Don't let others develop your tastes, you'll just hate everything. There are unsavory people in every group.
@Trannigan, on 04 Jan 2016 - 5:06 PM, said:
"And Fallout 4 has already sold far more than The Witcher could ever hope to. Good for The Witchers awards it still cant get as many people to want it."
Fallout 4 done this on the back of other Fallout games, and the hype the series had accrued over 11 years since Bethesda bought the IP, in conjunction with great marketing.Fallout 4 didn't sell extraordinary numbers because people were dazzled by great pre-release footage; in fact very few opinions could be formed before it's release due to the paucity of content shown.Fallout 4 didn't sell brilliantly due to favorable opinions after it's release either; receiving comparatively low critical scores along with polarized opinions over features such as crafting, the new perk system, and the voiced protagonist.
It's often due to critical success, and the increased mindshare that eventuates from it that increases the sales of future games in the series.To put it simply, The Witcher 4 (hypothetically) will be standing on the shoulders of the Witcher 3's success, much like Fallout 4 did with NV and FO3.
I'm utterly jaded, and tired of seeing the same reply of 'I personally don't give a damn about GOTY awards'.
That's your liberty to not do so, but viewing GOTY awards almost exclusively through the optics of preference and feelings, often curbs lucid discussion and the pursuit of latent meaning.I'm bored of saying it, but GOTY awards are in essence opinion polls that document the values and the attitudes within the gamig sphere at any one moment.
You may not personally care for the exploration of these attitudes, but to suggest that GOTY awards aren't worth a dam and you don't give a dam for them shows contempt for the entire discussion.
I said during Fallout 4's honeymoon period, that Fallout 4 felt conservative, with no true and substantive risks being taken; an experience that seemed a little too redolent of Fallout 3.I hope that with the Witcher 3's success, that Bethesda learns that great games require great ambition, and I doubt anyone can candidly say that Fallout 4 is a game that feels ambitious.It may feel big and prodigious, but that's the baseline of a Bethesda Game Studios experience.
The awards also show that a game with both great exploration and story, can not only be achieved, but is something that is highly coveted by the gaming sphere as a whole.