And the same can be said for whites. Some very good ones (Dad) and some very bad ones (Mr. Burke).
Your father's race is the same as whatever you choose during character creation, so he can be White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian.
However there are other people that can be considered:
Reilly of Reilly's Rangers, who is a very straight forward and positive person (and one who cares considerably for the other people in her squad)
Dr. Preston of Rivet City, who one of the most compassionate doctors you can find in the game (hardly lovey dovey but he's not going to complain about you)
Uncle Roe of Canterbury Commons (who is again a very straight up guy, and someone with political power and responsibility, and on top of that he adopted Derek when his parents were killed)
The four wandering merchants all give Agatha, and elderly woman, the supplies she needs to live in return for her playing music. That seems pretty charitable to me, and in terms of race three are White and one is Black.
There are no actual Indians or Arabs or Jews in the game either. I think the devs just went for the 4 races that Americans woul recognise. Although I'm still trying to work out exactly what a "Hispanic" is.
Or indeed a "Caucasian" and "Asian". Perhaps the only positive discrimination is that African Americans are the only ones in the game with a recognised ethnicity.
This is probably the point where we're reading to much into design choices. And if the developers are anything like me, they assign character race mostly at random. Hmm, need a few more elves here...
It would be best to stay away from the real world topic of how race is defined, both culturally and 'officially.' That's a can of worms in and of itself, and apt to drag this off topic.
And on that note:
It does seem that in the wrold of Fallout, bigoted racism has been replaced by entirely logical and reasonable racism.
"Your skin is falling off, you're all rude, you carry disease with you, you stink, you hate non-mutants and at any given moment there's a possibility that you'll turn feral and kill us all. No, you ain't getting in".
This thread is volatile enough without suggesting that racism can be reasonable. It's bad enough haven't to demonstrate good and bad characters by race, do we really need to start bringing up the nice ghouls as well?