It kind of does feel like just that, but you really would have to be a member of the community to 'get it' or really understand the impact. The same-six perks were removed, we're dumped into this marriage whether we can identify with it or not, and all the while we're told this character is "ours" and not a named protagonist. It sure looks like a named protagonist to me, not the blank slate of previous Fallout\ES games.
Then, after we get into the world, at every turn, every NPC beats us over the head with this past. Even NPCs that you never once discussed the former relationship with will be sure to inform you of how in love with your spouse you seem. Really? I could get on board with looking for the son if everyone would just shut up already about the stupid husband that I didn't want and don't care that is dead.
There's really no legit reason to have gone about it this way. There are so many ways to write a story about a kidnapped baby. Only one of them is you are the father\mother. Who exactly was the target audience with this particular story?
Nevermind the fact that they did absolutely nothing to actually create a real bond with the baby or spouse. And you know what would have stopped this entire debate? Another hundred lines of interchangeable dialogue and the option to swap both characters at the start to whatever gender. If the spouse was going to die ANYWAY... What was the harm? Oh, because in a world where they are literally making synthetic humans that you can't tell from real ones they somehow haven't managed to figure out how to procreate without this traditional marriage? It was THAT IMPORTANT that this baby who we see for all of five seconds has some minor recognizable traits from both parents that somehow wouldn't work with same six parents, because like, we can't use DNA from our spouse's opposite six sibling\other relative or use DNA from a donor that looks similar to our spouse, right?
Something isn't right, here. Not for the year 2015 and allegedly the year 2077. It would have been ideal if they had just scrapped the entire thing and made the baby your younger brother who was taken from your mother's arms, while your father had died in the war or whatever. THAT would have been a compelling story for the majority of players. THAT would have fueled some revenge and not alienated a portion of the playerbase. No one pitched that story? Todd Howard really felt this was the ONLY way to introduce a baby to chase?
Look, I'm over it. There's nothing I can do. The story is written, and once I accepted that this is Todd Howard's character and not mine I did go on to enjoy other aspects of the game. I'll never be on board with this story, I'll always think it was lazy and hokey and terribly written, and that's the way it is. I probably won't even accept another Fallout title even if it's given to me as this was. I wasn't going to buy this title because of the story, and someone got it for me anyway so I gave it a chance.
It's worse than I thought it would be in terms of main story (everything else? love it love it love it). You don't get it, and that's 100% ok. However, please respect that it did hurt and alienate some people who previously supported this developer because they were so serious about giving us a character we could make our own. Some of us feel like Todd is taking a swipe at us, and we don't even know why.