Fallout 4 too much $$$!?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:58 pm

I have been a fan of fallout and elder scrolls for many years dating back to the original games. I have been checking these boards daily to quench my anticipation for fallout 4. I am usually quiet and don't want to start a flame war but am sick of the negativity regarding pricing.

I can't help but notice people whining about paying $60 for a product they haven't seen enough of. If you are on these forums there is a 99% chance you will eventually buy the game and likely the dlc if you enjoy the game. If you buy the game and don't like it you can most likely make a 90% return by selling it on eBay after testing it and not liking it; which mitigates your risk to the price of a fast food meal.

If you don't like the price don't buy the game or wait until there is plenty of footage showing the game. For most people the E3 gameplay was plenty to warrant the purchase of the game. A movie with a date will cost you around $20 and that is two hours of entertainment. FO4 is over 400 hours... For $60. The value is incredible.

If you can't spend $60 for a video game currently I would suggest either working more or working somewhere better instead of sinking hours into a game. You could additionally wait to buy the game used which I have done many times or wait until the price drops....

So people please stop hating on the price on every single thread :). Don't buy the game until you are ready but don't spoil everyone else's excitement because you can't "pull the trigger."

End rant. Can't wait for fallout 4!!!
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Baby K(:
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:15 pm

You do realize the point of a "forum" is for feedback and for constructive criticism? In fact, the term comes from Ancient Rome in which forums were places to discuss business and magisterial matters. Forums are not just here for blind faithfuls to rave and rant about how BGS can do no wrong and how any nay sayer should be vanquished. All opinions here are equally respected and considered. That's the point of an opinion. You are entitled to your opinion that you are content with paying $90 for a game you know next to nothing about, but that does not mean others on this forum share your sentiments. Please respect their opinions as we respect yours.

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:58 am

I like Bethesda. Probably my favorite development company.

Still wouldn't buy a season pass when you don't gain anything from doing so. If money were the issue, I'd wait till a steam sale. If money were a real issue, I'd go to a friends house and play it there. It's the fact they're asking you agree to buy a product that they haven't released the details of yet. They want you to buy a black mystery box. It doesn't matter what the past dlc experiences were with Beth. They went from shivering isles to operation anchorage. I liked both of those, but I'd pay full price for shivering isles twice over before I considered getting O:A on sale.

Why not just wait for the dlc to come out on it's own? Why not know what you're buying when you pony up the money? At least with pre-ordering the base game you can make an attempt to be an informed consumer, and gain in return the ability to pre-load the game to work around bad internet and how congested the servers will be on Nov 10. A season pass is just a pointless gamble. Even more pointless when you think about how moddable Bethesda games are.

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:09 pm

I respect opinions but the facts are that if a person purchases the game for $60 and decides they do not like it, they can resell it for around $50 that same week if the game is still newer. If $10 in today's world is enough of a issue to post constantly about not seeing enough to warrant the purchase of the game those individuals should either not purchase it, wait for the footage to flow after release, or wait for the price to drop. In the time it takes to make those posts they could have worked the extra 1 hour to make the $10 to mitigate any risk when purchasing the game.

I'm just about logic here.

They have every right to voice objections to the amount of footage being released but it seems lately they are out in full force on the forums and it generally distracts or goes off topic in the threads.

I understand the hesitance with the dlc but not the base fallout 4 game. People can wait till the dlc releases as it will only be about $10 extra if you wait until after the season pass and they release individually according to Bethesda. I am mainly speaking about the core game.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:08 pm

Not on PC. First buyer becomes the last owner of the game.

On the other hand we PC players don't accept the full price. Many stores sell keys for much lower price, even at lauch.


I'm also fully against reselling games. A game bought second-hand brings zero profit to the publisher/developer.

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:57 pm

Movie dates are a waste of money imo. You're not even conversing with your date and you're both staring at a screen for 2-3 hours. Pretty sad that we live in a world where having a problem with shelling out $30 for hype and unseen product, equates you to automatically being poor and having a [censored] job. Maybe some people just choose not to gamble money on hype and track records.

It's backwards logic to employ your current life and financial situation as a staple to pass judgement on other gamers who may not be as fortunate as you. Who knows why certain gamers can't 'pull the trigger?" You'd be surprised at how your life can change for the worse within the blink of an eye.

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:37 am

This isn't a topic about people being poor.. For those who don't wish to buy the game at release there are options. I am NOT wealthy or well off but the amount of people complaining about the price after seeing the e3 footage and wanting more is staggering. It is on nearly every thread here.

If people are not well off enough to spend the $60 it can be bought on sale or used or traded... Nothing wrong with that.

On the other hand if you are going through a financial rough patch and $60 is a make or break decision it may be best to avoid spending tons of hours in a video game? I worked 3 jobs while putting myself through college and allowed myself 30 minutes of Morrowind per night :) good times.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:29 pm

Personally I think its about time the average price for games should go up, well at least with higher production games. Ya cant sit there and ask for bigger and better games and still pay the same price tag forever.
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marie breen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:31 am

AAA titles have been 60 bucks for a long time. I think it's more that reasonable, given this, to ask 60 for it.

Rent it if you don't want to invest that kind of money, see if you like it, and then go from there.

But again, this is a AAA title, and from a company that is known to make games with replay value that makes the price worth it.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:31 pm

I would pay $500 to play fallout 4 because i know its going to make me happy!!!
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:37 am

It is too much though. Doesn't matter how much gameplay you can rack up.

With budgets growing out of proportions the amount of money the devs and pubs will try to squeeze from us will increase.

I don't care if a game can give me 600 hours of entertainment. It still shouldn't be 60 bucks + season pass + collectors edition + monetized mods.

Nuclear Throne cost me like 13 bucks and I've gotten 650 hours out of it.

Fallout 4, as well as most other triple-a titles out there, costs far too much.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:08 pm

I'm a very cheap person and I agree with Gabriel. If you brought the PipBoy Version now you have to drop another $30-$40 on DLC(which should come with the PipBoy Version imo). I don't know if we have to buy mods though but if we do then yes this is way too much money. If you told me I had to pay around $200 for this game to get everything I wouldn't touch it until the GOTY version is released. No game is worth that much money.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:20 pm

Maybe they should make games people don't want to part with?

I rarely if ever buy used games because I don't trust other people to take care of their things. That said, if a company isn't going to keep their game in circulation, they have no right to complain about it being sold third party. They also don't have a right to complain about what I do with my own stuff.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:38 pm

I don't recall ever staring at the screen during a Movie date :tops:

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:29 pm

I'm not sure whether number of hours vs cost is something you use to qualify the value of a game or not - you say gameplay hours doesn't matter but then throw in the number of hours vs cost for Nuclear Throne; that being said, it's an early access indie title with low cost assets - I'm not surprised it's cheaper than Fallout 4.

And why is it Fallout more expensive? Because budgets growing out of proportion, but proportion to what? To the fidelity of assets? To narrative structure? To the gameplay offered? If you think you are being squeezed by developers then simply don't fund the publisher and instead support the indie developers you feel are more aligned with your budget for game titles.

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:59 am

You mean people don't have a right to own the game for whatever the price they deem is correct? Are you trying to say they should be responsible for their own money? Are you even suggesting that people should learn some patience?

How dare you, sir!

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:10 pm

I have no issue with the price of a TES or FO game. If I divide the hours played into the price the price is golden (1400+ in Skyrim). Heck I'll spend $60+ on taking the family out to dinner and that's gone in an hour or so. I'm not sure what price would make me hesitate tbh. Sure if the price was $400 I may have to ask the wife before buying it ... maybe.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:54 pm

In a world where 8 hour campaign shooters are sold for £45 at launch and 100 hour plus RPG's are sold at £45 at launch I can hardly back anyone saying Bethesda are overcharging for their games. If Bethesda are overcharging then what the hell is the rest of the industry doing?

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:20 pm

Have you ever heard of people buying a season pass to a sporting team? Or to a specific theater? They have no idea what they'll be getting either, and they pay a whole lot more than $30. I'm sure you can think of several other examples of money-down situations where you only have general idea of what the product will look like and how it will perform.

I'm not understanding this outrage about the season pass. It's and offer, people. They are not asking you to buy a cat in a bag, they are offering you a discount on future products closely related to a product you already love and know you'll be buying. If you don't like the offer, leave it on the table instead of slamming BSG for giving you a great opportunity. As OP states, $30 is nothing in today's America, especially considering the hours of entertainment you'll be getting. A professional sports game is at least twice that, for 2-4 hours of potential entertainment. Games can svck too. As can movies, or any other entertainment service you choose to purchase. This one you can revisit as many times as you like and you know it'll be modded so you can alter it however you please. That is not an option many other products offer.

NOT buying the season pass, however, will show BSG that the interest level, and thus potential earnings, may not justify more than 1 or 2 DLCs as it's not worth it for them to invest that amount of time. Pre-sales is a great indicator for them to gauge how the DLC might sell, so if you buy a season pass, we'll see more DLC. Simple as that.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:39 pm

Unfortunately you don't own the game. You own a copy of a disc that gives you right to play the game. BSG, or any other developer, could potentially sell annual licenses. A 1 year license to play Fallout 4, then it expires. They could probably sell those at $20 for people who aren't into replay value.

BSG spent SEVEN YEARS!! developing this game and people are complaining that it sells for a measly $60. Omg. I'm surprised they stay afloat selling that kind of development at that price point. If games had to follow the average price index, what should they really cost today?

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Stephy Beck
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:50 pm

I played F3 and FONV for thousand of hours each.

Sixty dollars works out to about 3 cents per hour for me.

Maybe 5 cents per hour if you add in DLC.

A two hour movie runs over 12 dollars which is over 100 times as expensive before you add in a drink and popcorn.

Some games are not worth the 60 dollar price tag, but if Fallout 4 is half as good as it looks, I'd pay double to get it.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:48 pm

So true. I'd totally be surprised at the price tag but I would still consider a preorder, seriously.

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:09 pm

Funny thing is, I've not seen many complaints here about pricing of the game. So, I'm still unsure wondering exactly who this thread is aimed at.

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Samantha Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:56 pm

But you don't have to buy any of that stuff.
That stuff (and perhaps not all of it) costs extra because it is/has extra stuff.
Pip Boy edition comes with a Pip Boy. That's what you're paying for; it was never advertised with all DLC. People don't have to pay that price if they don't agree with it (that's if they were even lucky enough to get it).
I have the F3 and NV CEs. They came with collectables. That's why I bought them. Never did it occur to me that I should feel entitled to everything pertaining to those games.

I saw this "CE should have all DLC" nonsense (IMO) on FB yesterday, and I will reply the same here.
What a slap to the face it would be to everyone that could not get a CE (because people bought multiple copies/ Ebay profiteers) it would be for Bethesda to say "You know that CE that you wanted, and sold out stupid fast, which aren't making any more of?! Well, all of those already lucky people get all the DLC- For FREEEEEEE!"
I don't think this wold go over too well.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:06 am

Again I didn't make this thread to hate on people I was just surprised by people that didn't like the price or those who said they wanted to see a ton more before purchase.

I feel like games have been $50-$60 since.... Forever ago if I recall? I think when I used to buy original Xbox games that is what they cost a million years ago.
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