0400:AM, Kealthis Skystriker, ID #6258, DC
The taste hit my mouth, I couldn't belive it, a taste of actual barbeque. I hadn't smelled it since... I can't remeber... it wasn't scortched flesh. It had the odd flavor, Seasoning, then, it hit me.A wastelander standing in the road with a grill. It wasn't uncommon to see wastelanders still trying to make the most of life, live like they said it was. They still had barbeques, but usally not Brahmin steak, usally dog.But this time it was Brahmin steak. I don't know how someone could get one, they are about a 1,00 caps each... unless you kill the brahmin yourself. The steak wasn't really the point, it was that someone acctually had a life. He sat there, gorging himself and all the other wasteland neighbors went over. How can anyone live in a Hell hole like this? I can't belive anyone acctually had a life anymore. The only time we saw wastelanders together was if they were dead, gathered for something, or freed by us. Or, of course the occasional "hero" runs in trying to kill some mutants. My patroll was smooth. I just walked around.And watched they're inviting hands wave to me while the rubble-road was piling with mutants. Just before I went back for punch- ins I saw it. A behemoth came in and destroyed the whole barbeque, throwing them around, I didn't have my Fat Man with me, it was a regular patrol, what was I supposed to do? I decided to use my mini-gun, I just sprayed, and prayed.I finall shot at his legs, his knees were my targets. The bullets, each of them like a speeding hornet, ramming into the flesh, rending it to the bone. Finally he fell, he had a hard Thud sound. I just walked away and punched-out. My most uneventful day yet.