As for a remake of FO1/2 on the FO3 engine. I honestly don't see the point. The FO games were good at the time.. but the story.. meh. It was alright. but nothing that spectacular imo. Planescape was a lot better. I think the atmosphere and advlt content is what made those games. The dialogue was good too mind you, But I don't see the worth in remaking a game just for the dialogue. The only thing I would like to see remade is New reno. If a modder could remake new reno, and then you just use your character from the original FO3.. That would be cool imo.
Planescape Torment=RPG for poseurs. A nice story doesn't make up for terrible combat, characters, character building, and atmosphere.
Don't call it Planescape for the love of god... Planescape is a DnD campaign setting. If anything, it should be called Torment.
And you aren't going to make a very impressive point saying stuff like "Good for it's time". RPGs were at their best in "It's time" so it's a completely BS point to make. The Fallout games were great for any time.
And for the record Ghostwise, Fallout 3, like Oblivion, is an action game disparately trying to be an RPG.
And I think you meant,"It sounds like you need to learn how to play Fallout 3". Fallout, as in the original
good Fallout, has a vastly different(an superior) combat system to Fallout 3.