It will certainly be my personal game of the year (or decade), and I'm sure a fair number of GOTY-awarding organizations will probably feel the same way.
It will certainly be my personal game of the year (or decade), and I'm sure a fair number of GOTY-awarding organizations will probably feel the same way.
Great story, complex characters and politics, interesting lore, choice and consequence, a lot of attention to detail, decent combat, treats the player as an advlt for the most part. It's actually quite good.
Yeah, I'm not even sure how it matters. At least to me. "Oh, GOTY award? Eh, whatever."
And still not interesting because I just don't like Geralt.
(and I thought some of the "choice/consequence" in TW1 was kind of contrived. But that's just the first game. Haven't played 2 or 3.)
Hmmm...yeah, I guess I'm just not into fantasy as much as I used to be.
...Now that I'm thinking about it, TES is the only fantasy game I can play anymore. *Edit: besides PoEternity
That may not be the entirety of it. I enjoy fantasy RPGs, and I didn't like what I played of The Witcher series at all. I thought The Witcher 1 and 2 felt very juvenile in their attempts at being dark and edgy, the writing and quest design was poor, and the combat was extremely clunky. Maybe the Witcher 3 is a huge improvement... I wouldn't know since I haven't touched it.
Regardless I'll be surprised if both The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 don't walk away with a lot of Game of the Year awards. The Witcher 3 was well received, and I imagine that the same will be true of Fallout 4.
Unless Bethesda knocks writing in F4 outta the ballpark, I agree with this.
@the Op, I'll tell you Dec 1st after I get a few hundred hours into the game and I see if this site explodes with excitement or dispointment.
Guessing a game will win an award based on past games is wishful thinking. IMO
Of course, the "true fans" liking or disliking a game has little to do with general industry-wide opinions/etc. So the forum could be full of dismay & the critical reception could be wonderful.
In the end, it doesn't really matter. Games will sell as much as they do; the people who enjoy them will enjoy them; the people who don't, won't; and there will eventually be a "game + all DLC" edition whether it's called "GotY" or "Legendary" or "Ultimate"....
the witcher 3 didnt get many 10s looking how it have some problems.
I cant say anything bad about MG5, it got alot of good stuff and plus and i dont wanna been mean or anything is the last game from it creator. soo yeah it got ALOT of boom emotion attach to it.
i think most of the Goty will be split bettewn the 3 games The Witcher 3, MG5 and Fallout 4
There are passionate enthusiasts for all of:
Those media sites that I think will settle the matter will be the more general news sites.
Consensus GOTY is a curious combination, it rests on game quality - the winner must be a good game,
but beyond that it becomes a popularity contest among good games.
First of course, Fallout 4 must prove itself to be an outstanding game, The Witcher 3 has already done so, MSGV-PP is doing so.
Falloiut games normaly have gearstory, great hummor (FNV more that F3 but still have hummor), great lore, choice and consequence, alot of attention to detail, decent combat (it can be a little bugy at first but come on who didnt love watching a mammoth fly trow the sky on Skyrim).
Is hard to compare both game bc they are alot diferents, yeah they can be both RPG or Action RPG, but they are to diferents to compare.
(in a personal note and what i get from forums too; Wticher 3 combat was good but it wasnt the OP as ppl tent to say, it was easy to get over power using Sing or the correct combo armor and sometimes the care just do whatever it want. Still a great game =) )
Yea this forum will be going crazy posting videos of what people found, and haven't understood, i don't want to see anything else until it comes out on the 10th of November. I already seen enough through E3 this game im buying 6 different copies and giving a few of them away i already pre-ordered 5 fallout 4. That right there cost about 316 bucks. I also hope this game does win GOTY, The witcher 3 great i have it and Phantom Pain already bought two copies of it.
MGS5 set a very high bar as far as critical acclaim goes. Fallout 4 is at a disadvantage because they have to bug test for a much larger and more open game than the other candidates. So if there are any bugs at launch that will bring it down a little and out of the 10/10 score on many review sites.
I agree. I have seen enough and want the rest of the game to be a discovery. I have not preordered yet. Still hoping for a DRM feel copy but will have a copy from someplace on day one.
Good or bad there is no way I will not be playing from day one.
I think it's only real competitor will be Metal Gear Solid 5, based on all the reviews.
Fallout 4 won't win my personal game of the year, that appellation will go to possibly Life is Strange or MGS: V.
I don't think Life is Strange has the ubiquity that its competitors have to garner anything more than a paucity of awards, though it may offer a surprise (considering the resonance it has with its ardent fans).
Fallout 4 will struggle to match the critical acclaim that MGS: V has, which is currently resting on a 95 metacritic. For Fallout 4 to supersede this score it'll need to be the best thing BGS has ever developed, and be the most influential as well.This is before we consider many of the potentially divisive features such as; a voiced protagonist, the "holophrase" dialogue options, the expungement of skills etc, that I expect to cause strife between fans and possibly critics.
I'm most likely in the minority on this notion, but Fallout 4 is possibly the least ambitious of the three open world games concerning the fundamental aspects and interactions with the world itself.
Fallout 4 seems ambitious because of its feature creep (crafting, building, pipboy games etc), but the way one traverses the world seems redolent of the experiences many had in Fallout 3. In essence the dependable exploration of Fallout 3 with some specious new inclusions superimposed on it, which may become dull for some.
While MGS: V is being extolled for a cerebral open world that many other games can't boast(if any), and the witcher 3 offers a conflation between what one may conventionally call side quests and mainquests, creating a game where everything is of significance to the narrative.
I expect to Fallout 4 to win the preponderance of GOTY awards largely due to hype, but it probably won't have the highest critical acclaim (like Fallout 3 in 2008).
It's too early to tell, with games like the witcher 3, MGS: Phantom Pain and several other blockbuster or solid allround games still in the works. Most likely they get a couple of nominations, maybe a few GOTY awards from a few places, but just how many is dependened on how well the game is received in november. Competition is high though.
One posible help in this could be catastrophic launch issues on major competitors, say if MGS is plagued with a buged start or such it might bump it down on the potential list of GOTY awards, but i honestly dont think F4 is going to win from those games like MGS, despite myself being more hyped and interested for F4 myself.
Yeah, the reality is that goty has always been a popularity contest.
Yea i see halo 5 being a big thing up along with call of duty black ops 3, those games will win something because its repetitive and basically implies just new guns and point and aim, but i think fallout 4 already did go crazy with sales with the higher editions.