dear bethesda, i have been a fan of fallout since fallout 3.
i have bought both 3 and new vegas several times (different platform, goty)
and a boatload of seperate dlc packs. wich didnt make much financial sense
since i bought both goty's later lol. but what are you gonna do when you are
a diehard fan ? lol.
and i have bought fallout 4 on the ps4 and i plan on purchasing the season pass.
(probably one day on pc as well)
i have read somewhere that you guys are listening to customer/fan feedback
and that you might (if possible and requested by more than a handfull of people)
add things to fallout 4 through updates.
so here is a wishlist of things id like to see addded and changed in no
particulair order of preference:
-i would like to see weapons show up when holstered. i dont care about clipping
because clipping holstered weapons is better than no holstered weapons. new vegas
had it, so why take a step back with the next game ?
-i would like to be able to mod dog armor
- would like to be able to train my companions to have more health, damage
resistance and carrying capacity.
-i would like to be able to upgrade and refurbish robot companions like
codsworth and valentine.
-i would like it if somehow my companions either didnt burn through all their
ammo in three seconds, or them not needing ammo at all (preferably the latter)
-i would like the map to be bigger. its a tad small. i apologize but thats how
i really feel. maybe it could be bigger with the dlc ?
i know this probably wont happen, but its called a wishlist for a reason.
i dont like the relatively small mapsize. it has (what feels at least) the
same amount of content, but it is so unbelievably cramped that i can barely
walk a couple hundred feet without encountering a band of bad guys or a camp
of bad guys. this makes it that if i decide to not explore but focus on quests
it makes it pretty tedious sometimes. if i try to focus on questing for
an entire day, ill spend half my day encountering raiders/mutants on my way to
the quest markers/objectives. and then selling/storing all their gear.
-i would like paint jobs to be available to non-power armor and weapons as well.
-i would like more real life weapons to be added too.
-the 44 magnum is one of my favorite guns. it doesnt make sense at all
that the sole survivor spins the damn cilinder every time i unholster my 44.
especially in combat.
please change that. because it is too annoying. it wouldnt be overpowered because
it has a limited "clip" size, relatively long reload time and limited mods. and
the ammo is difficult to get too. so please do away with the spinning.
-the armor design in terms of aesthetics is absolutely horrible. except power
armor. i would also have liked the armor to cover more than 20 percent of my body.
the only armors that actually look good are combat and leather armor.
it doesnt make any sense for armor to not cover vital parts of your body.
the design of most armor is absolutely bad. its so bad, it defies logic and that
breaks immersion. now i know this is a game that isnt very realistic
in pretty much every way. but it has to be believable.
im actually really happy that i happen to prefer playing in first person.
the armors do not cover most parts and if you have a matching set like the synth
armor, it looks like it doesnt match at all.
the synth armor also leaves your entire back exposed.
the combat armor looks good. but it leaves way too of the surface
of your body exposed. what if it were real ?
just hope the bad guys hit that piece of armor thats barely the size of
a pizza box ? and not my intestines ? im also beginning to realize how little
different sets of armor there really are. i have discovered (they come in
different tiers i guess) leather, raider, combat, synth and metal.
and power armor. with most tiers of armor only vaguely looking different.
armor should cover pretty much everything like in the previous two fallout
bethesda titles. i absolutely love multi layered armor, but not at this cost.
-update- the higher tier armor is better in terms of aesthetics, but still not ideal.
-power armor wears and tears way too fast. and the fact that it now runs on
extremely expensive fuel prevents me from just wearing it all the time like
in the previous two fallout bethesda games. and it is bethesda's right
to decide to change things in a game. but for a game witch is based on
unlimited freedom, simply deciding power armor wasnt wearable all the time
is wrong. because you are making a decision that prevents me from playing how
i want. a game thats fundamentally based on total player freedom arrogantly
decides power armor isnt going to be an option anymore like it used to be, is
a bad mistake. it limits my freedom.
-most of the time there is no way of knowing what kind of dialogue comes
after choosing dialogue options. the options only let you know in a very
vague outline what the actual dialogue will be. the witcher 3 had this problem.
please change that.
-i dont know if its possible, but an option to cancel and assign
supply lines through the settlements tab in the pip boy would be awesome.
the game would automatically assign free unused settlers.
i started writing this list on 15-11-2015 and i send it to you later because
i would like to think about my wishes and change them, add to them and add
entirely new wishes. and i stress that these are requests and wishes. not
p.s. i apologize for my bad grammar. and i realize that some of my wishes are impossible to do. but they are wishes none the less.