is it weird that I've been looking for a my little pony animation mixed with alien isolation?
is it weird that I've been looking for a my little pony animation mixed with alien isolation?
Phoenix891. There is nothing wrong. MLP goes with everything. Brohoof /)
thx volus though I always did like the smile song <3
I've changed the first character I'm going to create in the past week or so to a: Male charismatic, charming/semi-deceptive gunslinger (primary handgun user), who likes the ladies and flirting, and, who likes caps and alcohol.
Special setup is:
S - 1
P - 3
E - 1
C - 6
I - 3
A - 8
L - 6
I think that's a pretty good special setup for the character that I have in my head, from both an RP perspective and, well...mechanics meta-gaming perspective.
I wish they add a pointing feature like in third person your character pointing his finger I'd point it at the side and yell OBJECTION XD
Sent back in time to be his own grandfather?
My character will be crafted as follows:
-Brown eyes
-5' 4", if the game allows adjustment of height
-Modeled to about 16 years old, if possible
I really enjoy the idea of a teenaged girl combing the wasteland, taking out Deathclaws, while the big men in town cower in fear.
I'm using Ripley from Aliens as kind of my inspiration.
I imagine a Power Armor tech (so I can put a lot of focus into repair, crafting, science, etc) that was wounded while on deployment and thought she was retiring to a comfortable civilian life in the suburbs when the bombs fell.
It may take me a couple of days of tinkering with the character creation screen before I settle on an appearance, so I'm leaving that largely up until the air until I've had a chance to play with it more.
I'll be making the, starting with
I'll play whatever the story dictates for my first playthrough. After that I'll rp different character in subsequent playthroughs. Hopefully someone will make an alternate start mod like in Skyrim.
First play will be Female SS focused on sneaking and sniping her way throught the wasteland. So probaly a high perception and charisma build.
Logan - Charismatic shooter who likes to build.
Ava - Sneaky sniper girl.
Connor - Big, bad, brutal, melee user.
It will be a character similar to my last Fallout 3 character. Comes out of the vault as sort of an anti-hero from the start, with a "ends justify the means" mindset. As his character progresses, the wasteland hardens him further and further. His sanity deteriorating, his actions now based on greed if the pay is good. Eventually developing into a ruthless raider-like drifter by the end of it. Although it could be bound to change depending on where the story takes the main character and what dialogue options are available. The most, the base anti-hero persona will stand.
Backstory wise, I thought up him being the tech savvy one of a former spec ops unit to accommodate the high intelligence and agility of the planned build.
I'm going to go with former infantry in the US Marine Corps who was a sniper and a hacker for my female sole survivor and then my male will probably end up being a former thief with a soft spot for automatic weapons. Both of them will have a dog.
That is... like my siggy says... about as far as I've got.
After my initial playthru I will then make Jack from Mass Effect the best I can because obviously I can't resist (and hope that the 1k voiced names will include Jack and be gender neutral so my female can be referred to as Jack and not Jackie but if Jackie is one of the names then I will use it.)
My next male will be modeled after myself and I will do my best to be as Mandalorian as possible until someone mods the game like they did in New Vegas and Fo3.