Well in some scify series lawyers have to do like 2 years in the army to gain citizenship XD.
Well in some scify series lawyers have to do like 2 years in the army to gain citizenship XD.
Skyrim and Fallout are unfinished games for my taste, but I play them. Mods like Interesting NPCs, and others do fix some things but not all. There are more mods for Skyrim than for Fallout. I would like to see mods like OBIS and INPCs, and others for Fallout 4.
How are you qualified to call them "unfinished?" That's a pretty specific criticism that needs more than just an oblique suggestion about mods.
There are 5 sets of regular armor. Raider, Leather, Combat, Synth, Metal. Each of those has 3 tiers that look entirely different from the other tiers.. normal, sturdy and heavy. That makes 15 sets of different looking armor to collect and wear.. On top of that each set of armor has 5 or 6 different variations depending on what mod is applied. Add in power armor and all it's variations and that seems like plenty of armor to me. Not everyone is going to be looking alike.
thanks guys, but if that is canon, now I do not want to live in this world anymore T-T .
The next DLC: An empty room with bags with ammo and lots of enemies to shoot non-stop; tower-defense style.
I agree with Skyrim being unfinished. I mean, there was going to be a Windhelm Arena and fail states for the TG questline.
Interesting NPCs for Fallout 4 would be awesome.
I think they mean the sheer amount of content that they cut which were going to be in the game but are added back via mods.
How do they know what has been cut?
Modding is not the same as finishing- it's adding, enhancing, altering. The maker of a creative work determines when it's finished.
Yes please, Interesting npcs NOW!, In other topic i voted for the 3dnpc guys to make ( or at least write and dub) the future DLCs for FO4.
If not for the InterestingNPC bundle for FO3 I do not think I will ever been able to finish the game. ( The quests "Dot′s dinner" and "Room 404" and the Mara companion were astounding *-*)
First you need to love something, then lose it, then have it show up on your doorstep all broken and mangled. Then you'll understand us.
Because they add so many things, details, but some things are missing. As I said for my taste. SPOILER SKYRIM: Civil war for example. You join, you kill everybody and that is it. Serana. Interesting at first, but doesn't have enough things to say and becomes boring (bad weather report as I call her). I am only level 15 in Fallout, so no comment at this moment. If they had more people they could add few more details here and there, bigger map... If they make TES 6 or Fallout 5 and they are as good as this games are I will play them, but I would like more.
No single player game can really be considered true roleplay. If you're looking for better roleplay, find online games with roleplay servers. Neverwinter nights comes to mind.
Dummed out rpg, forced linear personality, from what I've seen so far, so big step-back from NLV.
Disappointed as only a fan that discovered this game with Fallout1 and fallowed the releases that came out after.
But I so enjoy splashing in the wide puddles, unfortunately, it's like catnip to me.
Its not a Fallout game, except that it only bears Fallout name........
Its just an action game in Fallout skin, with vast but shallow world and with somewhat character progression elements, like basic levelling up system.........
Even Batman levels up in Arkham games and train new skills and get new gadgets but does that make it an RPG franchise?
It could, but Batman is always Batman. He will always fight the bad guys and stop them, never killing them. There's never a different approach or a different angle to stopping the big bad guy in Batman games. No decisions, nothing.
Fallout offers a level of choice. Batman does not.
Next question please.
This game doesn't offer a choice, you are a pre war soldier with no other background and the game always railroads you into more or less the same situation, may be with slight variations (only in very very few situations) but mostly the flow of game doesn't even bother to acknowledge the course of action a player takes in this game.........at least Batman is more fun .........
Yeah, because if you like the game, that makes it perfect, so expect something other than that is a miracle....
BTW, people whines in the forums because improved DLC and games are made when the devs listen to some of the criticism of the dissapointed customers, not with the applause of the hardcoe-no-brained fans.
Be always yourself, unless you can be batman. Then always be Batman.
So, no choices needed.
People find the cut content in the game editor, that's how.
We must be playing two different games then. I had plenty of choices to make.
It seems like none of the criticism taken from Skyrim was applied to Fo4. The direction of future TES and FO games oppose what the fans of the series truly want. What's left is a farycry-esque game, with a skill system resembling that of Borderlands, and a dialogue system attempting to hold a candle to the system in Mass Effect and other Bioware games.
The only aspect truly unique to Bethesda's games is the interactive world.
There you go; http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2015/11/20/fallout-4-review-bethesda-never-changes/
This exactly translates my 25 hours in this game.........I haven't found a truer account of F4 on the internet.........
I guess the OP is really really short as that's some deep ass puddle he got himself in LOL