Fallout 3 was serious and dark, Fallout 4 looks cringeworthy

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:18 am

You trolling
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:07 am

What? All he said was that the majority of the fanbase sees Fallout 3's story as black vs white. And while you're right (there exist no statistics for this) I'd still say that he's right, because Fallout 3's main questline (and a lot of sidequests) described EXACTLY that - A black vs white, good vs evil conflict. It's obvious.

In no way does that mean the story's inherently worse. Tolkien's world is black/white and he's regarded one of the greatest authors in history. You may find grey elements in such stories (mostly with the white factions), but the general direction is clear.

So no, not totally false.

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:48 am

The big thing I'm wondering is how we/he can tell all these things about the plot & story of Fallout 4, when we haven't seen 99% of it yet. :shrug:

Considering the faction of Diablo fans who think exactly that? Might not be the best example for some..... :tongue:

(I agree, though. The whole "it doesn't look like Diablo!" "It's all bright and cheerful!" thing just confuses me. I think it's style fits the series perfectly, and if Bliz had had more than 800x600/256 colors to work with on D2, it wouldn't have been so "dark" and "gritty".....)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:41 am

Fallout...a dark gritty series?


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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:28 am

he can see the future, i already beat the game probably

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:35 am

If time isn't a factor for you, it may be wise to wait until after the game is released so you have at least 1,000 times more information to go on than currently. That way you can make a much better informed decision as to whether you might enjoy Fallout 4. Whatever conclusion you reach, you can always vote with your wallet.

As to some people thinking this might be a troll, according to the forum rules:

"a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as this forum to bait users into responding."

I think it's fairly reasonable for people to qualify the OP's comments as both derogatory and inflammatory in nature. Many people have had disagreements with the direction that Bethesda has taken Fallout and even more people have criticized some of the design choices Bethesda has made in regards to Fallout 4, but these individuals have been able shape their criticism in a far less derogatory and inflammatory manner.

For example, the fact that the OP's message did in fact inflame several people is fairly decent proof it can be labeled inflammatory.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:13 am

you do realize fallout 3 started with you actually PLAYING as a baby
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:19 pm

The story of FO3 is the worst Fallout story to date. I'm hoping 4 is a lot better. There is plenty of comic relief in FO3, also. Doctor Glazlow or Lazlow, the fire ant dude. The whole story line behind the Naughty Nightwear. Moira is supposed to be a funny bumbling moron, imo. The Nuka Quantum girl. The Russian dude.

It had some dark mood locations, the atmosphere was fairly decent. Just the writing and the MQ were horrible. Sorry, but 200 years later it was dumb to have a need for project purity to purify water that should be long clean, and if even not, you can homebrew clean water extremely easy. Note, that in FONV, you could homebrew dirty water to clean water as a recipe for survival(there was also a lot of clean water in FONV and DLCs). The choice and consequences in the game was an illusion.

Now, I can't say anything about FO4, because I haven't played it, and I'm not sure how you are able to pick up on how awful FO4 is going to be without playing it. From what I have seen, I'm fairly excited to play it, and I think it will be a lot better than FO3, which I view as the worst FO game, even though I did enjoy it when it came out, the story and what not make that game unplayable to me the last few years.

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:33 am

I don't know anything about Fallout 4's story to make any judgement. I'm surprised at how many people on here know so much about it already.

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Abi Emily
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:27 am

I couldn't disagree more with your feelings. If they put a gun on my head and ask me to say ONE thing I love about Bethesda is that they don't go full dark- sad -martyr -emo like all the rpgs these days (you have Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher for that). "Go save the world and suffer horribly in the process". No, thanks, I want it to have some serious tones but at the same time I want my games to be about WANDERING and ADVENTURING!

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:51 am

Fallout 4 is hardly cringeworthy, random citizen. What's really cringeworthy, though, is that you had it in your head that it would be worthwhile to make a thread to express your biased and misinformed opinions on the official forums for the game expecting people to, what, agree with you? What the heck were you thinking? Just because there's a epilogue with a spouse and baby does not define the rest of the game and you're silly to call a game awful based off the points you've attempted to make, are you old enough to even play this game? I seriously smell a troll here, I don't see why else you'd even bother trying to get attention.

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:32 pm

I always find it surprising when people describe Fallout 3 as dark and serious. Did we play the same game? Fallout 3 was a jolly romp through a happy sunny wasteland! (At least, it was if you listened to GNR while exploring.) It was lighthearted tongue-in-cheek fun, and the only thing dark about it was some of its humour.

If you want grimdark gritty serious bleakness, try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Metro 2033.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:19 am

People are allowed to express their concerns and thoughts about the game. People can even express hate for games here.

Just because an opinion might be unpopular doesn't make it a troll.
And since none of us have played the game yet, all the opinions are uninformed.

What do people get out of making "You are wrong!" posts when it's just an opinion?
Calling someone a troll is often what trolls do. :wink: And against the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/724862-forum-rules-and-general-information/.

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:23 am

They decided to bring back the old feelings, pal

FO1, FO2 and NV.

Deal with it lovely

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Rude Gurl
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:12 am

Its just how the games are developed, there's variety between them.

Fallout 3 was probably the most grounded of them all, in my opinion, although inbetween the grimdark landscape and giant walls surrounding settlements it still had a lot of humour going on. With the bleakness you feel right at home walking around with a loaded rifle eyeing the horizon for any movement. New Vegas got really silly sometimes, even without Wild Wasteland. With the silliness mostly coming from dialogue options. With the orange filter and cowboy country songs you often feel like slapping on Big Iron, pulling out your large as hell revolver that really should be breaking your arm, and blasting some bandits into gorey pieces. Fallout 4 looks to be the middle ground, the tone seems to be less serious, the landscape slightly less grimdark, but it feels like a middle ground between "Struggle for survival" and "Home on the wastes".

I mean none of us have actually played it yet, and we have very little information to go on, but thats the impression I get.

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Kelly John
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:47 am

And don't forget the Republic of Dave! Vote for Dave!

And there was that store that had arrows painted on the floor leading to a pressure plate.

And on the chalk board in the GOAT testing room at the beginning of the game there was some line written about a girl getting around or something like that.

And there was that Russian playboy with the two scantily clad women.

And in the subway tunnels there was a skeleton hanging from the ceiling with his motor cyle crashed a short distance in front of him.

And there was Charon blowing away the bartender with the other patrons asking "What the [censored] did you do that for?"

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that game was hilarious.

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Andrew Lang
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:51 am

I always thought Fallout was supposed to have a sense of humor about it. It's... not uncommon knowledge that Fallout 1 was kind of a spiritual successor to the old Wasteland game, which itself was described by one of it's developers as "Mad Max meet Bugs Bunny."

In narrative theory, there's the concept of tension and relief. "Comedic relief" is often an important part of any narrative - a movie, for example, can't just continuously build up tension. There's needs to be a relief to that build-up at some point. In a horror movie, that's around the time someone dies. In a more serious movie, this is where the jokes will start to come out. It's often described with a rollercoaster anology - you need to have lighter moments to make the darker parts stand out more.

Fallout, thematically, is a study in contrast. You have the optimistic dystopia of the retro-futuristic World of Tomorrow, and then you blow that up with a Nuclear Cataclysm. You have dark moments and tension when you're creeping through Raider territory, and then you blow those Raiders to bits in comedically over-done gore by shooting them with scavenged teddy bears.

I would argue that it's sense of humor is a very important aspect of the Fallout franchise. This is what sets it apart from other "grimdark" post-apocalyptic games - Fallout is not Metro or the Walking Dead specifically because of it's tongue-in-cheek tone.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:47 pm

If you don't like like what you have seen then... Don't buy the game. That way you wont be disappointed you wasted your money.

Those that disagree with you, like myself, will either buy it sight unseen which is crazy. Or like myself will wait for the embargo to lift watch trusted reviewers then with game footage and opinions of reviewers who have played the game make an informed choice.

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Lauren Denman
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:04 am

Leaving one last note - forum rules apply to all threads and all members.

You can not call another member a troll.

You can not insult another member of this forum.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in official warnings and suspension of your posting privileges.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:03 am


On topic: Fallout 3 made me cringe through the entire main quest, it happened to have a bevy of other qualities that made the cringing largely inconsequential.

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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:01 am

Whatever. I'm just happy Fallout 4 will not mirror or resemble anything from New Vegas.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:06 am

Review copies obviously.

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laila hassan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:50 am

Wish they'd send me one. I promise I'll write nice things.

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kevin ball
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:10 am

I would disagree to disagree fallout new vegas story ends, fallout 4 story does not end, so where did you learn this info from? How do you even know fallout 4 like fallout new vegas, something tells me you haven't paid any attention to any of the games, if you think im wrong then tell me it won't hurt to tell, im just stating the obvious, you clearly need to look into fallout more or you think fallout 5 is just like fallout 4, you see my point?

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:16 am

Some posts may simply be nothing more than "You are wrong!" However if you have a system where voicing one's opinion is respected, then it's important to realize that if someone posts an opinion you disagree with, your differing opinion is just as valid as theirs and you have every right to voice your opinion (as long as you follow the forum rules), just as they had the right to voice their opinion (as long they also followed the forum rules) in the first place. You can't respect one and not the other.
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