I am going to touch here on a VERY sensitive subject here and I will try to be as clear as possible.
At the moment I only know what I feel and see and it is VERY difficult to articulate properly. You will see why.
A few weeks ago I watched 2012. Very cliched and with spectacular FX... a real no-brainer. No problem. What did particularly hit me throughout the movie is the message of the whole racial propaganda if you will. It was the stand-off between the humanitarian scientific minded black man against the white and self centered white [censored] (not the loser father figure). Also, the new birthplace for humanity is in South Africa!!! It was almost sickening how blatantly obvious they tried to show the audience the irony of humanity standing together on the back of the old Dragon - Apartheid. I actually got red faced it was so cheesy!
Now I just recently I started playing Fallout 3. Great game, LOVE IT. Except. Well, it all started with my visit to the lantern and speaking to the [censored]. I've had my suspicions about some parts of the game but she kind of really blew the whistle. People are a bit strange to the ghoul because he is different. What?! WTF - you are not serious. There is no race conflict in the game but they still freaking have to deal with it in some $#&@ way. Why?
A few other spots that I noted:
The white kids at the party seem to be a bunch of bullying [censored]s - except for the one black recruit later as part of a gang. The black kid at the party has a sensitive and reserved personality. The white Overseer is a power mad idiot who needs to be straightend out. Getting to the first town the Mayor is black and the doctor is black. The white guy running the Lantern seem to be (so far) a self-centred [censored].
But now, what about he other NPC's? What about the women at the store? What about the guy working at the water purifier plant? But to me they are neutral characters. Like the black guy with the Snakes gang earlier - it made no difference (I did not pay much attention to him).
The message is there, but it's not... so you can't really justify it. That is just the problem. You can't prove that they are sending out a message. With Novas comment on the ghoul I really flipped. That was the only evidence I needed that the game is trying to say something. And now I am really looking close at this game. Actually I'm enjoying it a lot more because I need to see where this is going.
I have no problem with message, it's just that being reminded of this problem every day (through hints, clues and pure blatant in-your-face propaganda) in every possible way is feels like brain washing. I mean, haven't we all heard enough about how bad the Nazi's were, how many diseases Hitler had, how dysfunctional he was and how ridiculous the Germans are? How many games can you mention where you can play the Germans? Anyway, sorry... off subject.
I don't think anyone else has seen it this way, or have even noticed anything resembling anti-racial/ism propaganda in Fallout 3. So I might be really WAY out of line.
I really apologize for any inconclusive hyper sensitivity from my part...
Has anyone else noted this? Maybe something else? And if so, why?
Thanks for your time!