I can't help but notice people whining about paying $60 for a product they haven't seen enough of. If you are on these forums there is a 99% chance you will eventually buy the game and likely the dlc if you enjoy the game. If you buy the game and don't like it you can most likely make a 90% return by selling it on eBay after testing it and not liking it; which mitigates your risk to the price of a fast food meal.
If you don't like the price don't buy the game or wait until there is plenty of footage showing the game. For most people the E3 gameplay was plenty to warrant the purchase of the game. A movie with a date will cost you around $20 and that is two hours of entertainment. FO4 is over 400 hours... For $60. The value is incredible.
If you can't spend $60 for a video game currently I would suggest either working more or working somewhere better instead of sinking hours into a game. You could additionally wait to buy the game used which I have done many times or wait until the price drops....
So people please stop hating on the price on every single thread

End rant. Can't wait for fallout 4!!!