What about reptilians, at least i had that choice in skyrim. No im forced to play a silly human.
Ok, I will play your game.
You appear to not only not understand military people but actually seem to dislike them. So explain to me why I should give a royal rat's ass about your problems?
Comparing an interracial couple to a gay couple is silly. Most guys like chicks from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds. In case you haven't noticed a lot of white guys have a thing for hot asian chicks, me included. I wouldn't mind boning Nicole Beharie either. I have ZERO interest in boning any guys though. Besides during E3 Todd turned Mr. Italian into a black guy and no one cared.
If you squint your eyes, Nora is ugly enough that she could easily pass as a guy anyways. Hence why I was not upset when she died and in fact her killer probably saved me a ton of cash for a divorce lawyer.
The decree from the poor disenfranchised people on this forum who constantly complain about this appears to be every open world game from now on should not establish a hetero normative cis hetero blah blah blah background story because they don't like it. You can romance every follower in the game outside of Strong, robots and Dogmeat. That is about as open as you can possibly get.
Being rather heterosixual, I don't find this story convincing at all. That whole happy family/vengeance/kidnapped-me-son thing is a total cliché. I totally understand that gay people don't find this backstory convincing as it won't let them identify with the character. But kKnow what? I guess that neither will lot of heterosixual people. I know that whole 1950's aesthetics are kind of cliché, and a fun one,, too, but this is just a background, not something a player is supposed to identify themselves with.
As Souljacker has already said - skipping on all that merry spouse thingy and making Shaun a little brother instead seems to be an idea more people could identify themselves with - as it wouldn't encourage the player to identify with a "cliché happy suburb marriage" protagonist.
It is 2077 so there has to be some level of social advancement even if it moves glacially. In the 60s, African Americans got the right to vote and interracial marriage laws were repealed in our universe, those laws could have come out in the middle 21st Century in the Fallout universe.
So how hard is it to believe that homosixual men and women marry the opposite gender to protect themselves and have weekly guy's night out and women's night out?
I know a lot of gay fans who headcanoned that, actually.
Fallout begins in 1950's culture.
In the 1950's you were expected to have a nuclear family, wether you were gay or not. There's a show called Mad Men which touches on a few gay characters who are going through this.
It should be noted that the capacity to be in love with someone isn't strictly bound to sixuality. One can have deep feelings of affection for someone, without being sixually attracted to them, and indeed for those who were gay in the 1950's with families, this happened a lot. They did *love* their spouses, because they had children with their spouses, the spouse was part of their family. But feeling that strong sixual attraction, and desire for them is a different matter.
I would have preferred it, if the companion sixualities were differing and predefined to build their characterization better- but they aren't. They opened it to everyone, so that our personal preferences wouldn't hit a roadblock with the companions.
I agree that its cliche and as I said its been done countless times. Its their story though and Bethesda thinks that this story will motivate people to get emotionally involved in the quest beyond the normal former prisoner, courier or vault dweller. I would have much preferred a more generic beginning like Fallout NV where you find you were shot in the head and a courier and that is all the info you have, you get to fill in the rest. For whatever reason though Bethesda decided to go the other route and this story is a popular meme.........revenge and searching for a lost loved one is a staple of every cop TV show on right now.
People have always seemed to get too attached to the "be who you want/go where you want" ad copy that Beth has used every game. No matter how much they've said that, all of their games still have had a central story that the main character tied into. From being stuck as a prophesied-about prisoner in Oblivion, to being stuck as a 19-year-old who grew up in a vault in FO3, there's always been some definition that people have had to ignore or mod away, so that they could follow their subsistance farmer/Joe Everyman/feral catboy RP. They have never been total-freedom sandboxes. Just the way it is.
Oh, and...
Eh, Nate was much more homely to me. I don't see anything wrong with the default Nora model.
I stand corrected. Nora happens to be the model that Bethesda based their feral ghouls off of. That should tell you something.
I agree that FO3 was the worst. FNV was the best, no age, no background other than a courier...nothing. You got to make up pretty much any storyline you wanted. Only TES games had even sparse information where you were a prisoner they didn't even tell you what you were jailed for in the first place. NV eventually let you find out why you were shot.
That's kind of ignorant. Gay people can adopt kids. Well, depending on where you live I guess.
it's a rpg/fps, not gay dating simulator, there is sims for that
There's a gay dating simulator in the Sims? Progressive. Weird, but progressive.
Not really......it was quite plain in FO3 that Bethesda chose to use non-feral ghouls as the stand-in for racial minorities. Imagine the Tenpenny Tower quest if Roy were black and the residents of TT were white....it would have made the Millenials trigger so hard it might have killed the poor dears. The backlash over creating a "Race War simulator"....the logical result of combining 50s racial views with post-apocalyptic scarcity of nearly everything...could potentially have killed the company. And seriously, who besides skinheads and their equivalents in minority communities, would want to play a game like that?
The Lonesome Road screwed over the Courier from having no background. Might not know where the Courier came from, but we know where the Courier's home was.
Or living a lie. Lots of gay people that are in heterosixual relationships either because they only realize they are gay after years in that relationship or they are hiding who they are to avoid persecution which is less common now.
there are 2 actually, the Sims allow u to have a gay couple and there was another game similar to the sim but just about humans relationship
Imagine if the LW would have been force to join the nicer "racist" group. "Sure BoS shoot black people on the spot but at least they don't shoot everyone like the Enclave".
That said I do find it a little hard to believe no social progress wasn't made before the Great War where being a interracial couple would have been a issue or even being gay is one. I think Bethesda wanted to tell a certain story and having a straight/Bi SS is the best way to go about it. Also we know little about the SS pre war live. Who to say that if you have a black Nate and a Asian Nora(like I do)that people in your neighborhood don't have a problem with it. theymight do but you might not care.
Oh, man... Why are these forums turning into the comment section of news articles? I assure you OP it's all Obama's fault.