I really miss the wasteland feeling. And seems, it gets worse with next titles. The map isn't too big, yet it's so dense with POI. Kinda surreal, even ridiculous, even more, than F3 and Skyrim, where same problem is present. It's so tightly here. Claustrophobic. I would like to see, to feel the emptiness of barren lands, that could exist together with such dense areas. No need to be shy. 30x30 km sound fine to me. What for? Well, apart from immersion, seriously spoiled for me by this "dollhouse" world proportions then even reaching the next densely populated area could be not trivial achievement. Dull? Not necessarily. Not at all in fact. Such expances could be great for random encounters and locations + some hostile wild life. And finally a chance to make a good use of some Chrysalis Highwayman or other vehicle. I see great potential here in fact.
This could be added even to this map, just by expanding it's borders, but I would say, it' mostly for F5 wish.
Maybe also deeper survival aspect, no need to affraid a bit of hardcoe, as long it's optional. Modders could do this for F3/NV, Bethesda can too.
Things like additional settlement development/events/mechanics possibilities are rather obvious to expect. 
Lastly I have a dream to see someday better visuals in Bethesda game. I'm reffering to the graphical engine, which for some reason, same for F3 and Skyrim, makes all, what I see pale and flat somehow. No feel of 3D deepness, no vibrant light and shadow play etc. Currently most of the time it's lke watching the faded painting.
Updates? First let them fix all the problems, like mess in menu keys/GUI for PC, sorting some issues with dialogues, small issues ith visuals (like this slight blur around object edges each time I move) etc.