Fallout 4 won 36 GOTY awards for 2015, while TW3: WH won 166

Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:03 pm

I actually do feel the dislike actively while playing. Makes me very conflicted during a play session because I still enjoy what I'm doing when I'm doing it, but in this case with a sneer. Anyway did the game in a week and haven't reinstalled it again.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:04 pm

Strange how the things you love are the things I hate. Maybe that's what we call opinions and we all have one, so what game you consider good could be bad for someone and vice versa. Making uninformed opinions about games you never play is ridiculous regardless.

Power armors do break down and need to be maintain, just so you know.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:35 pm

Witcher 3 has:

  • 4x as many GOTYs, and even more RPGOTY's off sub awards. BGS have never gotten so blasted by a game in the same genre.

  • Much Higher Metacritic and Gamerankings average Reviews, so critic consensus is quite clear.

  • MUCH MUCH higher user reviews, but this is "arguable" people say these sites were "[censored]/reddit" bombed (with no source/citation), apparently they forgot to bomb the better games like Skyrim.

  • Wins every poll I've seen outside of Fallout/Bethesda oriented sites. Make this thread anywhere else and watch FO4 get skewered. I literally dare anyone to do it, gamefaqs/gamespot/ign general sections...you name it, then link it here so I can laugh. These ones I merely quickly googled, http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/fallout-4-or-witcher-3-which-is-better-32767402/ http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?78030-Bloodborne-vs-Witcher-3-vs-Fallout-4%C2%A0%C2%A0http://www.giantbomb.com/forums/general-discussion-30/what-should-i-play-next-fallout-4-or-the-witcher-3-1787690/ It matches with User Reviews differences of each game. Is reddit also bombing every damn poll on the internet?

Fallout4 has:

  • Become Bethesda's lowest average scoring game to date, both critic and user, at every aggregate. This is 100's of critics combined.

  • First time it has lost to another game in the same genre for scores or goty, in the same gen or year. Painful.

  • Most importantly: I thought it was just "okay" and worse than Witcher3 before looking at reviews, after playing it for many hours. While good, it still felt like a Skyrim total conversion mod.

I certainly hope BGS cares and takes in this feedback from 1000's of reviews and even more user reviews, instead of being like many fans at this site saying "WHO CARES WHAT PEOPLE THINK!", last thing I want is a 8.0 "decent" TES6. BGS shouldn't make "decent" or "good" games. Their games should be damn amazing. I hold them to a higher standard, as a huge fan. FO4 hit me by surprise by how "not amazing" it was.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:14 pm

That's not enough to call it "completely different." It's just another method of sixual assault, which is a common thing in our world. Not so different from drugging a person so they can't refuse. But how many times did it happen in the Witcher games and novels? How does it relate to the original post, which complained about six scenes which are usually consensual: " I mean "ohh you saved my life, thank you.. so my bed, or yours?" is the most unrealistic portrayal of human intimacy I have ever seen in a game in recent memory"?

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:09 am

I stand corrected :P Didnt look at post-times, just users-viewing.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:21 pm

This, most people who complains like an game, but they don't like parts of it. I like Fallout 4 but hate the dialogue wheel and the damage it did to dialogues. Not related to voiced actor who others complain about. I complained a lot about destroying magic in Skyrim but liked the game overall.

Games I have no relation to I don't complain about, dropped tomb raider fast because of quick time events everywhere including combat. Why not use something more interactive like morrowinds system was my thought before I dropped it.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:53 pm

And Fallout 4 has already sold far more than The Witcher could ever hope to. Good for The Witchers awards it still cant get as many people to want it.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:08 pm

I haven't played any of the Witcher games yet, so I don't know whether or not I'll enjoy playing Geralt, but I loved playing the male Shepard in Mass Effect (and even liked his voice) so it's not that I dislike the very idea of playing Geralt, but just think that the comparison between games like Witcher 3 (or Mass Effect) with TES or Fallout 3 or 4 is between two very different types of games with different purposes. I don't want Bethesda to try to imitate Witcher 3 or Bioware (much as I enjoy their games) as it seems like a few people here keep asking for. Instead, I want them to continue to expand on the qualities that make playing their games a unique sandbox experience.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:44 am

Just thought I'd pop in this thread to see who was here and of course as expected I see a familiar name has joined in lol

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:49 pm

To me The Witcher games are not RPG's in the way that the characters is yours. Geralt has his own personality, back story etc. Ofc you get to lean him in certain directions, but he will still talk when you don't want him to talk and he will say things you do not always agree with. A preset character through and through. So if you don't like him then it will take alot to like the game. Personally i really like Geralt, but i don't like CDRP need to cram the book stuff into The Witcher 3, which soured the game alot for people who was fan of the games and not the book series. That beeing said there is alot of quality there, and if you ever get around to playing them i do hope you enjoy the games aswell.

As to the poll or whatever, i really don't care. 2015 was a freaking great year for gaming and somehow people are trying to ruin it with placing one game over the other and having the "My favourite game is better than yours" mentality. Enjoy games, and if you don't like them leave your feedback and maybe move on?

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:00 am

Uhm don't worry, I guess. TES6 will be the last game under the CE if Todd saying it was only for two games was true.

I don't mind the CE, and the CK offered a lot of stuff.

@Thread: Many people in the FO4 forums may not care. Lots of people like the game.

To be fair, Skyrim is 5 years old. Everything has been talked about.

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:56 am

Didn't he also say it was a completely new engine when it really isn't? Admittedly it may have been someone else who made that claim, but it was a bit naughty of them. I imagine the creaky old Morroblivion engine will still be creaking along for yearsdecades to come. Which is kinda cool for modders, but it was showing its age long ago.

That said, so far FO4 seems a lot less crashy than any of its predecessors. Unless you carelessly faff about with its NIFs, as many of us do.
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:21 am

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt sold 6 million copies in six week, while Bethesda Softworks and Bethesda Game Studios sold and shipped 12 million copies in the first 24 hours was it? Out of that 12 million copies how many copies actually sold to customers as in people who purchase video games and not brick and mortar retailer stores worldwide that purchased the copies?

I'm wondering what the total number of Fallout 4 copies sold now is. I don't think it's at 15 million copies sold at all yet.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt I think sold at least 8 million copies to 10 million copies by now.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:59 pm

Oh but that's why I said nowadays. My point was that I've actually seen many interesting topics there over the years, things that would make me want to try different things, or simply to play more. But here, when the game is barely 2 months old, all we have (besides the complaints) is some people showing their settlements, some asking for DLCs already, and the usual boring polls about your favourite this or that.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:43 pm

How many people finished either game, that is what i am interested in. Check out some achievement stats on Steam and you'll see how many copies is sold and just left in the dust.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:39 pm

Once again. The PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt sold more copies of the gog.com version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on gog.com.

I also still have not completed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to 100% I'm only doing the main quests storyline on the Skellige Islands. For now I'm only at the part where you go and talk to Yennefer and the druid with the wooden mask after the ceremony.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:31 pm

Added Skyrim, just out of curiosity.

First achievement:

Fallout 4: 87.1%

Witcher 3: 70.4%

Skyrim: 83.5%

Main quest completion:

Fallout 4: 27.4% (Nuclear Option + Nuclear Family)

Witcher 3: 23.5%

Skyrim: 27.6%

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:45 am

True, but it has sold over half a million copies on Steam and that is enough to make it relevant to the statistics.

Thank you.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:48 pm

That doesn't happen in Witcher 3. Not counting prosttutes, Geralt can only have six with three women, two of whom are longtime friends and lovers, and one of whom is going out on a date with him for the purpose of trying to squeeze some information out of him. More often than not, women will turn Geralt down before he even has a chance to proposition them for anything, including a succubus of all people. And if you have Geralt be a little too frivolous with the first two, well...let's just say things will quickly go south for him on the love front.

In Fallout 4, http://img.ifcdn.com/images/e4fdb33ea110d411fc6c270c4b3648aee144dabccb9e717a81629d56ddc1ec73_1.jpg. And you can be in a relationship with anyone who can be romanced, regardless of gender, and with as many of them as possible, without any jealousy forming whatsoever. And if you looked at Skyrim and the way it handled things like marriage, you would've known BGS already have a poor track record there as well.

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:13 am

That is too good. But a good point to make regarding how romance is handled in Fallout 4.

Anyway, uh, I like The Witcher 3. Had little to no issues with it. But I also like Fallout 4, but have some significant issues with it. Still, I struggle to say I like one over the other. Maybe because I love Fallout too much.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:51 pm

re: romance..... I only managed to drag my way through Witcher 1 by going full-man[censored] and trying to collect all those silly cards/sleep with everyone. (So disappointing - messed up the timing, and missed out on the Nurses :tongue:)

Haven't bothered with W2 (even though I own it from a Steam sale a couple years ago), because I didn't enjoy Witcher 1's plot or main character.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:31 pm

3 is not that bad when it comes to being a power fantasy like the two before. But no amount of rewards or praises is going to make me like it as I found the story, setting and even Geralt to be highly unlikable.

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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:55 am

Don't let others develop your tastes, you'll just hate everything. There are unsavory people in every group.

@Trannigan, on 04 Jan 2016 - 5:06 PM, said:

"And Fallout 4 has already sold far more than The Witcher could ever hope to. Good for The Witchers awards it still cant get as many people to want it."

Fallout 4 done this on the back of other Fallout games, and the hype the series had accrued over 11 years since Bethesda bought the IP, in conjunction with great marketing.Fallout 4 didn't sell extraordinary numbers because people were dazzled by great pre-release footage; in fact very few opinions could be formed before it's release due to the paucity of content shown.Fallout 4 didn't sell brilliantly due to favorable opinions after it's release either; receiving comparatively low critical scores along with polarized opinions over features such as crafting, the new perk system, and the voiced protagonist.

It's often due to critical success, and the increased mindshare that eventuates from it that increases the sales of future games in the series.To put it simply, The Witcher 4 (hypothetically) will be standing on the shoulders of the Witcher 3's success, much like Fallout 4 did with NV and FO3.


I'm utterly jaded, and tired of seeing the same reply of 'I personally don't give a damn about GOTY awards'.

That's your liberty to not do so, but viewing GOTY awards almost exclusively through the optics of preference and feelings, often curbs lucid discussion and the pursuit of latent meaning.I'm bored of saying it, but GOTY awards are in essence opinion polls that document the values and the attitudes within the gamig sphere at any one moment.

You may not personally care for the exploration of these attitudes, but to suggest that GOTY awards aren't worth a dam and you don't give a dam for them shows contempt for the entire discussion.

I said during Fallout 4's honeymoon period, that Fallout 4 felt conservative, with no true and substantive risks being taken; an experience that seemed a little too redolent of Fallout 3.I hope that with the Witcher 3's success, that Bethesda learns that great games require great ambition, and I doubt anyone can candidly say that Fallout 4 is a game that feels ambitious.It may feel big and prodigious, but that's the baseline of a Bethesda Game Studios experience.

The awards also show that a game with both great exploration and story, can not only be achieved, but is something that is highly coveted by the gaming sphere as a whole.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:21 pm

I'd say that for me, The Witcher 3 is hands down the better game. Fallout 4 is fun, but it's writing svcks in most places and its overall plot line is incredibly simplistic. I give them due credit for improving the gameplay and the world building. Quest design is mediocre at best. Whereas TW3 has some of the best quest design I've ever seen.

GoTY speaks for itself imo. Sure GoTY doesn't mean much, but 166 to 36 is pretty substantial.
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Post » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:12 am

But, it's true. Some of us don't care. Unless linked here on these forums, to attempt to add context to a post, I have not sought out 1 GOTY result. Because I don't care what X; Y; nor Z's opinion's are. That's all they are, opinions. (Which can be bought, swayed, changed.)

It does? I thought this was a discussion, allowing for opinions of all sorts.

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