I've not played much GTA since Vice City but I'm pretty sure your option was hetro male. Can you be a gay female thug in GTA V?
I've not played much GTA since Vice City but I'm pretty sure your option was hetro male. Can you be a gay female thug in GTA V?
A good friend of mine from high school came out of the closet about five years ago. And you know what? He never even thought about another guy until he met his current husband. Prior to their meeting, he and his ex-wife both have stated they had a good relationship. It's just sometimes, you meet someone who completely changes your perspective on life.
But if you're looking for a same six relationship at the start, there's already a few mods for that.
IT is, it very much IS an RPG, It is an AMAZING RPG.
It is a RPG. You are just forced to roleplay as Geralt. So you can roleplay as a Geralt that murders anything not human and is forever alone or as a Geralt that is friend to friendly monsters and humans and forever alone since he tried to have a threesome.
This thread's premise is gay, and I don't mean that in the cool, recently popularised, same six kinda way.
I mean stupid, and entitled.
If yer gay, role play a gay character, the game allows you the freedom to do that, no matter yer panty wadded chagrin that you don't get to start out as gay; like it, or not, the vast majority of the world is hetero; else you wouldn't be here to be gay. If the story doesn't suit you, find something that does.
If yer all about freedom, then accept that game manufacturers have the freedom to not cater to your demographic.
TL;DR: yer agenda is showing.
The point being made is that it's rather silly to get upset about Bethesda's story by bringing up the Witcher, which is quite well liked, and doesn't even allow the possibility of a female character.
Haters gonna hate, and the LBGT community has just as many haters as any other group.
I'm impressed that Bethesda went that far with relationships in Fallout 4, honestly. They're still a couple steps behind 2K/Gearbox (Borderlands 2, TPS, and TFTB, are well ahead of the pack concerning non-hetero sixuality), but I really do feel that they've made a step forward from 3 and New Vegas.
Consider the perspective they're working with here. We take the late 50s and early 60s Space Age utopian America, stretch it over a century beyond its shelf life, and then suspend it for two centuries with the inevitable global nuclear war. Mid-20th-Century America was a homophobic place. VERY much so. (And racist, and anti-semitic, and a LOT of other nasty things.) That we started from the white picket fence suburban version of America pre-war is not at all surprising. And while it may not fit our IRL 21st Century sensibilities very well, it's accurate enough (until you go playing with skin color on your characters) for what it represents. That you can go from a straight, married, all-American, to as L or G or B as you want, in the course of the scene change from pre- to post-war? It's only natural. And you can be rosy and interpret it as a further statement on overcoming the old America, and draw whatever conclusions you like.
Or, just face the fact that the hetero relationship in the game's beginning was there to facilitate the choice of your character's gender (as opposed to your father asking you if you're a boy or a girl within seconds of your birth). It's no attempt at heteronormalization of the gaming community.
But, I suppose some undergrad somewhere is going to go write their C paper for a secnd-year gender studies class on that very argument. HURRAY FOR HALFASSING!
That's actually a good point about character creation. It felt a lot less annoying and out of place with the bathroom mirror set up than the constant message pop ups that you got in FO3 asking the infant version of you questions about your gender and hair and eye color.
it's silly to compare the two for the sole reason that the witcher is based on a book series
I like this Rabbi guy, he makes sense, a commodity sadly lacking amongst the hyperbole and angst typically prevalent in threads such as this one.
You can get a scholarship to college for being left handed...just saying not sure you can get one for your choice of sixual orientation though...which demographic did you say was the target audience again?
I was just walking and humming, doing my heterosixual thing, bringing flowers to my girlfriend. They asked me why the flowers? I said for my girlfriend. They I got smacked in the back and kicked on the ground.
Even though as a masculine heterosixual man I didn't particularly care about the baby or have any soft feelings, I really liked the intro and the main quest. Having it taken away just so gays can sniffle would be a big loss to the universe
god forbid heterosixual males and their girlfriends
idiots exist in all social spectrums unfortunately
If you can't role play a gay character in fallout 4 all that proves is that YOU can't role play. The idea that a gay character can not be in love with the opposite six is to be willfully blind to the facts. There are numerous homosixuals that have been married with the opposite six who loved their spouses there are numerous gay people with very positive and warm relations with their divorced spouses whom they still LOVE, and numerous children from these marriages. Many gay people go for decades not realizing they are gay as well. This idea that you know you were gay and have always known isn't a universal experience and isn't representative of all people.
These are REAL situations that REAL people have experienced there is ZERO reason why they can't be replicated in a game. If you are so hung up on sixuality that it can have zero variance to your own comfort zone then that is YOUR problem and frankly YOU need to work on your own intolerance and stop making your failings Bethesda's failings.
To be fair here I'm 89% sure the gayness in the earliest Fallouts were meant as jokes and New Vegas wasn't Bethesda. So Fallout may or may not have a gay legacy but Beth does not. And you can romance same six companions. Mind you they don't ever acknowledge your six either way (that I know of) but still. It's something.
Somewhat tangential question: has anyone found a man you can flirt with in this entire game? That isn't a companion I mean. I think I've seen two women.
But- but- straightness is evil blood poison I can't POSSIBLY have within twenty miles of my character! I MUST be 100% gay, 100% of the time in order to roleplay!
Insert massive sarcastic air quotes.
Sigh. I don't understand people's constant demand for the ability to make fictional characters... uh, exactly like them, but with superpowers and guns? Or something?
I don't see the problem? I don't demand that other characters in games, movies, books or otherwise, have the preferences I prefer. Do we really need to cater to a large pool of people in every product, in order not to offend anybody?
That may have been a poor CHOICE of wording on my behalf i'm aware of the argument that sixuality is instilled since birth and others claim that sixuality is a choice
Twas insensitive on my behalf, my apologies.