That only tells, that easier money is found from copypaste products of todays gaming market, not that people wouldn't buy or like well made TB games.
I m pretty sure sales would drop drastically if it was turn based. The millions of new fans did not come into a turned based game.
As I ve said, I believe that an option would take away from the over all integrity of both.
To do it right, it would take a lot more time and cause a higher budget. Therefor they would have to skimp in other areas, or raise the price of the game.
Fo3 was a successful blockbuster............ I wouldn t try to fix it into a 15 year old game too much.
To most, Fo3 wasn t broken. It can be improved on for sure, and IMO there are more important matters that need addressed than implementing turn based option into the game.
Stats still do play a part in your character........... Just not as much as turn based would.