No matter what you do ingame - no matter what gun you make, armour you mod - every other player will have some vaugley similar character.
The only real personal touch to the game is settlements. Infact, id say i feel more about my dingy old shack in sanctuary than i do about my character at the moment.
Theres basically only 4 sets of armour to choose from and mod, barring the clothes which have no defencive stat or moddable parts.
Everytime you startout- you HAVE to assume you were pre-war military or a lawyer (for the gal) with a family and child.
You can never put your own personality or story on a character because he has some genric whiteboy voice which usually feels mismatched to the face you designed and his dialouge is basically - say "no i aint doing that", say "yes", question the person or sarcastically say "yes"
All things said - its fallout and i love it. Fallout 3 brought me into RPs when it released (at the time i was say.. 12? I know its young) Im not sure if age just took its toll and things dont seem full of wonder anymore or ive gotten used to powering through an RP like an erratic child with a WII U but.. Yknow. Im sure a fair few people feel this way.
Seems this time bethesda give us a basic canvas and said "right, we fixed the major complaints with fallout 3.. our DLC will beef it up abit and modders will do the rest - even on console"