That's just your opinion fam.
/hood version of the Dude
Haters are coming out of the woodwork as release approaches. What is this??
While I disagree with the OP, you don't have to be a professional to be able to tell something is good or bad. And what's with the Liam Neeson argument? Cause he only did roles in movies with really clever, quality stories, right. And because an incredibly good writer can find a job in the industry and make a game just like that. Please.
So you've played the game already just like the rest of us, hmmm?
Oh, wait, the game hasn't been released yet.
You should never prejudge something you know very little (or absolutely nothing) about. If after actually playing the game and judging it on it's own merits, you still don't like the game, congratulations, you have discovered that it just isn't for you, until then, sit back and enjoy the ride towards our eventual goal of a Fallout 4 release date.
Fallout 3 = Bioshock (darkly comical and creepy, dark and gritty color palette, art deco/retrofuturistic imagery, use of audio logs to tell stories, mix of RPG and FPS gameplay)
New Vegas = Bioshock 2 (Sequel that changed just the right things)
Fallout 4 = Bioshock Infinite (Blue skies! Character models that don't svck! Voiced protagonist for better storytelling!)
By the way,, Death Claw! It'll be great to see you start contributing to other threads on the forum, instead of posting solely in this one with your new account.
Yeah, I didn't like how the Enclave in Fallout 3 were basically Wasteland Nazis. And then the Legion in New Vegas was cartoonishly evil. Also, the Thalmor in Elder Scrolls seem to be heading in that same direction. (I think The Pitt -DLC was better in that regard though.)
But who do you mean by "pseudo-super heroes"?
But seriously though, I'll say what I always say to threads like these.
Too bad, so sad. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Vote with your dollar.
I just want to know how fallout 4 looks generic. If anything fallout 3 looked more generic with its dull green palette.
He's referring to this quest in Fallout 3:
-Neverland Town full of kids involved in main questline.
-Nuclear Football tossing All-American Optimus Prime for the finale.
-Vampire wanna-be posers.
-Plot of tiny farmland ruled by self-proclaimed President of his own family.
-Robot and Ant-themed super hero and super villain.
Serious? Nah.
Don't get me wrong, Fallout 3 had some very dark moments. Vault 87 being chief amongst these, but it was definitely not dark "start to finish."
I sure hope so.
You don't need to be a master chef to tell if the food is bad and you certainly don't need to be a huge developer making your own games to judge Bethesda's stories.
Quoted for emphasis. Fallout 3 could make you crack up as much as it could make you angry about the human condition.
That wasn't what I thought. Having played all of the Fallout RPGs, I think Fallout 3 is easily the most lighthearted game in the series yet. It completely glossed over some of the grimmer realities of a post-apocalyptic world that the other installments didn't, and generally featured a more lighthearted tone and atmosphere.
I wouldn't put the Legion on the same level as Bethesda's take on the Enclave. The Legion are a classic story of good intentions gone wrong. Caesar started out simply trying to help a single tribe survive before it was wiped out by its neighbors, then he sought to unify the tribes, and it all went downhill when he started to think he would do a better job leading the people of the wasteland than the NCR that he held a deep resentment for.
Caesar is no saint, but he's not a cartoonish villain either.
Neeson was in one of the Star Wars prequel, the Taken movies, Battleship and Wrath of Titans. He been in some pretty bad movies.
Darkman but he hasn't been the same since the tree.
Liam Neeson is also an actor, not a writer. Being an actor doesn't automatically make someone an "authority" on what constitutes good writing.
Plenty of good actors have tried their hands at writing/directing and failed miserably. Just because Liam Neeson thought the Fallout 3 story was "good" doesn't make it so. Fallout 3 had alot of problems in the writing department. Alot.
If the OP is of the opinion that Fallout has always been "dark" and "serious," I'm kinda guessing he's probably never played Fallout 2, here.
Fallout 3 main isn't bad (nor isn't not good [yeah double negative, sue me]) it's just simple. Every living thing needs water. Cleaning all the water in DC post-apocalypse so that life can get another chance is a damn good story on paper. It was just too simple.
Totally agree, remember how Diablo 3 had some colorful environments and it made the game so much lighter and softer than the previous ones ? Oh wait..
Ok OP, cool story.
Until the game is out, none of us know the truth of it.
That's your assessment? Up to you.
A well done story about family can be pretty serious, though Fallout has always had grim humour.
And dark can easily be confused with dreary.