Do you believe fallout 4 will will win game of the year? I also had thought batman might be on that way to. Or is it less unlikely to happen because its being released close to the end of the year.
Do you believe fallout 4 will will win game of the year? I also had thought batman might be on that way to. Or is it less unlikely to happen because its being released close to the end of the year.
Barring it's not utterly broken upon release and for a long spell after, it's pretty much a shoe in. I mean some of the leading candidates so far were fairly close to broken upon release so Fallout 4 would need to be in a truly awful state.
Good question? I really hope so though not sure what will be the main competition... Batman kinda stumbled a bit.... was witcher this year I guess people really dug that... That Until dawn game sure looks slick to me (but what do I know hehe and its sorta niche).
Was kinda thinking (but I have no idea not being in the Biz) to myself, how much do awards actually play on a games release date and such. I know there is bonuses paid out but would it actually make em think twice say had Arkham knight been 100 percent loved to hold a game a few month's and hope for next years trophy's.
(what I am saying in my round about way is there were a few upper level games this year and that makes me think the beth crew thinks theirs is as good or better.... least thats what I am hoping. I suppose someone thought Name your worst game ever was when they were releasing it)
Unless it does like Batman and be broken on PC(or one of the consoles) it pretty much a lock it will win a few GOTY awards if not most. Depends on if people will still be talking about The Witcher 3, MGS and BloodBorne as well.
With the response at E3, the sales of the pipboy edition, and just the general anxiousness for MOAR FALLOUT.... yea, it's gonna win a buttload of GOTY awards..
Metal Gear Solid 5, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3 will win the most awards this year.
The marketing for the game is massive, so yeah
I would have to say i see this game being the biggest game, even bigger then the witcher. (not by size by sale's)
True, but every game has a few bugs and bethesda always releasing patches and bugfixes, etc.
I will save my opinion on this untiI I have my hands on it, I have concerns about the gameplay demo's and hands on's I have seen, it looks a little too FPS orientated for my tastes, the beauty of the previous installments is the ability to approach any given situation in different ways. However, if this is all pew pew pew (TIME STILL PASSES IN V.A.T.S FFS) then I won't enjoy nearly as much as the earlier ones.
Game of the year? Gah! Game of this console generation or bust!
Good question OP.
There's winning a Game Of The Year (GOTY), which will be easy for Fallout 4, I suspect,
and there is becoming the consensus GOTY winner of 2015 - i.e. the game with the most GOTY awards.
The place to track it all is the:
Around 400 media outlets each year announce a GOTY, around 75% are critics choices, 25% are readers' polls.
Each year more new media outlets are added, so you need more picks to get the consensus GOTY.
These are the last few years winners and how many GOTY's they were awarded to be declared the 'Big GOTY':
99% of GOTY decisions will drop between December 2015 and March 2016.
Some years, the winner is pretty obvious (The Last of Us, Skyrim),
other years there is a tussle between a few great games (the Walking Dead, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3, had stronger competition)
For 2015 I'm expecting a fight.
Some media outlets have already awarded:
10/10 'masterpiece' scores, so for Fallout 4 to stand a chance it needs to be considered in that 'masterpiece' category.
This could be a year similar to 2008 when Fallout 3, won consensus GOTY,
but GTA IV and Metal Gear Solid IV were snapping at its heels.
There are advantages to releasing the game in November, as you do get a little bit of a honeymoon glow,
and folk have had longer to put the hype train into context.
Short answer, I think it will be a tough fight - Fallout 4 could prevail, but we'll know more in 2 months when the reviews start dropping.
TES 6 is most likely to come in this generation too, so yeah
the problem with GOTY titles is that there are so many websites and magazines that offer them out that really any game can find a magazine or what ever to call their game, game of the year, and they can then slap it on their games. The only GOTY that I pay attention is the developers choice awards thingie.
FO:NV was worth GOTY if were not the game bugs crippling it initially. I do think this is potentially GOTY, but depend on the bugs themselves.
Serious challenger might be TW3, which I haven't played yet, but looks very good as well.
I don't even think there's a criteria for GOTY awards.
Selling well, that's probably what cinches it.
It's like taking a stroll around a book store and taking tally of how many new releases were #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list.
I'd be quite surprised if it didn't win the majority of GOTY awards... not that said awards mean anything. Is it the one that deserves it the most? Hard to say without having played it but right now TW3 is the best game released this year for me.
To me GOTY awards lean too much on popularity and huge names rather than actual quality and innovation.
Hideo claims every MG game is his last MG game, but he probably means it this time.
TW3, I couldn't care less about. Never understood the love this series gets