Hey everyone,
I'm working on a system to balance out the payment of bounties in Falskaar, and I was hoping to get some input on what you guys and gals thought.
As you all know, in vanilla Skyrim you get 100 gold for turning in a bounty. It doesn't matter what you did, kill a bandit, kill a giant, or battle a mighty dragon. You get 100 gold. It also doesn't matter what level you are. Be you level 1, or level 80, you get 100 gold. My solution is simple, use some maths to do some calculating based on two factors: Type of bounty, and player level. Falskaar has 4 types of bounties: Bandit, Spriggan, Falmer, and Giant. The harder the 'type' of bounty, the more you get. I should also note that the bounties are unlocked by levels. (Giant level 20+, Spriggan 10+, and Falmer 18+ and a quest completed)
I wanted some input on a few things:
1. How much should level affect how much you get? Should a level 80 get 10,000 gold? Or should a level 80 only get like 500 gold?
2. How much should the type of bounty affect how much you get? Fighting bandits is rather basic, so you get 100 base gold (+ level bonus), but fighting a giant is much harder. Should fighting a giant get you a HUGE bonus (like 1000 gold?) or a far more minor bonus like 200-250 gold?
3. Should bounty amounts be rounded? Are you okay with getting random amounts of gold like '741' '357' '152', or would you rather always get a clean amount? I.e. '740' '350' '150' If clean, how much should I round by? 10 gold, 25 gold? 50 gold?
I'm hoping that I can get some great input to balance this out! Note, things in Falskaar are a bit more expensive than vanilla Skyrim, but people always say they have too much money so that may not excuse higher bounty rewards.
So, let me know what you guys think by voting, or better yet, posting!