happen to me too, i got to the isle part and everything cool and all but then i lose the will to play it
happen to me too, i got to the isle part and everything cool and all but then i lose the will to play it
This is not really the place for psychoanolysis.
I think most people who are fans of Fallout are feeling the hype (from what I can see of the forums).
Any feelings of 'meh' you are feeling are just something you're going to have to figure out...
I was playing the Witcher 3 when Fallout 4 was announced and I could actually feel the moment my interest shifted from what was a great game to the anticipation of Fallout 4, I finished off the game in between watching and reading everything I could find about Fallout 4.....I think that was added to by how uninteresting The Witcher 3 is after the main story is completed, I've tried to go back since and its just not holding my focus anymore. I feel no real need to go through the story again, not least because I apparently got the 'good' ending already.
Well, nevermind the whole derailing further off of the path of what a proper Fallout game is. Instead, I try to look at it as a game on its own merits. And on its own merits it just seems like more of the same to me. I saw the leaked footage and it looked like Fallout 3 only a bit prettier. I tried going back to Fallout 3 a few months ago to replay it and I'm burned out on Bethesda games in general. Bethesda don't really do anything interesting with their games. It's just tons of dungeons to go through with the same types of enemies over and over again. Eventually that gets tiresome and I lose interest. Fallout 4 doesn't seem like it is really trying to do anything to switch that up. Sure, the perk system is different, so is the dialogue and a talking protagonist. I don't see any of them as good designs even on their own merits though. And couple that with what we'll most likely get out of 'yet another Bethesda' game and I find myself with zero interest.
So why don't I feel hyped?
1. Because I played Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim and they all play exactly the same. Sure, the mechanics are different but the motivation in each game is exactly the same.
2. The design Bethesda prioritizes is not what I enjoy. They want a sandbox of distractions. I want a clear structured goal.
3. They have not released nearly enough information about what the actual world, characters, factions and story is going to be about.
4. It's a triple-a title, which means a hefty price-tag, I refuse to pay more than 30 bucks for any game so triple-a titles rarely get me hyped in the first place.
5. The information they 'have' released about the game I don't care much for.
5a. Settlement building feels like it'll be something underdeveloped and just there for the sake of being there, like houses, thane-ship and marriage in Skyrim.
5b. Gun crafting, I'm burnt out on crafting systems in general. They feel so token most of the time. I'd rather have pre-defined weapons than dozens of variables.
5c. The perk system looks like dozens of small bonuses. I prefer big bonuses but less of them than small bonuses but tons of them.
5d. Voiced protagonist in an RPG does not fit at all to me. It limits the RP capabilities.
6. It is not a Fallout game. Even if I try to look at it as a game on its own merits; Its validity as a Fallout game will always be a factor for me.
Ive been keeping my hype tempered for now. Been playing the other games so that I don't get too much into the wait.
When I was super hyped for Skyrim the wait felt like agony. Now that we're a month and a half from release, the lack of hype has meant that it feels like yesterday that it was announced.
Or maybe im just getting older and falling into a grove in life and time is passing much faster. There's science behind that. It might be a bit of both.
I've got a peaceful, easy feeling and I know Bethesda won't let me down.
I am very much looking forward to this game and am enjoying (people being on even footing with) baseless speculation much more than arguing about what bits of hype are or are not important/wrong/impossible/against what the series is 'about' and so on.
Peaceful and easy. That is how I would describe my feelings.
Ive got a rough sketch of my character lined up in my head, and he will be joining all of the others I have for each Bethesda game. No need to get all caught up in the hype train and stop playing the rest of the games because "Its not Fallout 4!".
I very rarely buy games new as I get tired/bored or flat out don't like a lot of games after a day or two. Fallout is one of those games that I'll buy new because I know there's no chance of me returning it.3 and NV are even independently the most played games I've ever owned. Forza is there too since I know I'll like that enough to put in the time and not return it. GTA, also. I would have liked to say the same about Far Cry but while the last one was fun and really good, offered little to no replay value to me.
Are you hyped now?
How about now??
(I admit the new character thing, explaining it.... Nearly wet myself)
How about NOW??
I agree with the OP here. by this time in 2011 I was living and breathing Skyrim. scrounging for any new snippet, listening to ripped portions of the soundtrack from the videos. Skyrim's slow leak of info was great for that. With Fallout 4 (which I admittedly don't like fallout nearly as much as I do TES) I felt that way in the weeks following the reveal, then the abscense of any info at all for almost 3 months just let my excitement die out completely.
I haven't listened to the main theme ripped from the E3 video in months. I started up on these forums again on monday, and threads from "yesterday" are still front page after 3-4PM. anyone remember the Skyrim forums at this time 4 years ago? you'd post a new thread and count to 5, then add a bump just so it gets seen and not moved to page 2, or page 56.
If that's any indication, i'd say you're far from the only one. I know some fallout fans IRL and when i mention Fallout 4 features or possibilities, they say "oh yeah! that's comming out eh?" (yeah, canadian)
I'm not super hyped i get on here to kill sometime before i leave for work. I'm definitely buying it day one though. Personally i like the quiet approach to advertising, things like the app and "lootcrate" seem to sell extremely well and get word of mouth out there.
Also the perk chart/video they released was pretty interesting, got me in the mood to fire up fallout three again (well tale of two wastelands)
I'm not hyped either, but then I've never really been one to get hype for games. Especially not recently what with MGS V and Dragon Age Inquistion being nowhere near as good as I had originally anticipated. Good games mind you, but not worth getting ultra hyped about.
That said, Fallout is among my top four series of games and as such I'm definitely buying day one thanks to my preorder. I'm just not going to hype myself up incase of any disappointment--which is always magnified when you allow yourself to become hyped.
i cant agree with you here. Given i hate fantasy games like the witcher and skyrim. The only fantasy game i truly came to like is Dark Souls. idk why but i love that game. But Fallout4 is one of the games im really looking forward to this year. Along with Battlefront 3, Homefront, And Rainbow Six Siege. of course Fallout is number 1 out of them all. Im actually kinda happy they havent released anything about story. Cause itll allow me to find out myself what happened and allows me to answer all the questions that ive been asking. Im pretty sure Fallout4 is gonna be game of the year hands down no doubt! the first game that has come to xbox one thatll actually be worth playing. the only two ive seen is Evil Within and Alien Isolation. But now Fallout4 with make them step down a peg.
I'm very hyped. Very.
But not a fraction as hyped I'd be for a new Obsidian Fallout game.
I WILL play this game to death, for years. No doubt. But somewhere deep inside I'll be wishing it was by Obsidian.
On the other hand, the writing in this game might be fantastic and not the usual uninvolving Bethesda stuff! Wouldn't that be nice?
I'm excited, but not hyped. Probably because I have a lot of other things going on in my life that are exciting and I am also planning on getting a new apartment maybe. car maintanance. work keeps me busy to the point of going straight to bed most nights. I have no doubt so far that I will become obsessed with FO4 when it comes out though.
I am glad that there is not that much information and I am looking forward to the game. I was bored from Witcher 3 in no time and not even interested in the expansions. I am only interested in 2 games that are coming out in the next 2 months. Rebel Galaxy and Fallout 4. I see playing both of those games for a long time on Both PC and X1 since I will likely get both games on both platforms and maybe even PS4 if I do get that console.
I'm not at all hyped because we know so little about the game, but looking forward to reading some reviews.
By this time in 2011 I was in agony and so was half the internet, which made the wait even more agonizing .
Second favorite game series, favorite game dev, and I've been waiting for this [censored] thing for seven [censored] years. [censored] yeah I'm [censored] hyped!
I'm not very excited, for a manifold of reasons many of them the same as Gabriel's.
Personally I view Fallout 4 as the denouement of the series (most likely), and the genesis of Bethesda's latent Philosophy in Fallout 3.
Which is a good thing in my opinion, as often is the case with games hype is pernicious; expecting to be awed is often the quickest way to not be.
But this seems like a perfect example of Hegel's dialectics; with Bethesda being far too obvious and arresting in trying to generate hype with Skyrim, and now far too conservative in their attempts with Fallout 4. Hopefully by TES 6 Bethesda will devise a marketing strategy "that just works", teasing everyone without satiating anyone.
I'm curious to see if this general apathy towards Fallout 4 (from the lack of promoting Fallout 4) will impact sales in anyway, positively or not?