Believe it or not... The Hills Have Eyes -remake, of a few years ago has some striking Fallout references for those that know the series; and while as a whole, its not really Fallout... in parts, its more 'Fallouty' than most.
For unlike Book of Eli... It has marauding mutants in medical braces, old 50's cars, and the arid nuclear ruination of the 1950's world as it's setting.
Anyone who has played Fallout 1 will get a kick out of these screen-captures.
(It even has the number '13', painted on a 50's car behind a mutant with a shotgun.

The protagonist in the movie is even a typical 'nuclear family kid' (aged about 20), turned unwilling wasteland warrior/ mutant killer; wielding an axe, shotgun, and has a German Shepard combat companion.