach"
Yep, dat shiz was legit. Looks kinda like a TV spot to me I believe this will be their first legit ad.
Hmm...wonder if this means there will be more old rock & roll in Fallout 4.
Very early 60's but you can definitely tell it has a 60's vibe, nice.
I admit, I got excited in a not entirely appropriate way.....
He doesn't even look at it, he's just like "Hi Bob." BAM. "Later Bob."
I'm pretty sure this will be a TV add within the next week.
Sorry, it's required because he shoots a radroach. I know.
Hope you enjoyed it.
So I guess this is what the game looks like with Ultra High graphics.
Well why too short ... but cool none the less.
Hits radroach without aiming, while one handing a rifle; Shoots low and misses every shot on super mutant while aiming from shoulder.
It was a spiffy trailer, but I'm still waiting on more actual gameplay and mechanics trailers. I dunno if it's because they don't want to "spoil" the game, but they're saying over four hundred hours in and they're still seeing new things so that should be moot.
No doubt it'll be a big game and worth $60, but I'm a little worried about the lack of actual game materials (yes I know we received a lot at E3).
God I hope this means there's an M14 in the game.
I do belive they have said something to this effect already.
Don't have a source on hand though.
Nice ad. Could have done without the crouch shot showing SS's unsightly bulge.