Can you guide Big Boss past the upside down flashing frog and secure the philosopher's gambler's legacy?
Can you guide Big Boss past the upside down flashing frog and secure the philosopher's gambler's legacy?
But in all seriousness, they still need to make Metal Gear Rising 2, and cover the events between MGS2 and MGS4, showing how Raiden teamed up with EVA to try to recuse an infant Sunny, met Boris Vyacheslavovich Popov, the man he would later work for in Rising, and how he ultimately got captured by The Patriots, and turned into the cyborg ninja as he was in MGS4.
That's what Rising was going to cover before Kojima passed it off to Platinum games, because he felt his own studio's game wasn't good enough, and the writer of Rising has said he would like to revisit that idea. Its a fairly critical narrative moment not covered in a game yet.
MGS5 covered the gap between Peace Walker and MG1, showing how Big Boss fell from what he was in MGS3/PW to the was he was during MG1/MG2. We still need a game to cover the fairly big gap between MGS2 and MGS4, and Rising 2 would be just that.
After THAT however..... I can't think of anything worth covering. The series can tank for all I care.
After Phantom Pain's disappointing bittersweet swan song, Fallout 4 definitely has a shot. In any event, those two and The Witcher 3 are sure to snag GOTY awards from someone.
Konami just acknowledged a major glitch in MGS V, warning players not to use Quiet for missions 29 and 42. Doing so causes some kind of infinite loop and prevent story progression.
It's pretty embarrassing for such a large oversight that can corrupt your save file and force you to start over. This isn't just a minor bug, but a game-breaking bug. You can fault Konami for poor quality assurance testing, but ultimately the fault lies with Kojima Productions. I know it's blasphemy to say anything negative about Hideo Kojima, but it's not too surprising there were some issues with MGS V as it's drastically different from its predecessor. In other words, he was in over his head and now it's starting to show (first with multiplayer and now the single player).
How they weren't able to find this bug before release with there being so few buddies is beyond me.
Lol, Phantom Pain would have been better off as a new IP rather than a swan song attempting to tie up lose ends with a hollywood cliche. So many bonehead decisions keep Phantom Pain from being what it could have been. Forced multiplayer, checkpoints replacing manual saves, only one save file allowed, where, oh where to begin? Phantom Pain's gameplay is pretty cool but in the end, it's something to tie you over until Fallout 4 drops.
I didn't even pick the game up. I knew the hype was over the top and I excepted it would be a good game, but not one I'm willing to pay $60 for. I got Mad Max for $36 via GMG instead and am having a blast with it. I'll pick up MGS V once it's heavily discounted and after Konami has fixed all the bugs, as I'm sure there are probably more.
MGS is just like Final Fantasy now. Its hype and legacy far outweigh the actual quality of the most recent games. MGS IV was a interactive movie and MGS V just added a pseudo open world design. Unless you are just obsessed with the stories and the characters, there's really no reason to waste money on it at full price.
I'm an avid MGS fan since MGS 1 and was looking forward to Phantom Pain filling in the gaps. I decided to pick it up cheap for PS3 which ended up being a smart move. Good gameplay with a killer intro, though the repetitiveness starts to wear in after 10 or so missions in. A big misconception about MGS V is it's not even an open world game.
More like a sandbox with a massive playground and automatic mission failure if you wander out of bounds. Mountains literally block and kind of exploration for shortcuts or detours. So even though you can approach missions from different angles, it still has an 'on rails' feel with the illusion of being an open world. Still, for many MGS fans, the story, or lack of a story, is the biggest disappointment.
From my experience it feels like something I'll only ever play once, for the story, and then that's it. The prologue is painfully long and unless it's skippable, I see it as a huge discouragement to future playthroughs.
The sandbox stealth is great and it's something I wished for in the Splinter Cell series, but it's getting extremely repetitive. I don't really feel like there's any challenge in the stealth with the fulton system. It's a get out of jail free card and let's you dispose of bodies with no issue. I'm pretty much just running around with a tranq gun and effortlessly clearing camps out. I feel like running and gunning would be more challenging but I was always under the impression that MGS was known for its challenging stealth gameplay.
Metal Gear Solid V had the potential to be a near ubiquitous success, and among critics it is so.I suppose one could say that MGS V is a good game just not a good Metal Gear Solid game...
Visit the Metal Gear Solid forums it's the land of contempt and vitriol, with many fans excoriating him for being a 'hack writer'.
I still think MGS V will win a considerable amount of goty awards, and possibly the consensus goty.Critics love TPP, to the extent that it's the highest rated game this generation (bar remakes).
I'd say fallout 4 defiantly has a chance of winning game of the year. Most the other games are getting bad reviews.
It's not beyond me. Even good quality-assurance testing could have missed that bug.
The problem is TPP is "perfection" to the gaming media because it's the final Kojima game, not necessarily because the game is so great. The new sandbox game play is nice, but gets repetitive and tedious very quickly. The franchise has departed so far from its roots that it may as well be a spinoff like Revengeance rather than a true MGS game. I've heard the story is very disappointing, so I'm not really surprised about that. Although, I would never say Kojima was a great writer to start.
If MGS V wins a lot of awards I think it will be purely because of the franchise's legacy and hype around the game (similar to how GTA generates hype regardless if the game is good or not). I still think MGS, which has primarily been a Sony exclusive for a long part of its legacy, won't appeal as much to X1 owners or gamers on PC that never played MGS. The game isn't built to accommodate newcomers and it may as well be the final MGS title as Konami will likely tank the franchise after this.
We'll see what happens, but I think E3 was an indication of who will likely win GotY. TPP did not win one award at E3. Fallout 4 took Best of Show, Best PC game, and Best RPG. I also think The Witcher 3 is going to be a smashing success and take home quite a bit of GotY awards itself. If I had to guess, I'd rank their success accordingly:
Fallout 4 > The Witcher 3 > Metal Gear Solid 5
Batman Arkham Knight might get a few awards, but its showing on PC really killed that game's momentum.
How do you miss a bug when there are only a few buddies you can choose (Quiet was already a fan favorite) and it has a very high chance of corrupting your save file and forcing you to start all over? Sorry, that's not an excuse. This is a bad job on Konami's part and on Kojima Productions. Harmless bugs are one thing and are expected. Game breaking? Not acceptable under any situation. Had this issue been on a much earlier mission, I guarantee you there would be a bigger outcry against the game.
This year will be a very close fight between Witcher 3 and Fallout 4.
I'm very sure BOTH will win many GOTYs, but i'm leaning towards Fallout 4 to win more.
I expect nothing lesser then GOTY for a Todd Howard directed title.
His absolute and complete insane obsession to details is what will win GOTY.
You know, I never really put much thought to Todd "The Godd" Howard being such a massive driving force behind the games. I mean he's the head of Fallout, TES, and Bethesda in general. I suppose there's no reason to say that this isn't "A Todd Howard Game" but I always thought of it as "A game made by the vast developing armies of Bethesda driven by the Great General Todd"
I wonder how much influence Todd has on his games. I'm pretty sure its immense, but knowing which things were his directive and which things came from the other talented people would be interesting.
ermahgawd your font is huge lol. I never played a mgs game, never had a playstation. I didn't realize that the games were as popular as they are.
According to Kirkbride, Todd basically approves everything of significance in the game.
And he is always REALLY invovled with the lore aspects of TES and Fallout.
That makes sense. It must be really nice to have such creative control over something as big as this. Ever since I saw that Concept Art of Skyrim video and saw Adam's work with drawing everything and then having it comes to life ingame after years of work I just...Damn. it must be the most satisfying thing in the world.
If you're asking that question, then you don't know software development and testing well enough to understand the answer. Well, not quite that. I believe you're smart enough to understand the answer. I'm just not smart enough to explain it in a brief post.
Perhaps, but the main 'competition' The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid V have had great reviews,
e.g. 10/10 for both from Gamespot.
I hope that Fallout 4 gets Game of the year but so late in the year i think it will be a tall order to attain that title.
Never played a MGS game before. Got TPP because of all the damn hype and reviews. Played it for two days before I just got bored. I really don't see how it got so many "perfect reviews"(10/10 is a joke for any game), and it is a game that I really could only play through once.
Fallout should really appeal to the masses a lot more than TPP did, as it has so many different ways you can play it with hardly any restrictions. unless you want to be a tumblr gender identiy crisis human who thinks they are a radiated dophin or something. but im sure a mod could fix that
Of the 400 media outlets that announce 2015 GOTY between October and March 2016,
only 2 or 3 announce GOTY before Fallout 4's release.
The launch timing is probably perfect.