Falmer confirmed

Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:56 am

Thanks for the info. That settles my mind much.

I'm actually assuming that there'll be quests where different people will pay you to prove one hypothesis or the other. Like an Altmer will try to prove that Falmer are still proud high-elven types that simply lost their culture after a cruel human barbarian culture brought them low and Nords will pay you to try and show them to be wrong (and probably to sock someone over that "cruel barbarian" remark).
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:05 am

i gotta ask. were falmer in daggerfall or something? there is quite a vocal bunch that really wanted falmer in the game. werent they just dike elves like the ayleids but looked like snowcones?

They were in one of the hand-held games for telephones, I think.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:40 am

Lore's Falmer were never blue. That's fan speculation based on Rieklings from Bloodmoon.

It makes sense for modern Falmer to be degenerate and weird looking - they've been hiding under ground for the past 4,000 years. That ain't good for your complexion.

P.S. :celebration:

I just hope they're a rare occurence. :confused:
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:18 am

I thought the Falmer were intelligent, civil, nomadic Elves defeated by the Nords as they came from Atmora.

it seems my theory was pretty much correct :D

"i'd say the creature is a falmer, pale from having its race living underground for hundreds of years (my theory anyway) since the nords almost exterminated them.
and using a chitin armor helmet made from bits of a giant cave spider.

according to my theory the falmer were forced to flee underground and i believe they've been there for hundreds of years, not enough to change their genotype but more than enough to change their appearance like pale skin due to absence from natural light.
the armor in this pic http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8613775/Skyrim/Secret%20Thumbs/thumb1_720p.jpg is what i find to be chitin armor as it seems too organic to be actual metal in my opinion."
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:56 am

Lore's Falmer were never blue. That's fan speculation based on Rieklings from Bloodmoon.

It makes sense for modern Falmer to be degenerate and weird looking - they've been hiding under ground for the past 4,000 years. That ain't good for your complexion.

P.S. :celebration:

That's not exactly what 4000 years of simply being in a different environment would do to a species. If, by some twisted and convoluted form of Tamrielic evolution, they did in fact change so much as to be basically like hostile little goblins rather than Mer, they should no longer be called Mer and just considered a separate species from the Falmer they evolved from... much like the speculated Reikling origins. Apparently, simply leaving Summerset Isle is enough for Ayleids and Chimer to be considered Separate from the Altmer and Aldmer and apparently, simply turning blue with red eyes turns Chimer into Dunmer, so how does the transformation from proud, civilized Elves to dungeon-dwelling goblins not constitute a name change?
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:09 am

If you were forced to hide all these years, you'd start looking like a goblin too.

This x100. Like I said before, survival situations have been known to make people more barbaric. I'd like someone to find a person whose lived in a cave for two years, they are definitely less elegant then they were before. And that's only a couple years, not hundreds like the Falmer have.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:22 am

What you guys think of falmers?That as soon as they see you they would give you a hug and welcome you in their icy dark underground home and have a cup of tea with them?No!Nords killed them a lot!I think you would be pissed off too to hide all these years from the dikes who invaded land that used to be yours!
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:49 pm


Stop whining you lore freaks. This doesn't break lore. It's been, what, four THOUSAND years since anyone saw a Falmer? Things change, creatures evolve, after hiding in ice caves for 4000 years, their bodies would change and deform, just like Gollum.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:06 pm

That's not exactly what 4000 years of simply being in a different environment would do to a species. If, by some twisted and convoluted form of Tamrielic evolution, they did in fact change so much as to be basically like hostile little goblins rather than Mer, they should no longer be called Mer and just considered a separate species from the Falmer they evolved from... much like the speculated Reikling origins. Apparently, simply leaving Summerset Isle is enough for Ayleids and Chimer to be considered Separate from the Altmer and Aldmer and apparently, simply turning blue with red eyes turns Chimer into Dunmer, so how does the transformation from proud, civilized Elves to dungeon-dwelling goblins not constitute a name change?

It certainly could constitute a name change. It doesn't mean their name has to change.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:18 am

Well, that is disappointing.
Actual Necromancer spells this time though. :D
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:32 am

Yes! Falmer are confirmed!

No! They are just generic goblin replacements!

I'm torn about this info. If I'd have wanted to kill goblins I'd go cave diving in Oblivion. If I wanted to kill little blue goblins which may or may not be related to Falmer I'd play Bloodmoon or Shadowkey.

I really hope that there's far, far more to them then just always-hostile enemies. The mystery of the Falmer and the debate around them will evaporate. They're mer! Kin to Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Dwemer, Chimer, Maormer! They should not be reduced to near-mindless animals.

if you want an open world, go play arena. Your argument is invalid.
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:59 pm

It certainly could constitute a name change. It doesn't mean their name has to change.

If they're no longer the Falmer we've heard about, I'd much rather prefer to have their name changed. These are not the Falmer we've heard of... so why continue to call them Falmer instead of Reiklings? If the Falmer degenerated in Reiklings, so be it. That's not the problem. The problem is that they're still being called Falmer... insinuating they are, well, Falmer.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:11 am

Falmers were once a race, dissapointing to see them turned into dungeon spawn.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:40 am

They can't add a race now, plus, it'd be more exciting wandering around a frozen peak, then coming across a cave FILLED with Falmer.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:15 am

Lore's Falmer were never blue. That's fan speculation based on Rieklings from Bloodmoon.

It makes sense for modern Falmer to be degenerate and weird looking - they've been hiding under ground for the past 4,000 years. That ain't good for your complexion.

P.S. :celebration:

I beg to differ. There are pictures of Falmer "Snow Warriors" from the older TES games. Info on them also states that their skin is constantly coated in a thin layer of blue ice.
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:10 pm

If they're no longer the Falmer we've heard about, I'd much rather prefer to have their name changed. These are not the Falmer we've heard of... so why continue to call them Falmer instead of Reiklings? If the Falmer degenerated in Reiklings, so be it. That's not the problem. The problem is that they're still being called Falmer... insinuating they are, well, Falmer.

I'm inclined to agree. If they are no longer what they used to be visually and culturally, I would imagine a name change should be in order. Reikling's, Ice Goblin's, etc, but certainly NOT Falmer.
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:41 pm

i was right from the start, gotta love that warm feeling of being right about something XD
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:32 am


Stop whining you lore freaks. This doesn't break lore. It's been, what, four THOUSAND years since anyone saw a Falmer? Things change, creatures evolve, after hiding in ice caves for 4000 years, their bodies would change and deform, just like Gollum.

The point of a story isn't to 'change and evolve'. The point of a story is to describe a sequence of events. The point of lore is to create a body of established knowledge... this knowledge, for TES, is used as a setting and to base in-game events. A story does not need to have twists, change, be dynamic and adaptive. Nobody said it broke lore. And don't call us freaks.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:37 am

The point of a story isn't to 'change and evolve'. The point of a story is to describe a sequence of events. The point of lore is to create a body of established knowledge... this knowledge, for TES, is used as a setting and to base in-game events. A story does not need to have twists, change, be dynamic and adaptive. Nobody said it broke lore. And don't call us freaks.

Well said.
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:40 am

if you want an open world, go play arena. Your argument is invalid.

No it isn't. You can have many types of open world. Goblins are goblins are goblins. Hostile humanoids. Skyrim gains nothing new by calling its goblins Falmer and actually loses something.

Dwemer lived secluded, underground lives and were pretty much constantly at war with Chimer and Nords - but they weren't goblins-like fools. If the Falmer have been reduced to this it is an insult to all merfolk.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:25 am

If they're no longer the Falmer we've heard about, I'd much rather prefer to have their name changed. These are not the Falmer we've heard of... so why continue to call them Falmer instead of Reiklings? If the Falmer degenerated in Reiklings, so be it. That's not the problem. The problem is that they're still being called Falmer... insinuating they are, well, Falmer.

Yeah I understand what you mean. Perhaps it's Falmer because the Nords want to show people how they defeated the Falmer and it turned them into barbaric creatures. They keep the name to show that the Nords forced this once elegant race into a barbaric species. That could be a lore-driven explanation.
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:17 am

if you want an open world, go play arena. Your argument is invalid.

The person never asked for an open world. Your argument is invalid.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:38 am

It makes sense for modern Falmer to be degenerate and weird looking - they've been hiding under ground for the past 4,000 years. That ain't good for your complexion.

Or possibly, along the way, they've been corrupted in much the same way as the Orsimer were (or may have been). Is there any lore regarding which of the old Aldmeri god/s they followed?
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:41 pm

Yeah I understand what you mean. Perhaps it's Falmer because the Nords want to show people how they defeated the Falmer and it turned them into barbaric creatures. They keep the name to show that the Nords forced this once elegant race into a barbaric species. That could be a lore-driven explanation.

or because the falmer kept the name as a memento of their grudge towards the nords, a "We shall never forget" kind of thing.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:57 am

Yeah I understand what you mean. Perhaps it's Falmer because the Nords want to show people how they defeated the Falmer and it turned them into barbaric creatures. They keep the name to show that the Nords forced this once elegant race into a barbaric species. That could be a lore-driven explanation.

I'd imagine there wouldn't be much rush to rename a people thought to be long gone? Besides, Nords don't seem to like elves much anyways :P I doubt they'd rename a race of their province for the sake of the elven ego.
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