No ways in hell it should, although to compensate for those who want it back they should allow it to be swapped to that mode just like with the FPS/TPS style in FO3 AND FNV. The story you wrote is good although it should rather be like either of these:
The wastelander was born in the year 2302. The wasteland had been a cruel and cold world for him and yet the wastelander has always beaten the odds. The wastelander, fighting for peace and the laws of the old world had been fighting along the The FFW(Freedom Fighters of the Wasteland, corny name, I know, just play along

). Fighting against them were the Enclave, seeking only to own the land and claim it as their own. The wastelander, with his companion Paul, who he had met in one of the wars between the FFW and the Enclave, Paul had saw that the wastelander had been wounded and had came to his rescue. The year is 2019, this is the massive war they had been dreading between the Enclave and the FFW, thousands of Enclave soldiers and FFW soldiers have been deployed to finally decide the fate of the wasteland. The fight waged on for hours, both sides neck to neck, bullets flying everywhere. The wastelander charged into battle, he was shot down quickly. Near death, the wastelander was carried to safety. It was the brotherhood, who drags him back to a brotherhood camp and where he is healed, but in a coma, he wakes up in 2325, and finds the brotherhood camp abandoned, oddly enough, but paul somehow is here, and has been protecting him all this time. Now the wastelander discovers the brotherhood camp had been obliterated by the Enclave and the FFW had been torn down completely. It is up to him to fix this mess or defeat all those who appose the Enclave.
Story #2:
The wastelander had been born in the year 2305, he had been living life the evil way, helping to destroy those who wish for a better tomorrow, taking everything for himself, killing anything who got in his way. He was feared by many. He was a mercenary along with a scavenger, anything he was, he wanted and he was always the first to get all the contract and never thought twice about putting a bullet between his victims eyes. The wastelander had never had help from anyone. His targets he was hired to kill were mainly FFW presidents, those who fought against his employers wishes and dreams, no matter who it was, he always fulfilled his contract. The year is 2019, the largest war between the Enclave and the FFW had been raging on. The wastelander has been hired to provide assistance to the Enclave without being noticed by either side. The wastelander has decides to take the stealth way with an anti-material rifle in a dark cave, this had given him a great sniping point and was also concealed by the darkness. The wastelander has been picking off the FFW soldiers one-by-one and had been successful at being undetected. Out of nowhere, right out of the darkness, he had been attacked by an FFW soldier with a machete, being sliced multiple times and and stabbed twice. The wastelander was near death, one more blow and that was the end of him, as the FFW soldier was about to strike his final blow, out of nowhere, a stranger in a blue suit had shot the soldier in his head, and had dragged the wastelander inside to safety, catching a quick glimpse of of the frightened people, he had noticed a number the persons suit, the number 150. He was in a vault, Vault 151. The wastelander falls into a coma, he wakes up in the year 2035, the vault is abandoned and had been overrun by ghouls and mutants
OR the vaults population had dropped drastically and the wasteland had been taken over by the Enclave, it is now the wastelanders fate to either help the FFW to take the Enclave out of the picture or take revenged and completely destroy the FFW and the Enclave OR take revenge on the FFW and completely destroy them and assist the enclave.
What you guys think? lol