Fallout 4 won 36 GOTY awards for 2015, while TW3: WH won 166

Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:27 pm

Then that's the best thing to do, just move onto something else. It's not as if there isn't a lot of choice out there. Never understood why anyone would waste their time discussing something game related when they don't enjoy it or have no intention of buying it. Saying that, it's not as bizarre as those people who play a game for months, yet come onto the forums complaining about it. I mean,why would anyone spend their free time doing something they didn't particularly enjoy? There's enough [censored] things in life without spending your free time doing even more.

I used to love the Total War series and now accept it's evolved (as most games do) into something i no longer enjoy. As such I don't buy it nor waste my time posting about the fact i don't enjoy the games on their forums. Games evolve and if they're not what you want, and like i said, move on to something else that you do enjoy. There's more than enough games out there for everyone to find something they still enjoy.

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:04 pm

Maybe they too busy playing it to spend time on a forum and post? Or maybe they don't have anything to complain about or need to praise? Who knows, I've never played it.

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daniel royle
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:13 am

Nice censorship there, mods! This totally has nothing to do with feedback about Fallout 4 or the series in general, no.

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:44 pm

I'm exactly that way. I have nothing much to complain about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so I don't need to really talk about anything on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt forums.

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Ellie English
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:25 am

Yeah, although most topics here are about issues/bugs and lame design choices. For comparison, Skyrim's forum is quiet uninteresting nowadays, but for a long time there was quiet a lot of interesting topics about roleplay, nice places and whatnot.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:42 pm

Nope, it's completely consistent. If you mention another game, it gets moved to general Discussion. If it's another Fallout game, then it gets moved to Fallout Series Discussion. That's how it's always been :shrug:
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:43 am

That doesn't make any sense though, Fallout 4 isn't an isolated game and the thread is about Fallout 4 and its successors. Or was until certain someone came here and started throwing pointless numbers with little value around, anyway, heh.

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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:07 am

it all comes down to this:

who cares? any GOTY award is just one media outlets opinion, not some gold standard..

Why should I care about what other peoples opinions on a game are? I am far to old to have my opinion swayed by the opinions of others when it comes to matter of personal taste.. all that matters to me are what games I like, what game I enjoy, and what games I think are sub-par

EDIT: and studios don't make games to win meaningless awards, they make them in hopes that the product will sell... sales make a game successful, not awards

except if I look at the official forums for any game released in the past 6 months (including niche Japanese games), they still get more posts very regularly.. heck, even Sega's forums are quite active, and the only games they really port to the west anymore are Sonic games (even though there hasn't been a decent one since adventure 2)

people post on forums for many reasons other than complaining Ballowers.. they post to discuss what they like about the game, about what they are doing in it atm, and to discuss aspects of its story (and in a heavily story based game, you really should see alot of vivid discussion about the story and its characters)

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:13 pm

The Witcher 3 official forum is on the CDProjekt forums... Not on GoG.com.


129 members viewing, not as bad as your making it out to be...

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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:38 pm

Of course other people's opinions shouldn't matter why you purchase a video game.

Most of the complaints I see about Fallout 4 are the dialogue wheel and 4 choices and why most people don't like this part of the dialogue system of Fallout 4.

Most people still don't even care to ever post on forums of websites.

It's why I'm criticizing Fallout 4. It's why I'm complaining. That is why I'm posting and talking about it.

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Nicole M
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:09 pm

The fans really make me develop a distaste for the Witcher series.

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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:04 pm

the daily post count on the forums of many major gaming sites may disagree with that

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:59 pm

So millions and millions of gamers post who have purchased video games on the video game forums of the video games that they purchased? So all 12+ million people who purchased post on the Fallout 4 General Discussion forum?

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Maya Maya
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:53 pm

This amount of vitriol towards a game that you have never played is a bit weird.

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:07 am

you mean the whole "cd projekt red is good, they can do no wrong" mentality?

not these specific forums, but most post on some forums.. you got these, you got steam forums, you got more private sites like gamefaqs or neoseeker (actually.. is neoseeker still a site? I haven't heard about them in a long time), on forums for topics other than just gaming (people post alot about games on the loadingreadyrun forums, even though they are technically a sketch comedy troupe before they are a gaming site) or in a designated thread in some other sites general discussion section (notice how lower on this very page we have a thread about no mans sky? yeah, not a Bethesda game, but we still discuss it here.. heck, we've got alot of threads where we discuss other games)..

do all gamers post on forums? no, not all.. but i'd say the average game does post stuff on one site or another.. even if its on reddit (I hate reddit btw)

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:40 pm

The whole "The church of the Witcher" where they have to go door to door, every other game trailers, forums, and funerals to talk about how other games svck and how superior the Witcher games are. Seriously, it's one thing to enjoy a game, it's another matter to go to other games and reviews to trash other games while talk about Witcher being the best thing since sliced bread. You can go to any major gaming sites like IGN or youtube and I can guarantee you see a bunch of obnoxious comments about that. Some guy doesn't even say anything of substance, just put down "Witcher, that is all" then post a gif of mike dropping on a Fallout 4 review. These kinds of toxic and fanaticism from the fans really make me develop a distaste toward Witcher.

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:36 pm

While FO4 is a great game, it is also rather buggy (nothing game breaking from what I experienced though). It is also half-baked as well because of the rudimentary settlement sandbox feature. Trying to remember which game was more buggy from my experience on release, FO3 or FO4... But FO3 was released so long ago that I forgot what my initial experience was.

I have not played TW3:WH... in fact FO4 is the only game I bought in 2015. Besides, TW3:WH does not appeal to me very much because #1 it is a fantasy game (kinda lost most interest in that genre) and #2 it is 3rd person. I really liked playing Skyrim, but if it was a 3rd person game, then I would never have bothered to buy the game.

If FO4 was less buggy and the settlement system was better developed and better documented, then I would probably say FO4 should have garnered more GOTY awards. As it stands right now, I really don't care. What's important to me is that I enjoy the game despite its bugs and shortcomings.

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:00 pm

Actually i thought fallout 4 was their best writing yet, they even did a better job of making each faction positive than fallout nv did. Also the four choice wheel isn't as bad as people say.

I think the witcher won so many awards because it was an awesome game, miles ahead of its predecessors. I think it deserves the praise it gets for its side quests, writing, and beautiful landscape. I also think if fallout 4 came out on a year that the witcher 3 didn't most of those awards for goty would have went to it.

All in all i prefer playing fallout 4, and can't wait for its dlc to see what they add.

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:29 am

It's even slower there than on the GOG Witcher 3 forums - page one on CDProjekt's Witcher 3 General forum has posts four days old.

So, can't look on Steam for all the missing Witcher 3 players (according to OP), can't look on GOG for missing Witcher 3 players (according to you), and can't find them on CDProjekt either :ahhh:

*btw, I enjoyed Witcher 3, but this comparison greater better faster rubbish is stupid.

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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:46 am

So the op hasnt played fallout 4? Ok thats all I need to know...
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:58 pm

1) Why do people care so much about GotY awards? Is it some sort of ego/self-validation thing? "This thing I liked, is well regarded. Therefore, I am an awesome person!"?

2) Personally, I think expecting to win The Big Prize (if one could equate any of these GotY's to the Best Picture Oscar or Golden Globe) is irrationally egotistical, especially when there are so many aspects that a dev can't control (like, what other games come out in the same year as your game *). So to expect a dev to be crushed and therefore have to decide to "change their ways", because they didn't win? Seems silly.

Honestly - when a movie gets suggested for Best Picture, but doesn't win, you don't see people writing articles "Does Sony need to rethink how they make movies, given this loss?"

...and here's another thought. If Fallout 4 had won more GotY's, would Ballowers (and others) be running around making "Witcher 3 didn't win, does CDPR need to re-evaluate how they make their games" threads?

* Here's an interesting thought experiment - what do you think the GotY field would look like this year, if Witcher 3 had come out next year? What would the other "big" games be - DA:I? CoD? AC:Syndicate? And would that list have been different if Witcher 3 had come out last year?

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:02 am

now, i haven't played witcher 3 (this pc can't handle it.. dang natural disaster), but i played the first two and i didn't see what the big deal is.. wasn't terrible, but wasn't really memorable either..

I found the character to be mostly uninteresting, story to be iffy at best, and it had the most unrealistic romance scenes and portrayal of intimacy I have ever seen in gaming (and after playing ME2 and DA:O, thats saying something) I mean "ohh you saved my life, thank you.. so my bed, or yours?" is the most unrealistic portrayal of human intimacy I have ever seen in a game in recent memory, it doesn't work that way at all and if it did we would see hordes of creepy old men hanging around food courts waiting for some young girl to choke on her french fries..

maybe 3 is better, who knows (I will likely give it a try someday), but judging by the previous two I don't really have high hopes.. granted, I haven't played FO4 either..

but yeah, i agree with you battle, people just going to other sites and flooding it with posts of "this games not good, this one so much better go play that!" gets on my nerve.. I will often post about games I like and what I like about them, but if someone else has a different opinion then hey, great for them! glad they are having fun playing something!

you see, there is no official gold standard for quality in games (or most forms of entertainment).. its all a matter of personal opinion, one game is only better than another based off of that individuals opinion on them, not by some scientific measurement of awesomeness.. heck, I am sure there are some games out there that you guys love but i hate with a passion (Dragon Age Origins being a likely contender), and there are some you would likely hate but I love (I bet alot of people on these forums would have a hard time getting into the neptunia games as an example)

one is not universally better than the other, one is only better than the other based off of the personal taste of the individual comparing the two

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:04 pm

probably not, CDPR can't do anything wrong in some peoples eyes..

depend, what criteria would they be basing the judging on? we can try to remain impartial to think of a contender, but in order to prevent as much of our own likes and dislikes from effecting the result we would need clear cut criteria of which to base the judging..

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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:52 pm

I don't think the number of players is the best indicator of a game's quality and it certainly shouldn't be the only one. Regardless, let's take a closer look, shall we?

Witcher 3 was released seven months ago, Fallout 4 only two months ago (and some players probably waited until Christmas to buy it). FO4 is a newer game, still fresh. This explains why, according to SteamSpy, in the last two weeks FO4 was played by 54% of its owners and TW3 only by 25%.
On to the hard numbers. SteamSpy again: FO4 ~2.7 mln owners, TW3 ~1.3 mln. Here's the interesting part though. According to http://www.gog.com/news/news_gog_galaxy_home_to_over_half_of_the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_pc_gamers, in the first weeks after release GOG sold more copies of Witcher 3 than all other PC options combined. Any data we have from SteamSpy, we can safely double it to account for GOG.

"No one is playing Witcher 3" is quite the overstatement...

Maybe they're all playing games instead of posting on forums. Just a thought. Considering that I kept posting on the Fallout 4 board even though I have exactly zero interest in buying or playing the game, maybe forum activity isn't all that informative. ;)
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:46 pm

People are still playing Skyrim more than Witcher 3 also, and that game is way older than Witcher 3.

So, age of the game isn't all there is to show how active the players can be for a game, and isn't useful as an excuse if that was your intention ;)

As for people posting on forums, I find it's a good indication of player base and how active a game is.

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